You will be fine and end up wishing you had it done sooner. A guy was here a week or so ago and he had both knees replaced and never looked back. A friend had hers done. Within two weeks of having the first one done, she was out raking leaves. The second one took quite a while longer but it too came around and she is doing fine. The doctors do so many of these that it has become a relatively routine operation.
you are lucky !!! i have been waiting and waiting, will probably need hips and god knows what else by the time they get around to it !!! i fought with my doctor for 5 years and finally he referred me to a surgeon. now have to wait until this guy pulls his finger out and gets on with it. i envy you :D
Best of luck on Friday SB -- LOL, not sure what pull I have but I'll put it what I can........

You'll be good as new by spring.
Keep us in the loop with progress please.

Colin MUST do the rehab.

Its sometimes painful, but if you want to be able to do most activities, follow
the advice of the physio folks. They try to get you back to at least 90% of
max flexibility.
If you don't, then you will find yourself hobbling around. And your flexability
will only be around 50%

All the best,
Tony, who has a metal hip,
Good morning Somebuddy,

What a 12 months for you! Hot new car, hot new knee soon to follow! You'll be well placed for 2013, you can kick ass with the new car and literally kick ass with the new knee!

Take the advice given, mobility is key, one 1/4 mile pass with the car, one 1/4 mile pass with the knee. Work your way up to 2 mile top speed shoot out with the car, likewise 2 miles with the knee and you'll be set!


..........and what A-hole donated?

Sorry Elf. You left yourself open for that one.:rofl:

I know ,I shouldn't say things like that .:rofl:

I've never had knees or hips done but I have been told by friends that have ya really need to get into rehab mentally and physically like other have posted .As Dad use to say use 'em or loose 'em (and he was Canadian)
I know ,I shouldn't say things like that .:rofl:

I've never had knees or hips done but I have been told by friends that have ya really need to get into rehab mentally and physically like other have posted .As Dad use to say use 'em or loose 'em (and he was Canadian)

No worries. A little levity is fine I'm sure.

I've not had any 'spares', yet.....tho I can see a knee or 2 in the future and maybe a hip too.

A very common procedure these days tho it does seem drastic to us. I'm sure SB will do just fine and feel that much better afterwards.

G/L SB --

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