First of all I have to tell you that I've been really moved by those that have PM'ed me about my situation. A finer group of people I can't say I've encountered especially as most of you I've never met )yet I hope).
I don't really have a much of an update to share. I had the 4th treatment on Tuesday. Turns out that the treatment has sort of messed up my thyroid so I have take something for that. It explains why I was feeling so tired. I had just been blaming it on my age and that I have been ramping up the distance I walk into the 13-15 km range daily as the end of the year approaches to get as high as possible and average for the year (12.15 km so far!). Minor though and it will go back to normal once treatment stops.
This will be the last treatment too unless they recommend continuing with it in the New Year, that is up in the air right now. The plus is that while this is a fairly new treatment, its earlier form, almost a sister chemistry, is known for being slow acting. They had people who were getting it and after 3 months they stopped as it was not appearing to do anything. Then at the six month mark the tumors started to shrink. So never say never is the message I'm taking from this.
Anyway, they seem to be in agreement that currently there appears to be no sign of action on the three tumors we knew about getting smaller. To add to that they agree that there are at least four new ones.
Now thankfully they are on the area between my elbow and wrist. If they have to appear on my arm I'd rather have them moving away from my shoulder than closer to it!! The fear always being that I only hit serious problems if the tumors move into my torso. Thus the reason for the upcoming PET/CT scan on the 20th. To try to see the extend the tumors have populated my left arm and if they are anywhere else.
The reality of the situation hits home when they don't necessarily discuss mortality but the word amputation comes up inpolite conversation. And ya, I know that being armless is probably marginally preferable to being lifeless, don't me wrong.
I find myself thinking a lot about this recently, probably not when I should be, about trying to put my wrist watch on or tying my shoelaces one handed. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, this decision could be a long way off yet if at all.
And to be honest if I had to choose I think I'd rather lose an arm than a leg. But I'd sort of bummed that I may have to give up my model building hobby that I have loved my entire life. I mean I'm a poor enough model builder with two hands as it is!!
But, a plus, maybe I can justify transitioning to a A8 car................!! A Zora...............? I wonder, as I expect the paddles are right and left sided, if I can get one one on the right side to go up and down through the gears............something to console myself with.
Anyway, sorry I don't have any better or more concrete news to share. I'll have news on the 21st though. The test is at 8am and then I see the team two hours later for the results.