Agreed Richard, but the scenarios in which governments should be reacting have been with us for many years. Our law enforcement system fails miserably each and every day. It is not law enforcement at fault.Their hands are tied by government and a justice system that fails to enact punishment to the criminal element. There is no incentive for discontinuing criminal activities when a hand slap and release back on to the streets has become the norm.
Case in point (and I will try to make this as brief as possible)
Last year a truckload of garbage was dumped in my grain field access. Included was a letter from an individual jailed in the edmonton remand center to his gf. Another letter verifying his gf had been incarcerated for a period of time. A receipt from a pawn shop where she had pawned gold jewelry (including her phone number and address).Upon calling our RCMP detachment and giving them both persons names, explaining the letters, etc. I was told that they weren't interested and to call my local county bylaw dept. Nothing was done which didn't surprise me but then I heard on the news that the fellow who had been in remand (I remembered his name) was arrested a few weeks later for robbing a local corner store and he was known to the RCMP and had 7 outstanding warrants for his arrest. I thought... woohoo... what goes around comes around.... Now for the Whaaaaaa???? part..... Two months after that, there was a car jacking at one of or shopping malls where the perpetrator dragged the woman out of her car and took off... they caught him in a town a few miles away and lo and behold.... It was the same guy.... errrr.... Now run the clock ahead five more months... An assault and theft at a liquor store in Red Deer and after a chase, they arrested the culprit... Yup.... you guessed it... Same guy.... Suffice to say, that totally dissolved any faith I may have had in our justice system whatsoever. Someday, this repeat offender will rob someones house and find a gun. Then he will use it and possibly kill an innocent person and being the ever forgiving and polite Canadians we are, people will say "how did this happen"... I for one know now exactly how this happened.... There are many countries in the world that do not tolerate crime against people and their penalties are severe enough to adequately deter the criminal element. Perhaps we should consider revamping our thoughts on this as well... but then again... that's not the Canadian way...

There. My rant is over as well and I must apologize... Day 4 seems to be taking it's Where's my bourbon....:rofl:

I feel your pain.... welcome to liberal Canada, where individual rights superseed collective rights. Oh ! Hey ! Covid-19 incoming. Let's release the already confined prisoners so they don't get the virus because of government. (Yeah, because if they're in jail it's on the government, not on them, obviously! Don't forget about Liberalism.)
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Well here I am at day 14 with all roads leading to our having avoided Covid contamination during our travels. Now if we can avoid it after the fact until this nasty virus is eradicated, we will be good to go. After tomorrow, we will be free to roam, to shop, to leave the property legally, and do what?.... Expose ourselves to a world of idiots out there...yes. They are still there... Spreading virus like a wildfire on the prairies.... So that being said, I do have a long list of things I want to do tomorrow once my freedom to explore is legal.
Tomorrow morning I will jump out of bed, make coffee and breakfast, relax in my easy chair, log in to CCF, and do exactly the same thing for the rest of the day that I've been doing for the previous 14 days.... Going nowhere.... Seeing nobody.... Life is good.I want to keep it for a while longer.... :Cheers2:

They have a similar problem here with people not respecting the stay in order. The news channel here in Pattaya is calling them "COVIDIOTS". There are lots of non-Thais wandering around like there is nothing going on. It is pissing off everyone else big time. I've been in my house 17 days or so now as it is the right thing to do, no matter where you are in the world. (ok Antarctica might get a pass on this one)
I have been stressing about going down to immigration to extend my visa so I do not overstay due to my flights back to work being canceled. The government here recently offered these extensions for us basically stranded here. Yesterday the government further announced they are waving this requirement to keep people from flooding into the immigration offices as they have been in the last week or so. They have provided a special amnesty for those arriving after March 01. So now I do not have to go out at all which is a relief.
My work has me sending them a daily health update with body temp and a few other things as it will be a real ballache to get not only back into Indonesia, but back onto the island where the ship is located near. (The connecting bridge and entry port have both been closed) The FPSO I manage has been declared an essential service for the country as we are supplying processed natural gas for power generation on the island. So a whole bunch of hoops have to be jumped through just to get back to relieve the guy onboard doing my job now.

Crazy times now and there are so many governments doing everything they can to help us stay alive and bending rules to keep us safe from exposure regardless of what difficult situation we may find ourselves in. It is extremely frustrating to see COVIDIOTS ignoring the reality risking us all and thoughtlessly adding to the overall problem. The reactions to this are not going to be pretty in the near future as people fuses run shorter and shorter.

Here are a couple of links in case you are interested in seeing another part of the world and what is going from a local perspective.

So today at my house more canned hockey and yet another BBQ.
Derek to you feel any anxiety at being away from Canada? You live in a pretty cool spot but just the same it is not home, well maybe it is.

Hope this all works out for you and somehow you can safely get back aboard the ship.

Wonder how 12cents is making out in the Southern Hemisphere.
Derek to you feel any anxiety at being away from Canada? You live in a pretty cool spot but just the same it is not home, well maybe it is.

Hope this all works out for you and somehow you can safely get back aboard the ship.

Wonder how 12cents is making out in the Southern Hemisphere.

Eric, 10 years ago I would have been far more anxious than I am now. And frankly, if I stayed in Indonesia getting back to work would have been comparably easier. Some reasons I came back to Thailand and not rushed home to Canada are:
  • My family is safe, although I do worry some.
  • It's closer to my work.
  • Communication out of here is excellent. I have upgraded my network to full fibre optic and have speeds in the 300MBS range.
  • I am super comfortable and not financially stressed.
  • Very stable government here.
  • I'm used to being away for months at a time.
  • Health care here is excellent. My insurance covers COVID 100% including medical evacuation to Canada if needed.
  • The people here. Excellent
  • I can watch Hockey or Netflix from my pool. Meaning I am comfortable in a house I have already paid for and not paying for a hotel in Edmonton to be held prisoner in.
I do feel some anxiety but nothing jack daniels can't handle.

I Think Fred is on his way home now. Hopefully, he has a safe journey and makes it to his home quarantine with no hassle.
Hey Guys, Still here. Beginning to think we should just head a bit further South and visit the penguins in Antarctica but I think the office might notice that extra long turn around. Crew changes for non-Argentines are all cancelled until at least the end of April now. And I am like Derek, been doing this for so long now that long trips don't bother me. Family is home and still safe and we are safe here.

My oldest has two jobs, one of which is at Costco. Yesterday she was handing out disinfecting wipes to people for cleaning cart handles. She was standing in front of a large sign reminding customers to maintain a 2m distance. Most customers she would have to almost yell at to back away, they continued to ignore the sign and the majority didn't bother wiping the cart handles. Looks like this COVID-19 is going to be here a while.
For all the closet slot car boys & girls there is a blog for slot cars that was started some time ago.
Lets all go there to enjoy our hobby..
I wanna see what others have..

thanx to MOD @Rruuff Day for revising the title to make it easier to find.

@rockitman. @Jeffer2013 @Black 03 Z06 Show us what ya got.
@rockitman maybe you can repost your pictures on the old thread.
i wanna see what else you have with your CARRERA set.

Old Thread: Hello . There have been no replies in this thread for at least 100 days.
Content in this thread may no longer be relevant.
Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.

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