Got Pfizer a couple of weeks ago, my wife got the Moderna shot while she was in the hospital. We had no reactions but are both immune compromised. Doctors have said we cannot wait the 16 weeks or what ever it is for the second shot but no idea how either one of us can move it up. Strikes me it was a political decision to do the "wait" for the second shot to spread around what they have, not recommended by the manufactures. The Federal Government has totally failed the residents of Canada. It is one thing for them to say we have "ordered" so many shots but like most people in sales know its not the order that counts it is the delivery.

We had no reaction to the shots, maybe the second one but who knows.
Got Pfizer a couple of weeks ago, my wife got the Moderna shot while she was in the hospital. We had no reactions but are both immune compromised. Doctors have said we cannot wait the 16 weeks or what ever it is for the second shot but no idea how either one of us can move it up. Strikes me it was a political decision to do the "wait" for the second shot to spread around what they have, not recommended by the manufactures. The Federal Government has totally failed the residents of Canada. It is one thing for them to say we have "ordered" so many shots but like most people in sales know its not the order that counts it is the delivery.

We had no reaction to the shots, maybe the second one but who knows.

You nailed it, that is exactly what they did, decided against professional and manufacturer suggestions to increase people getting vaccinated to inflate their numbers versus utilizing product correctly and protecting the public. The wait for 2nd shot is not correct, and the governments response has been laughable at best
Got my shot of Pfizer 9 days ago, no sore arm or any other "side effects".... my wife got the AZ shot 3 weeks ago, was a bit chilly the 1st night but has been 100% since then. Glad to see the majority is taking this seriously.
Well at least JT got it right when he said the non-vaxers and civil rights people are just going to keep us locked up longer.
Will be great to not have to mask up one day.
What will we do with our CCF masks?
1st shot of Pfizer was Feb 26th and was scheduled for the 2nd shot on March 31st ......... then came the government's decision to wait for 4 months!
No side effects from the 1st and still waiting for the 2nd.
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Bro in L is flying back to just south of the US border. taxi to the border and then hop in to his car which will be have left for him on the Can side. 14 days quarantine back at his house which is appox 2hrs away. Lot better than the setup the nit wits in gov have thought up.
You ought to see if that is a possibility for you. Better to quarantine at home than in some ineffective hotel setup.
We both had our Moderna covid vaccines in Florida back in March. It was very well organized at local Publix pharmacy. We flew down to our place in Florida but drove home. Wasn’t going to participate in Trudeau’s Covid hotel BS. The CDC (the US version of Health Canada but better) has said that fully vaccinated travellers don’t need to quarantine in the USA. Trudeau and Blair are too focussed on politics and punishing snowbirds to listen to the science and follow the CDC’s lead. We quarantined at home for two weeks after getting “3” negative Covid tests in 2-1/2 weeks. What a waste of government money with our tax dollars. One test should have been sufficient to prove we were negative, especially considering our fully vaccinated status. Canada customs didn’t even ask if we were vaccinated when we arrived at the boarder. I told them we had full Covid vaccinations and they couldn't care less. What a farce! My rant for today 😉
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Someone down there must love them. They're still ahead in the popularity polls.
What’s not to like. They are throwing money around like there is no tomorrow. That’s how the liberals have always got it. They buy your vote with your own money. Oh, and by the way, it helps to have nice hair! Doesn’t matter if there is nothing between the ears!
I haven't got a shot and not scheduled as of yet. If I'm required to get a shot to allow for travel outside Canada, I will get it. Are we lab rats, 100% yes, that's exactly what the FDA's emergency use order allows for, there's no other way to describe it. As smart as the worlds immunologists, virologists, and infectious disease scientists are, it's been decades of trials and tests to develop a coronavirus vaccine, and still today they've never been successful. Vaccines eradicate an illness (mumps, rubella, roseola, polio, diphtheria, etc..).

The good news is there are a few developers working on neutralizing antibody and t-cell testing kits that will confirm whether someone has already had covid-19 and has the natural immunity needed to fight coronavirus' like it. You would think this is good information to know yes? One particular company, Genscript Biotech, has successfully created a product called C-Pass, which confirms (with 100% accuracy in trial} whether your immunity does in fact have the neutrailzing antibodies to fight coronavirus'. While this product and others like it are making their way across the USA, Canada has done nothing with this technology. It appears our country has little interest in knowing how many people have had covid-19 and more importantly how many have natural immunity to it. It would seem to me it makes sense to have this technology readily available, especially when the country happily uses a PCR test to determine whether someone has covid knowing the results are questionable.

Covid-19 and annual influenza both have similar survivability rates of 99.7%, and for those under 25 survivability of 99.97% (CDC stats). At the same time, I do understand the NEED to protect seniors >75, LTC residents, and those with compromised immune systems that represent the vast majority of morbidity. Our country should do everything possible to create an iron curtain to protect these groups, including getting a shot or two, social distancing, masking, hand washing, etc..

If I need a shot for travel, I'll get a shot. My two (or 3) cents ;).....
We had our both our Moderna covid vaccines in Florida back in March. It was very well organized at local Publix pharmacy. We flew down to our place in Florida but drove home. Wasn’t going to participate in Trudeau’s Covid hotel BS. The CDC (the US version of Health Canada but better) has said that fully vaccinated travellers don’t need to quarantine in the USA. Trudeau and Blair are too focussed on politics and punishing snowbirds to listen to the science and follow the CDC’s lead. We quarantined at home for two weeks after getting “3” negative Covid tests in 2-1/2 weeks. What a waste of government money and our tax dollars. One test should have been sufficient to prove we were negative, especially considering our fully vaccinated status. Canada customs didn’t even ask if we were vaccinated when we arrived at the boarder. I told them we had full Covid vaccinations and they couldn't care less. What a farce! My rant for today 😉
Wrong phrasing Steelman.
Unfortunately it is not the governments money. It is our money (taxes) that they are wasting.
Sometimes I think the bureaucrats think that because we have the Bank of Canada who can print money at will that they can just spend it willynilly.
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Wrong phrasing Steelman.
Unfortunately it is not the governments money. It is our money (taxes) that they are wasting.
Sometimes I think the bureaucrats think that because we have the Bank of Canada who can print money at will that they can just spend it willynilly.
That’s what I said, our tax dollars.
Wife and I both have our 1st Pfizer shots. Wife was a bit tired for a couple of days and the sore arm. I has the chills first night and nothing else. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, mmmmm. Get my second shot tomorrow due to health. Yup we are the first testers of the vaccine, just like to first people who took the polio and measles shots as well. It will be adjusted to protect against new strains and I agree probably a yearly thing. Right now anything to get us back to some semblance of normality would be great. I can stop talking to the imaginary people in the garage when I'm working on the car.
Wife and I both have our 1st Pfizer shots. Wife was a bit tired for a couple of days and the sore arm. I has the chills first night and nothing else. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, mmmmm. Get my second shot tomorrow due to health. Yup we are the first testers of the vaccine, just like to first people who took the polio and measles shots as well. It will be adjusted to protect against new strains and I agree probably a yearly thing. Right now anything to get us back to some semblance of normality would be great. I can stop talking to the imaginary people in the garage when I'm working on the car.
Not to scare you Paul but the first people to get the polio vaccine all died. Took another 25 years before they got it right. :Ack2: ..... All's good. I got my first shot little over a week ago.... Other than now in a wheelchair, I feel fine.... lol...ok.... that was a bad joke....
Wife and I both have our 1st Pfizer shots. Wife was a bit tired for a couple of days and the sore arm. I has the chills first night and nothing else. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, mmmmm. Get my second shot tomorrow due to health. Yup we are the first testers of the vaccine, just like to first people who took the polio and measles shots as well. It will be adjusted to protect against new strains and I agree probably a yearly thing. Right now anything to get us back to some semblance of normality would be great. I can stop talking to the imaginary people in the garage when I'm working on the car.
What? Those guys in the garage when I'm working on the car are not really there? I better make an appointment to bring it in to a shop now in that case...I've been doing what they've been telling me for months and months.
What? Those guys in the garage when I'm working on the car are not really there? I better make an appointment to bring it in to a shop now in that case...I've been doing what they've been telling me for months and months.
I use to listen to thoughts the little voices in my head gave me. Since the blood clots though I don't have thoughts anymore... :Ack2:
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