Well spent some time on the car. Partly to clear up some space in the shop for another project. Placed the body on the frame. Partially visual to look like I accomplished something! what do you know it looks like a car again...sort of. I decided to shift some effort to the front end, although i did get the steering colum half assed bolted in the car. Started to bolt parts on the front of the frame. Realized how bent up the vacuum tank/nose support was. Went to the spare car parts bin and found some goodies. The one from there is in great shape, just some rust. Also dug out the spare radiator support while I was there. Clearly some of the parts will still need a paint job but here is what that looked like:
As for the nose bar.....I didn't even take on off my car that I can remember. There are 2 bent one from the parts car bin that I am going to try to piece together into a good one.
Next I decided to tackle the fitting a different cars radiator/condenser/fans into this car. I was hoping it would just fall into place with zero work. Hoping, but no luck as expected. I removed the lower "holder" from the 98 Camaro to use as a start point. Plus it already supports the radiator as intended. Since the donor radiator frame is pretty rusted I decided to use it as my start for the mods. Seems kinda backwards but I knew I would be cutting away a lot of it anyway so I decided it was better to leave the non rusty one intact as a backup (when this mod doesn't work) plan. Here is the spare parts car rad frame:
Quick check for what all will need to be modified:
It took some works but here is the picture evidence:
So with no modification to the frame and fitting into the stock mount holes there is how it looks. Fans fit in and clear upper A arms (barely). Top of the rad frame is still stock shape so I don't foresee any fit issues there. The radiator/condenser can be removed out the engine side. The Coolant hoses may be tricky but I think this radiator will work. Just need to weld it up a bit better (only tacked together right now) and get some paint on these parts!
Things are sllllooowwwwlllyyy moving again.