Where are all the C7's hiding?

Mine doesn't go out in the rain either. I have a farm and live on 2 km of gravel which is part of the reason .... The other is the Michelin PSS tires aren't exactly the nicest things to drive in the rain. They tend to hydroplane very easily, especially on roads that are grooved out badly from heavy traffic. I have been caught in the rain. Unavoidable as I do at least one 7 or 8 day cruise per year. I just drive a hell of a lot slower. But if it's raining before I go anywhere from home, the Vette stays in the mancave. You will find thats a pretty common habit among Vette owners.... Then of course there are the guys like @EJChevy and @Vanguard2001 that have snow tires and chains on their Vettes and drive them year round.... ok... the chains may have been exaggeration...
I have some apprehension when I hear people say those tires aren't great on wet pavement, I've heard the car kicks out. Isn't the traction setting "wet" make it a safe way to drive? How about driving on wet pavement on city streets in 50km/hr, 70km/hr zones? What about the highway at 90 or 100km/hr? Do you leave a lot of distance between the car in front of you?

Other than that my car is going to be in the driveway all summer long, rain or shine. I wonder if I should get a cover to prevent dust because a black car shows dirt like crazy, I won't clean the car every week end by hand, no freaking way. Also a cover might attract less attention from thieves?
When you store a car outside with a cover, make sure you take the cover on and off properly if you are going to do it regularly. Make sure you only put the cover on when the car is CLEAN. Putting it on a dusty car will result in lots of scratches, so if you use a cover you have to clean your car every time you put the cover on. Just my two cents.........
Mine is in the garage and the next few months can't pass fast enough so I can take it out!!!!!

I think I have it just as bad as you I never driven it yet and only saw it for a couple of minutes. The only car I drove in the past 20 something years is my GF's 130hp honda fit. So to remedy my need for a tangible C7 I just ordered 2 days ago 2 die cast models, one of them from Italy I have to assemble. For fun I'll paint the interior in red like mine.

I have some apprehension when I hear people say those tires aren't great on wet pavement, I've heard the car kicks out. Isn't the traction setting "wet" make it a safe way to drive? How about driving on wet pavement on city streets in 50km/hr, 70km/hr zones? What about the highway at 90 or 100km/hr? Do you leave a lot of distance between the car in front of you?

Other than that my car is going to be in the driveway all summer long, rain or shine. I wonder if I should get a cover to prevent dust because a black car shows dirt like crazy, I won't clean the car every week end by hand, no freaking way. Also a cover might attract less attention from thieves?

Just what I said... They tend to hydroplane in standing water or heavy rainfall. Just like any other vehicle only more so because the tires are wider and have no tread to speak of. No. At 50 or 70 kph you aren't going to kick out unless you're driving like an idiot. If there is a layer of water laying on the asphalt, I tend to slow down and pay attention when I drive through it... Unless it's a freakin big lake, 80kph should do it... Weather mode helps your car to not drive like an idiot but doesn't slow your speed down when driving through lakes... Nothing we can tell you will actually prepare you for your Vette... If you've owned performance cars you will be fine, if not, don't freak out over what you read. Just take your time and learn what your car will and won't do... It won't take long.
What's the reason why it doesn't go in the rain? The previous owner of the one I just bought said the same thing. I can understand the snow/slush and salt deterioration but summer rain?
It has sport cup 2 tires on it and the rears are 335s not really condusive to wet weather use. It's more of a sunny day car I have other vehicles I drive in the rain much more suited to the task
I picked up my Brand New Ray in 2016 and drove it 300km on the highway toward home in the rain. My first Corvette and I really had more anxiety than driving trouble ... if only I could just relax.
Once Spring Mountain COS was behind me, I am absolutely good to drive in the rain now. Those who have also gone know about the standing water figure eights lesson along with the ABS lesson. When it comes to the Corvette, I am not intending to keep it pristine for the second owner (condition will match depreciated price)

I tested a vinyl Western Canada Caravan Windshield Banner in 2018 all Summer to Winnipeg (MITM) and back ... then to the Cold Lake Air Show and back - all sorts of weather (including hail).
I finally hit a wild storm on the highway by Ponoka near the end of Summer that was hard enough to take letters off the banner (the banner finally failing - job complete).
Oh yes, the Stingray handled very well. Again much to the blessing of experiencing the Corvette Owners School and the ability to just relax with an understanding that it takes either
a lot of bad conditions to loose control or just the smallest bit of driver stupidity.

It's very hard waiting for my first set of tires to wear and then replace with all-season tires to extend my driving season ... but I am ...
If there’s a choice ... sure I’m not driving the car in a downpour, even though I know that I can.
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i definitely like many do not take the Vette out if it is raining or poor weather. I never had a drop of rain on my car till 11000km. Coming back from a Westfest cruise in BC, I hit the Alberta border and it poured solid rain for 4 hours. That was the highest anxiety I have ever experienced in that car. Came home safely and spent a couple of days under it doing a full undercarriage cleaning and detail. Going to the Bowling Green Corvette Caravan last year we also got stuck in a torrential downpour for several hours on a couple of interstates. The car's handle decently but need to be speed mindful to avoid hydroplaning. During that drive in the thick rain, the water pressure hitting my rear ACS side skirts cracked both back outside corners slightly. That was a 2 day complete clean and detail after the 13500km trip to bring it clean enough for my liking. Rain and weather happens but I don't panic when it does, just would rather not drive in it with the Vette if I have a choice.
My car stays in the garage on rainy days as well but I got caught by rain a few times... I have 335s at the back and they are CUP2s. It does way better than what I imagined in rain. Pay a little attention to standing water and follow the speed limit you'll be fine. Some people make it sound it's like piloting a 737MAX manually... it's not. Just a car in the rain, don't worry.
Spence and I got caught in the rain last summer on our way to Graham's Corvette festival in Langley. We were in heavy rain pretty much non stop from Edmonton to Jasper. Not the most pleasant experience but absolutely no problem with handling the car. I forgot to use weather mode and left it in "tour".
Clearly this car needs a bit more attention driving in rain with the 335s and instant big power available but a bit of common sense is the only special thing required to do it safely. So ya the tires, power, and overall small mass of the car definitely need to be considered, but there is a ton of hype out there scaring people needlessly. The reality is most of us just prefer to not drive our Corvettes in the rain. But if you have no choice it's not a big deal.

@turbozig Undercarriage detail!? Wow, Ziggy. Knowing you I'm not at all surprised as your cars are so well cared for. There will be a line up if you ever announce you're selling that sexy blue 15 Vert. :Biggrin:
Undercarriage detail!? Wow, Ziggy. Knowing you I'm not at all surprised as your cars are so well cared for. There will be a line up if you ever announce you're selling that sexy blue 15 Vert. :Biggrin:

Hey... For me, I'm gonna be in the line up next time he's doing an undercarriage detailing.... :rofl:
Hey... For me, I'm gonna be in the line up next time he's doing an undercarriage detailing.... :rofl:
Spence and I got caught in the rain last summer on our way to Graham's Corvette festival in Langley. We were in heavy rain pretty much non stop from Edmonton to Jasper. Not the most pleasant experience but absolutely no problem with handling the car. I forgot to use weather mode and left it in "tour".
Clearly this car needs a bit more attention driving in rain with the 335s and instant big power available but a bit of common sense is the only special thing required to do it safely. So ya the tires, power, and overall small mass of the car definitely need to be considered, but there is a ton of hype out there scaring people needlessly. The reality is most of us just prefer to not drive our Corvettes in the rain. But if you have no choice it's not a big deal.

@turbozig Undercarriage detail!? Wow, Ziggy. Knowing you I'm not at all surprised as your cars are so well cared for. There will be a line up if you ever announce you're selling that sexy blue 15 Vert. :Biggrin:
Yes there are many different levels of corvettes if you are on the top side of those ie z06 z07 zr1 ztk your car is a little different than say a stingray or a grand sport a little stiffer suspension wider tires more motor basically a street/track car and you pay a premium for that so most of the guys that have gone that route have so because that is not there daily driver that's there toy cheers
"Undercarriage detail" He just trolling you guys! Or is he??

You don't know Zig. He is a meticulous detailer and takes care of his Vettes like no one I have ever met. At a show and shine a couple years ago, him and I stayed up half the night detailing our cars in the hotel lot while others were partying...lol.... My score sheet had a note from the judge scribbled on it. It said "Showroom".... Zig walked away with the trophy... hands down and deserved it. No question...
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