Just wandering about oil changes on my vette. This is the first time i had a car that tells you the life the oil has left. Right now itsay 65%. At what percent do most people change there oil ? Thanks

Paul my man -- Great to hear from ya -- the 'vette is lookin' fine......thanks for the pics.

Terry did his at about 25% and felt that was enough. That usually worked out to 2 changes a year: once in the fall and once in the spring to have fresh oil in for the season.
The spring change was a little excessive but he felt that starting the engine a few times in the winter months might cause moisture accumulation.

Me.....I do the same : once in the fall and once in the spring. Usually works out to 30 to 40% on the DIC.......I don't like going much below that either.

Enjoy the 'vette and stay in touch -- you know we'd love to hear more about your first vette.

In other words when the display says 20 to 30% oil life remaining............not 70 to 80% remaining..............

Right on Garry ----- 70 to 80% used up.

GM says the oil is still good right down to 0% but I have no faith in black dirty oil and would much rather drain it long b4 it gets too dirty...
A lot depends on how you drive the car. Elf (Stephen) did explain that his long runs to Fla. would help keep oil clean, and not allow contaminant buildup as quickly as one driven on shorter, more mixed or worse yet: in town type driving.

No matter what else I do I always try to run the engine long enough to warm it up properly and to run in at least mixed driving for 10 miles or more.

Pardon my going on about this but to me it's an important and often overlooked car usage detail.

80% life left! You are crazy man! No wonder our gas prices are going up....:D

I never seem to hit the zero life left by the end of the summer so mine gets changed once a year. It's quite a debate if it's better to change out the dirty oil before storing the car or moisture filled oil in the Spring. Me, I choose to change it before it sits. I don't start it until the Spring (solely because it's f'ing cold all winter and I don't have easy access to my car) and figure any moisture trapped will evaporate out of the oil the very first time I start it and the engine gets warm. Others change the old oil in the Spring and the crazy thing is, people who change it before winter and people who change it after winter both have engines that last pretty much the same length of time. I think the important thing is just to change it.

Let us review VelocityYellowRules! golden rule then which is:

"Those who criticize have to do better"

How often that has helped me in keeping my mouth shut in life!!!

My brain and fingers often don't do so good a job of communicating with one another. Pity as they used to be such good friends up to about 10 years ago then decided to go their separate ways. They still meet up every once in a while, just not as often as they used to!!


I change my oil in the middle of the summer and last thing in the fall. When I am ready to put the car away in the fall, I change the oil, take it for a long drive, then park it for the winter with no restarts. I did this for years with our Chevelles and never, ever had a problem. I prefer to put the car away with the bearings bathed in fresh oil. Seems to have worked for me.
i kind of do both, i change mine every 5,000k if it gets that far. otherwise i change in the fall.
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