Hi everyone. Saw a hot nurse today chased after her but think I need Manny to boost up the hp in my walker!! Lots of pain and stiffness I guess normal they had some trouble getting my pain meds sorted out getting sick ect. Now if I can take a dump they may let me out of here tomorrow. I'll do a better update when I get home. Thanks guys.
alright, you're on the mend !!! good to hear. just a little too much info though :rofl: :rofl: nice thing about having the surgery this time of year is come car season - you're good to go. if the nurse wouldn't let you catch her maybe you need a better health plan !!! :D doug.
Glad to hear you're on the mend. Those pain meds can be awful if they don't agree with you. :)
Isn't it a great cycle? Meds for pain, meds for the meds for pain.........

Still this will all come to pass and you'll look back on it and try to remember what all the fuss was about.

I experienced the worst constapation of my life about three weeks ago I think it was, bad enough that from all the straining I couldn't do anything the whole day. Altered my diet with the All Bran and while it took 6 days I think all got back to normal and now it is just a part of my diet. I sure don't want to experience that again.

I've had some friends with recent knee and hip surgery and it was always a case of them now saying that they should not have put it off for as long as they did and queing up for it a decade ago would have been much smarter.

Get some new shoes lined up, you're going to be ripping up the ground in no time!


i've been sanding and filling the drywall joints on the ceiling or our garage today. About half an hour and my old arms are shaking like a leaf. Take a break and back at it again for another half hour. Actually the finishing is coming along quicker than expected. By spring, the old arms should be in good shape for pounding gears. Give Somebody a month and he will be leaving me in his dust. :D
Well back home guys with some awesome pills to take care of the pain. I guess everyone recovers at a different rate. I plan on being faithful with my exercises ect so I'm hopeful I will recover well however doing the exercises doesn't guarantee a speedy recovery so I'm told. My mom had this done a couple years back was completely faithful with exercise paid for her own physio ect and it still took over a year for her to recover. I'm hopeful I'll heal much quicker. What I do know is I don't plan on this little set back interfering with my spring driving.
I am having both of my knees replaced on Feb. 25. Sure hope everything goes well as it will be difficult to shift without them working properly.
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