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So, did you get your vaccination yet?

Fred...You know that I already have one of those, just a little boxy with about the half the HP of the Corvette and since they are only offering an engine the size of a scooter in the latest model, there won't be another one in my driveway..
Well..... In a previous post in this thread I mentioned that I had received my 1st shot of Pfizer, and am I glad I did. Even with taking all the precautions I still somehow managed to pick up Covid. I give credit to having had my first shot to not getting the full 'wrath' of Covid. I did get severe muscle pain that required me to be hospitalized and on a morphine drip.... 9 hours later back home with mild aches, a dry cough and a bit of a runny nose, no fever. I feel blessed that neither my son or my wife picked it up from me, albeit they were exposed to me for 3 days before I was notified by Fraser Health (B.C.) of my exposure to Covid. We all individually self isolated in our house and today is the last day!!! I still feel a bit tired but zero symptoms. Hell, doing nothing for 14 days makes me tired..... Hopped in the Vette and went for a 45min drive in nice sunny weather...... Just so that you know, in public spaces I am always masked up and have hand sanitizer on me...... still got it. If anyone is on the fence about getting a shot my advice to you is don't hesitate. The Docs said that those who catch Covid after getting a shot have hardly any complications..... those that don't have a shot generally get the more severe effects of Covid, why chance it, get your shot! Take care and wishing you all a nice summer!
Monday I get shot two. Mixin and matchin. AZ to start with a Phizer chaser.
What a coincidence. I have my Phizer shot booked for this coming Monday after having the AZ mid April. I have heard those that have mixed may get a more unpleasant reaction after the second shot. I guess we shall see.
What a coincidence. I have my Phizer shot booked for this coming Monday after having the AZ mid April. I have heard those that have mixed may get a more unpleasant reaction after the second shot. I guess we shall see.
Wifey had AZ to start and then Pfizer about a week ago. sore arm and a bit fuzzy (which may have only been so I would cook, but other than that, nothing.
Monday I get shot two. Mixin and matchin. AZ to start with a Phizer chaser.
Yeah. They're not giving AZ to anyone anymore unless you're allergic to MRNA injection or immune compromised. Here's the quote from AHS.

Note: First doses of AstraZeneca / Covishield will only be provided to individuals who have an allergy or who have had a reaction to an mRNA vaccine or any of the ingredients in the vaccine and those who decline mRNA vaccines. Second doses will only be provided to profoundly immunocompromised individuals.
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What a coincidence. I have my Phizer shot booked for this coming Monday after having the AZ mid April. I have heard those that have mixed may get a more unpleasant reaction after the second shot. I guess we shall see.
I received my first shot in March, AZ not a problem did not know I was poked. Now two weeks ago I received the Phizer and other than a slight sore shoulder, sort of like bumping into something or a buddy giving you a shot in the shoulder nothing. Makes me wonder, was I in the test group
lol... We are all in a test group.
I am at the 2 week point past being fully vaccinated this Friday.
So with the complete "vaccination circus" finally behind me,
I will be outta YYC Friday Morning and off to the lakeside cabin for at least 10 days and just decided that I will take my Corvette.
I won't even worry about the weather while there and having the Corvette outside. BBQ, Splashing, Beer & Wine time. Oh yes … and work of couse
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I got the Astra Zenica on Apr. 24, I probably would have waited for an RMNA vaccine, but a couple good friends of mine are immune compromised. BC announced last week that the're shortening the timeframe between first and second vaccines, I've now received a message that I will either be given the option to receive the Astra Zenic at the same pharmacy or will receive a notification when I can book an RMNA vaccine.
As of Jun. 16 I'm fully vaccinated.
Same here (June 14). Had a sore arm yesterday, and a bit tired out, but back to normal today.
Those that do not want to get vaccinated can ride on our coat tails as we do what we can to get on the other side of this pandemic. Thank you all for doing your part and trusting SCIENCE, not facebook news.

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