Don't forget licking stuff.
Ya a duplicate post of mine and fitting… 🤣

Got my second shot of Pfizer, sore arm lasted a little longer than the first one, maybe hurt a bit more as well. Next day just felt "off" but it is done. Suspect this will be a yearly thing now.

Think it is total BS that some one like Springsteen has a concert and won't let in people who got AZ. Not one for government involvement but this just might be one of those instances. They tell you to get vaccinated and now we have two different social groups of recipients. What a load of crap.
Got my second shot of Pfizer, sore arm lasted a little longer than the first one, maybe hurt a bit more as well. Next day just felt "off" but it is done. Suspect this will be a yearly thing now.

Think it is total BS that some one like Springsteen has a concert and won't let in people who got AZ. Not one for government involvement but this just might be one of those instances. They tell you to get vaccinated and now we have two different social groups of recipients. What a load of crap.
I am not impressed with this new way of descriminatiin of sort. It is apparent that continuing Canada’s border closure until July 21 does not sit well south of the 49th …. However Canada’s reasoning is due to the low USA “vaccinated percentage” and not what they are vaccinated with.
it’s like BC telling AB not to enter … i know there will be a day when they advocate for our liesure time dollars agsin. It will be very hard for some to forget these “gestures” of the covid-era.
Got my second shot of Pfizer, sore arm lasted a little longer than the first one, maybe hurt a bit more as well. Next day just felt "off" but it is done. Suspect this will be a yearly thing now.

Think it is total BS that some one like Springsteen has a concert and won't let in people who got AZ. Not one for government involvement but this just might be one of those instances. They tell you to get vaccinated and now we have two different social groups of recipients. What a load of crap.

Reading about this. It appears that it's a state of NY rule not necessarily Bruce sticking it to AZ recipients. At least I would hope that's the case.

AZ is not FDA approved and was never introduced in the US. The vaccine passport debates are about to generate many layers of bureaucracy.
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TBH, I don't know what this debate about vaccine passports is all about. It is not something new. I have had to have a vaccine booklet detailing my vaccines for international work these last 30+ years. There is a specific one for yellow fever that I have to carry and present upon entering a lot of countries. Both of these are internationally recognized. Another example of media and government alarming everyone and making an excuse to increase the &$#&*#! bureaucracy in this country. All we have to do is use what we already have to document the COVID-19 vaccines we receive.
I am not impressed with this new way of descriminatiin of sort. It is apparent that continuing Canada’s border closure until July 21 does not sit well south of the 49th …. However Canada’s reasoning is due to the low USA “vaccinated percentage” and not what they are vaccinated with.
it’s like BC telling AB not to enter … i know there will be a day when they advocate for our liesure time dollars agsin. It will be very hard for some to forget these “gestures” of the covid-era.

Had this conversation a few times over the last year and it's apparent many people don't understand the reasoning for the REQUEST that visitors stay away (it was NEVER specifically Alberta). In our little town we have very limited medical facilities. On any given summer evening in the emergency room prior to the covid circus half or more of the people there were from out of town. In the last year the medical services have been stressed, over worked and often overcapacity. When you visit here there is always the possibility you will need medical help (cut your foot, sprain an ankle, get sick, or even like my seasonal neighbour get multiple bee stings and need an ambulance). We just don't have the capacity to deal with any of this and if your case is serious enough you're taking up space and resources that might cost someone who lives here their life. So we asked you to stay away to help us out.
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Had this conversation a few times over the last year and it's apparent many people don't understand the reasoning for the REQUEST that visitors stay away (it was NEVER specifically Alberta). In our little town we have very limited medical facilities. On any given summer evening in the emergency room prior to the covid circus half or more of the people there were from out of town. In the last year the medical services have been stressed, over worked and often overcapacity. When you visit here there is always the possibility you will need medical help (cut your foot, sprain an ankle, get sick, or even like my seasonal neighbour get multiple bee stings and need an ambulance). We just don't have the capacity to deal with any of this and if your case is serious enough you're taking up space and resources that might cost someone who lives here their life. So we asked you to stay away to help us out.

This +1, and dependent on where you live the ICU trends are what are dictating the lockdowns within Canada. Here in MB our ICU #s were the cause of concern and why we went into full lockdown mode compared to the rest of Canada (well besides ONT) and I find that most people just genuinely do not understand this who do not work in medical field and they are the ones up in arms as to why it is happening. It is very irritating to me to have to hear and listen to all the whining about control, cannot go out, etc. when Covid #'s are down.. that has nothing to do with it, it is ensuring our healthcare system does not get overrun, which ours did here for a brief time and why we sent patients out of province. Nothing like shipping someones mom/dad off to another province to basically die, away from their family while old "John" gets all upset he can't go sit in a restaurant to have a pizza and beer. Shake my head.
I got my first shot March 15, second shot on June 2, so I am bulletproof. The first was AZ and the second Phizer. Nothing with the AZ, not even a sore injection site, the Phizer shot I had a sore shoulder for the evening, went to bed and woke up the next day fine. My wife was Phizer on both, the first a sore arm, the second one put her in bed for the next day. She will be bulletproof on July 2. Everyone please get yourself vaccinated x2, stay healthy.
I got a 1st of Pfizer March 29, no adverse reaction whatsoever. 2nd of Moderna on June 21. The next day, injection arm hurt to lift it higher than shoulder. I was tired and lethargic for 2 days, slept 8.5 hours at night, (my usual is 5.5-6 hrs). On the 3rd day, I was 100% again.

BTW, 2 shots do not make you bulletproof. It makes it unlikely that you will experience severe symptoms requiring hospitalization if you are exposed to, and test positive for covid or a variant.
After the 21st I will have my 2 weeks in and be at the magic 95%. Thank goodness. After a year and a half I will finally be able to rub my eyes and pick my nose again...:Biggrin:
I think I must touch my face at least 87,000 times a day......"don't touch your face!" Who are they kidding? :*)
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What needs understanding beyond Mr. Cariboo's reasonable analogy is that the vaccinations do NOT create some magic bubble around you, do NOT prevent you from being infected with the virus. It simply gives you a better chance of dodging death. You may be asymptomatic or mildly ill but you will be infected and you will be a carrier. This should be of special interest to all those that did/do not get vaccinated because, with the lessening of measures to prevent the spread there will be MASSIVE spread. SO they will certainly be infected. And find out if their choice was wise...
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