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Vette Fest - July 07-08 (Bayfield ON)

Funny I have always found that the participants are the better part of the show. When Zeeman28A used to organize the Niagara Cruises he recognized that some drove a long way to join up with the group with a bit later starting times. Muskoka, Haliburton and Kawartha Lakes were other destinations but I guess they are just straight line crappy roads.
driving in a straight line for 3hrs just to park on the grass is not what the C8 is built for and not my idea of fun.

Niagara Escarpment has the best roads in the country this side of the Rockies
doing exactly that (driving 3 hours) in August but replace the green grass with 150,000 sq ft of indoor space (EY Center Ottawa DRIVEN), to join 300 pre-selected cars to display to the paying public (15k+) to enjoy some cool cars.

All depends what you want to get out of your car, sometimes it’s nice to just park the car for others to see. Besides if I make the drive up there it’s to also chat with some of you guys and check out your rides too.
I look forward to your and Zeeman28A’s next cruise through Muskoka, Haliburton and Kawarthas
I will not be attending, as I will be leading a cruise that day with a group of 25 C8s in Niagara.

Out of 300 Corvettes in attendance at Bayfield, you might get max 25-30 C8s.
Staring at the ass end of another car for 2 hours is not my idea of fun!
Not to mention the accordion effect.
If that's what you like to do, good. LOL
I look forward to your and Zeeman28A’s next cruise through Muskoka, Haliburton and Kawarthas
Sadly Zeeman28A, Stan, is no longer with us. Stan was famous for his downtown Toronto HDR's "Hot Dog Runs" which were indeed about the folks involved not so much the cars. There are plaques to his memory at various spots in the Toronto area. He is missed.
This is sounding like a discussion of something more commonly associated with the S&M underworld, with a touch of bondage thrown in, and possibly even a veiled reference to something known in some circles as a "train pull", although I'm not intimately familiar with the particulars of same.
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Corvette Club of Windsor, we caravan up Friday afternoon to participate in the road cruise at 7:00 pm but I think I am the only CCF member 1 BAD 9T9. See y'all there on both Friday and Saturday just as we have done in the past. Great show but get there early on Saturday if you want to be inside Clan Gregor Square. Last year many late arrivals had to park outside on the roadside.
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Oh I heard about Stan’s cruises. I am part of the HDR FB group, it’s one of the 3 groups where I “organize” my cruises.

so how about you organize a cruise through Muskoka, Haliburton and Kawarthas? Might be fun.

HDR and another Toronto Corvette FB group used to do a yearly Niagara Cruises but they stopped 2 years ago due to trouble with the law and participant’s behaviour from what I hear.
What's CWO doing this year? Are you driving up as a group Saturday morning?
Estimated 330 to 350 Corvettes in the park in this quaint little town of Bayfield in 2022. Check it out on Facebook
I have attended the Bayfield Show several times and always enjoyed it.
Last year after driving 3 hours to get there I found there was only one public bathroom available for 700 people. I found that unacceptable and unnecessary in this day and age.
I don’t plan to attend again.
Reactions: 1 BAD 9T9
I'd be looking for the closest tree, but my Wife would certainly be upset about it.
If they charged each participant a mere $10.00/car 'services' fee, they could have lots of portable washrooms lined up.
Were this a construction site, the Ministry of Labour would simply shut us down.
Reactions: Mr.Corvette
driving in a straight line for 3hrs just to park on the grass is not what the C8 is built for and not my idea of fun.

Niagara Escarpment has the best roads in the country this side of the Rockies
No, driving in a straight line to get to a track where the real curves are is where the real fun is. Most fun you can have with your clothes on! That's really what these cars are made for.
Nothing wrong with chatting cars with car guys at a show and shine either.
Man let me tell you, tough crowd in ON. Here in QC if there would be a dozen shows people would pick a couple and show up to them irrelevant of location, height of the grass, location of the sun, reputation of the town, types of cars present etc. It’s all about hanging out with like minded people and letting the public have something cool to check out.

I see this event is quite divided, some like it some don’t (jury still out on which gathering tops it) and some are more into cruising/driving than car shows.

For those into “cruising” you would have lost your minds last week (I loved it) being completely jammed up in downtown Grand Prix traffic, moving 1” per 5 min in the main area, while crowds of people piled the sidewalks snapping pics of all the cool rides on the street.

Either way, I created this thread to get a feel for what this gathering is like and if it is one of the biggest and it sounds like it is (300-350 vettes). My objective was to come down to ON at least once for one of the bigger events and this one seems to be the grand daddy of them all (minus the Kingston one which is now no more).

Still tracking those in attendance, will PM a couple people here who have not answered to see if more are going.

Thanks !!!
I have nothing against this show, or other shows nor do I discourage anyone from attending. It’s just not my scene.

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