First Coat:
Second Coat:
Good enough for a Saturday. Gave Riley some lunch and called it a day.
Takes 24hrs to cure for topcoat so closed up shop and waited....
On Sunday I started with a light 320 grit sand down. Then I started priming the parts I wanted to be a contrast color (probably red). Used the primer made for POR15. I was not happy with how the primer covered the POR15. I was actually a little worried after this first coat. But the second coat filled everything in and it looks pretty good. just gonna have to sand out a few runs.
Than after the Rider Game I top coated the rest of the parts with the POR Black Cote. Went on nice. Hard to tell where I had been though. Should have POR'd a contrasting color. Oh well looked pretty good anyway.
Don't have a nice clear pic of the chassis. Will take some more when I get home and take a look at the finished product.
All in all a good process. Not a fan of the primer so if I ever did this again I wouldn't bother with another color. I painted a few random things around the shop with the little bit of left over POR15 as a test. Painted a hammer, trailer tire rim, Riley used a bit on his truck, and a little bit on the chop saw stand. I am curious to see what happens when I use the hammer.
Oh ya and this stuff won't come off your skin easily. I don't think anyone warned me of this.....ha... everyone I talked to who had used it did warn me!
On to the next step. Spending money on parts. Oh and deciding what color to paint the control arms.