My neighbour just soiled the street..............

I do try to think about things like that. Making sure that I learn at least one new thing a day, try to do my best for myself and for others. I have had, overall, such good fortune in my life, family, financially my career. Most people sadly I don't think have had the opportunities that I have in my life. Not that I haven't worked hard and sacrificed for what I have etc. but I can't help but think of the situational luck of my life, born in Canada, chance to go to school, chance to farm chance to own a Corvette. I look at so many who struggle from day to day, people who are homeless or have addiction issues and am reminded that "but for the grace of God, there go I".

Thinking on your statement Riley, I knew even a stock Z06 was not going to encounter many cars that were going to outperform it especially in Northern Alberta. After the car was modified it was unlikely. I still get a kick out of people who want to race me though but with two exceptions I never have done so. The young kids with the imports need to just cool their jets and the two Mustangs, well, I just couldn't help myself. Oddly I met one of them two years later and he recognized the car and came to talk to me about it. We just did some side by side pulls but I mean there was no need to even shift into 4th as I was so far ahead..............

I remember once while cruising in Peace River at a stop light and this young guy sitting on a bench on the street yelled to me "hey why don't you drive that car like a man?" and I yelled back that I was. A man has control over things, while he has a lot of hp he is comfortable with that knowledge and he is confident enough that he doesn't need to be using it every second or to show it off to everyone............


HAHAHA. Why don't you drive the car like a man? HAHAHA.
When cruising on 8th street, I only go 40 km/hr where it seems that kids these days try to go as fast as they can. A couple girls pulled up beside me and asked why I drive so slow. I didn't have time to explain that if you're out cruising and doing some laps, what the hell is the rush? You're not going anywhere. When you drive slower, it gives you a chance to look around, see who's parked and see who's coming the other way. All I could muster was, the faster the car, the slower I drive (basically to say that just because you have a fast car, it doesn't mean you have to drive it fast). They just looked confused and drove off. :D
Great story Riley!

Kids just don't seem to get it. Who wants an accident or to spend $ paying tickets fooling around in town?? Out in the countryside you can take a few more liberties but the police are generally in my experience more active in town. Pick your time and place for the fun.

I agree totally, the point of a cruise is to enjoy the drive, look at everything around you and see what is going on. Ripping around you'll end up missing so much.

Besides which we'd be negligent with our responsibility to make sure that those without get a good chance to observe the fine automobiles we're lucky enough to drive! Maybe that is why some of these kids drive so fast. Some of the vehicles they're in I'd want to be driving fast to lessen the chances of someone recognizing me.

The girls looked confused eh? Odd in that I find girls a whole lot more interested, that if they're in a nice car, to be driving slow so that they can be seen by all their friends and made jealous. You go flying by them and they may see the car but end up with no idea of who was in it. They need to track down American Graffitti to see how it is meant to be done. Cruising is done to let you be seen.
May have found a 3rd tumor last night, just above my wrist watch strap. 6 days to go to find out and hopefully get some if not all of them removed so I can scratch that area!! It is the most self control I've ever had to display but I don't want to annoy those areas. Not sure why it is a symptom either but it is almost overpowering.....................
Some kids do get it actually, well I guess I should stop calling my 25 year old son a kid, but to me he is still is. Anyhow, he gets a lot of people giving him strange looks when he drives his Ford Lightning at a crawl most of the time. They are even more surprised when they find out it has a few things done to it, and puts close to 500hp to the rear wheels. I think the reason he drives it so easy is 50% to preserve the truck and the other 50% is because he's too cheap to waste the gas, Lol. He has taken it to SIR, the closest 1/4 mile track to us, and let er rip there, but when he's on the public roads, he drives pretty level headed.
Some kids do get it actually, well I guess I should stop calling my 25 year old son a kid, but to me he is still is. Anyhow, he gets a lot of people giving him strange looks when he drives his Ford Lightning at a crawl most of the time. They are even more surprised when they find out it has a few things done to it, and puts close to 500hp to the rear wheels. I think the reason he drives it so easy is 50% to preserve the truck and the other 50% is because he's too cheap to waste the gas, Lol. He has taken it to SIR, the closest 1/4 mile track to us, and let er rip there, but when he's on the public roads, he drives pretty level headed.
... is there a photo of this machine ? ... for this thread, off topic or otherwise section ??? (no fair if we don't get to see it)
Here ya go. This pic is a few years old, and he's done a few things to it, like an aftermarket Boss front bumper, dual cowl functioning hood and a few other little things. I owned this truck for about 2 months, and he talked me into selling it to him, which was about 10 years ago, and I'm glad I did, because by now I would have sold it or traded it for something, and he still has it and won't even sell it back to me.


  • Ty's Lightning.jpg
    Ty's Lightning.jpg
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And so it begins. In the Dr.'s office in 30 hours,lets hope I don't have to give up my license plate as a result!
Good morning to you all,

I was very touched to see all your messages this morning and want to thank you all for your kind words, prayers and support.

I have to think about some things before deciding what to do.

No surgery at the moment so I still have all the tumors that I left with. I was crushed. Nothing harder I'm finding than waking up in the morning and wondering how much larger the tumors have grown. I can tell you that I did get a conformation that the 3rd lump they feel is a tumor again as well. But on the good news, if I can call it that, the two tumors in the two previous sports are old tumors that they did not successfully remove so they just regrew - not that new tumors decided to settle there once again after the previous ones had been cut out. That actually qualifies as good news if you can imagine that!

Options but I'm not sure which to take yet. I need to talk to the people at the clinic again this morning before I can decide.

The drive down was tough, about 50 km of whiteout blizzard conditions through Whitecourt, vehicles in ditches etc. With summer tires on (not all season either) it was stressful. The trip back was ditto, 4 of 6 hours in pouring rain, hydroplaning I don't know how many times. You'd think the 3 hours spent with the doctors would have been tough enough!

But home safe and sound and now I just need to process a bunch of information.

I'd tell you what I think I know but that could change so I want to wait a few hours to see if I have a grasp of my options and tell I can fill you all in.

Again, thanks for helping to carry me through this moment in my life!


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Garry, it must have been a tough day, the weather would significantly add to the stress.

Some tough decisions for you to deal with. We will continue to get you better with positive thoughts as you head down this road.

Best of luck Garry. It will all work out.
Garry this is a personal challenge that I can only imagine. While I cannot offer any solution other than focusing on the other side of all this yet again. As Murray said positive thoughts and stubborn determination to win.
You are correct about the positive perspective of a regrowth in the same places rather than spread.
Kind of tough to express this on a public forum but myself and many many others are cheering for you here Garry.

Stay strong Amigo.

Hi Garry. We're still thinking and praying good words and thoughts your way. We've had you in our thoughts all week and J has faith. Let's talk again soon,like real soon. Ill be around tonight.

I'm reminded of a line in Bruce Cockburn's hit song,Lovers in a dangerous time......

"Gotta kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight".
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