Well, road trip day!
Checked the tire pressure (All low at 23, not 30) but low profile tires seem to be more sensitive to losing pressure I've found. Methanol tank filled (God I hope I can use it a few times on the trip!) and new fuel pump wiring harness on hand.
Mentally I'm in as good a place as I could be.
Having all your support has helped me like you can't believe. PM's, texts, phone calls (especially when I don't reply - SORRY!) have done me so much good. I am often reminded of Matthew 25:40 "'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me". The kindness that you have all extended to a stranger facing a tough moment in life can only bring you great rewards. To have got to know so many great individuals though the shared love of a car proves than in life sometimes we really do get lucky. This group has made me feel part of family, something I am so grateful for.
Today, meeting Jeff and Rob in Tomahawk who will convoy with me to Airdrie, then meeting Spence in Airdrie and on to Davenport, possibly while they are still open. I'd be nice to take a look inside rather than just dropping the car off and not seeing again for a few weeks. Hopefully Spence and Mike on Thursday once I'm more mobile too!
Nervous? Maybe. This will be the second longest road trip for the car since I bought it. I haven't taken it to Edmonton even since it came back from Ontario, all the other trips were regional. Not that I don't trust the car but having had a blown rear tire and failed fuel pump just 20 miles from home was one thing, around Red Deer would be a different situation.
Just charging camera batteries, I'd better get some good memories of the drive at least!
I'm going to take my laptop with me so it might be a few days before I post anything after surgery, depending on how I feel etc. but I'll try to get work out anyway..................
"Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"