My neighbour just soiled the street..............

Your friendly Velocityyellowrules! update.

Wow the roads into Edmonton on Tuesday were some of the worst driving I've ever had - never so much hydroplaning in my life! Thankfully the drive home yesterday, bare and dry with a scratch few km that were wet.

So, there does seem to be some progress I'm happy to report. Some tumors I can say are actually - gone! Not many and when you've got about 100 plus maybe a total 4 or 5 gone is a great start but there is a long ways to go still.


A whole new group of tumors that are finally starting to show signs of necrosis! Slight right now on the edges of some tumors but that is how it starts.

It feels good!

Since the cancer has not spread out of my arm they are sending me to Calgary to have it evaluated for a 4th treatment, the isolated limb infusion. The coolest sounding treatment actually where they cut off the blood flow between my body and arm and hammer the hell out of the arm for about an hour and hook everything back up again. It has been successful in fully taking out the tumors, getting rid of the majority or holding it steady. Only in 10% of the cases does it appear to have done nothing so I sort of like those odds.

I'm not sure under what circumstances they will not do the procedure so I am hoping the meeting with the Dr. next week will be a formality and we can schedule a date for the actual operation as soon as possible. I'm prepared for begging, pleading, grovelling and outright bawling my eyes out to get this!

I don't know what the surgery entails other than they might require me to stay for 48 hours to monitor things before they kick me loose. Would I be so lucky as to have it this month even??

I need this to go my way - while it is believed that treatment #3 is probably what it is producing the results so far, it only works on tumors that are on the top of my skin. We know from the last two PET scans there are some in my elbow area that are buried deep so the lotion can't attack them. The ILI treatment however would!

So being busted out of the Tom Baker Clinic by a crew of Corvettes would certainly be highly looked upon if the weather was permitting. Even a drive around the block would be considered suitable therapy for this cancer patient!!!!!

Big week coming up for me then....................
The news seems very positive Garry. :thumbs:

Interesting thread that you started and to go back to page 1 of 11 many would be amazed at the twists and turns this has taken to arrive where you are today.

As always Garry my thoughts are with you.

I would definitely be interested in participating in some sort of get-together when you get out of there, Garry.

A year ago at this time, uncle Ray was in the Tom Baker center, and we were visiting him there a few times a week. His departure from the Tom Baker was in an ambulance which transported him to a hospice, where he passed away in June.

This week, uncle Ray's mother-in-law is in the Tom Baker center. That's right.... after losing her husband less than a year ago, aunt Betty-Ann is revisiting the same place, with the same grim outlook - she's going to lose her mother.

The Tom Baker Center is not my favorite place in the world.

But I would very much like to be there to witness (and participate) in a happy departure for you. I could really use a more positive event to associate with the place.

Keep us posted on a date!
I would definitely be interested in participating in some sort of get-together when you get out of there, Garry.

A year ago at this time, uncle Ray was in the Tom Baker center, and we were visiting him there a few times a week. His departure from the Tom Baker was in an ambulance which transported him to a hospice, where he passed away in June.

This week, uncle Ray's mother-in-law is in the Tom Baker center. That's right.... after losing her husband less than a year ago, aunt Betty-Ann is revisiting the same place, with the same grim outlook - she's going to lose her mother.

The Tom Baker Center is not my favorite place in the world.

But I would very much like to be there to witness (and participate) in a happy departure for you. I could really use a more positive event to associate with the place.

Keep us posted on a date!
I’m all for that as well Jordy.
Your friendly Velocityyellowrules! update.

Wow the roads into Edmonton on Tuesday were some of the worst driving I've ever had - never so much hydroplaning in my life! Thankfully the drive home yesterday, bare and dry with a scratch few km that were wet.

So, there does seem to be some progress I'm happy to report. Some tumors I can say are actually - gone! Not many and when you've got about 100 plus maybe a total 4 or 5 gone is a great start but there is a long ways to go still.


A whole new group of tumors that are finally starting to show signs of necrosis! Slight right now on the edges of some tumors but that is how it starts.

It feels good!

Since the cancer has not spread out of my arm they are sending me to Calgary to have it evaluated for a 4th treatment, the isolated limb infusion. The coolest sounding treatment actually where they cut off the blood flow between my body and arm and hammer the hell out of the arm for about an hour and hook everything back up again. It has been successful in fully taking out the tumors, getting rid of the majority or holding it steady. Only in 10% of the cases does it appear to have done nothing so I sort of like those odds.

I'm not sure under what circumstances they will not do the procedure so I am hoping the meeting with the Dr. next week will be a formality and we can schedule a date for the actual operation as soon as possible. I'm prepared for begging, pleading, grovelling and outright bawling my eyes out to get this!

I don't know what the surgery entails other than they might require me to stay for 48 hours to monitor things before they kick me loose. Would I be so lucky as to have it this month even??

I need this to go my way - while it is believed that treatment #3 is probably what it is producing the results so far, it only works on tumors that are on the top of my skin. We know from the last two PET scans there are some in my elbow area that are buried deep so the lotion can't attack them. The ILI treatment however would!

So being busted out of the Tom Baker Clinic by a crew of Corvettes would certainly be highly looked upon if the weather was permitting. Even a drive around the block would be considered suitable therapy for this cancer patient!!!!!

Big week coming up for me then....................
Garry,if possible when you get a date set for that,,,,let us know please. I’m sure the Calgary and area members will make time for this... I know I will.
As the Gods conspire against me.

Perhaps my own fault. Originally I was going to drive but that is out the window. Flying, hotel etc. is going to be $1000, hurray for Easter long weekend! The arrival and departure time options suck. But it is what it is and I have to deal with it. When I confirm everything I'll let you know.

Now, I thought, for some odd reason, you might be amused to see what my life with my arm is like. I'm not sure if this will push boundaries in terms of what is acceptable for postings or not so I'll have to leave this to our band of moderators. If you feel that it is not appropriate please feel free to pull the images, no harm, no foul!

That was bad luck at the Tom Baker. I can so understand this. While I've been back to the Cross for scans etc. I still have not been able to bring myself to return to the isolation ward where I spent 4 weeks of my life in hell.

Hopefully things will go good for us this time.

Brace yourselves then - you've been warned!



Arriving Calgary 3:55! Thanks to modern technology they were able to extract an additional $50 this morning over having booked the same flight last night - lesson learned.............
Garry, it looks very painful. Is the swelling constant? Can you get any relief from it at all?

You are one tough guy from Fairview, Alberta.

Good luck with the treatments.
How could I describe it.............

Hot, ITCHY (oh God it has been months since I've been able to do a full length arm scratch!). Now it is ulcerated and leaking fluids all the time. Nothing can feel as miserable as a wet sleeve. Removing my sleeve and pulling scabs off and more blood and leaking. Rubbing my hand on that arm and it feels like you're running your hand over a cheese greater. Nothing but a bumpy surface. That is my day.

Trying to find clothing now with sleeves large enough in diameter to allow my arm to fit - my daily challenge.

Ya, fun it ain't. It has swollen now to the point where arm movement is compromised compared to my right arm.

The hand goes up and down volume-wise but the arm is pretty steady for swelling.

Changing position at night, which I do often, the arm rubs against the fabric on the bed, bleeding and leaking starts anew.

Not getting a lot of loving from my gf right now but I understand!!

I've tried compression sleeves in the past but haven't found a decent one. Waiting for a new style one inbound from China.

But until otherwise, I'm alive and have hope still so I carry on.

Worried a bit for farming season, keeping it clean, covered and being able to do work with it, holding tools etc.
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You might find this amusing.

So walking this morning and I see ahead of me what I recognize right away as a wallet. So I pick it up and tell myself I'll look at when I get home as I had another round to do.

But I do wonder what is in it.

Get home and take it out.

$390 in cash, credit cards, ATM card, fuel card etc. I don't think it could have been there long either as it was just off center on the road and anyone would have seen it.

Google the name and find a contracting company here in Fairview. So I call the guy.

"Have you lost anything?"

"Is this a trick question?"

"I found your wallet"

"Oh, I'll come get it in 30 minutes"

Wow, the guy never knew he'd lost it.

Turns out it belongs to his son. Guy has a business clearing snow so he offered to do my driveway! As it had not been done all winter - poor guy! My gf very excited!

But I feel great, a good solid lesson in life I was able to teach my son and a clean driveway to boot!

Karma come to me baby as I need you now more than ever!

Garry...sorry you have to go through this.

This photo doesn't bother me...I hope you have a good team of and friends rallying around you.

Thinking of you and hoping your future procedures go well....hope to meet yah either Cold Lake or Lake Louise cruise.

Keeping yah in my prayers....Jen
Good morning Mike and Jenny,

Another morning I've woken up so already a great day! I'm sure it won't be as interesting as yesterday was but that is fine. It is always one of the things I like about walking and why I am always looking at the ground ahead of me, not only to avoid tripping which I do often enough but to look for road treasure. Change sure, jewelry, tools etc but this was my first wallet and I was to be honest sort of excited. Oddly that moment when you (or at least I when I'm honest) think about keeping it but them thinking that maybe this is the person's food money or part rent money for the month plus it simply doesn't belong to me. No ID maybe a different story but a Google search gave me the potential owner so that takes care of that.

I like to think with a team of 6 or 8 oncologists reviewing my case that I've got all the bases covered.

But I so badly just want my life back. Less lymphedema, no ulcerated sores, being able to scratch my arm - the stuff my dreams are made of. Not to be thinking when I wake up and look at my arm, has it gotten worse - are there new tumors - will the ILI treatment no longer be an option for me? They've already told me that treatment #1 and #2 are going to be stopped in a few weeks, one or two of them each to go. Probably OK as they don't seem to be working that well anyway. We'll continue with #3 and then we're hoping that the ILI will be the one to do the trick. I'm not sure if there is anything else to bring to the table after that.

There are moments while hope keeps me going, I'd also sort of like a definitive answer one way or the other to just be done with it. Hope is great but having this drag out for 20 plus months now and the way it dominates my life is slowly grinding me down.

I give so much thanks for my son though. I think it if was terminal I'd choose a different path. Liquidate my assets, maybe ship the car to Europe and go driving around there for a few months. My gf and parents will get through life fine without me but I worry about getting as much time with my son as I can.

Mike, I do not arrive in Calgary until tomorrow 4ish. We'll have to see how you're feeling at that time Mike, to be sure having just gone through a flu about 5 weeks ago that lasted for two weeks and really f'ed me over good I'd rather not go through that again. But lets see how you're feeling over the next 24 hours. I'm hoping for those I can't meet this trip there will be an upcoming one for say an operation!! And with better weather then there'd better be some cars on the road!!!!

I'm glad the pictures didn't make you lose your cookies Jenny, God knows I almost feel that way sometimes!

Just getting ready to go for exercise, -28 here this morning!!!!

Cheers one and all,

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Your friendly Velocityyellowrules! update.

Wow the roads into Edmonton on Tuesday were some of the worst driving I've ever had - never so much hydroplaning in my life! Thankfully the drive home yesterday, bare and dry with a scratch few km that were wet.

So, there does seem to be some progress I'm happy to report. Some tumors I can say are actually - gone! Not many and when you've got about 100 plus maybe a total 4 or 5 gone is a great start but there is a long ways to go still.


A whole new group of tumors that are finally starting to show signs of necrosis! Slight right now on the edges of some tumors but that is how it starts.

It feels good!

Since the cancer has not spread out of my arm they are sending me to Calgary to have it evaluated for a 4th treatment, the isolated limb infusion. The coolest sounding treatment actually where they cut off the blood flow between my body and arm and hammer the hell out of the arm for about an hour and hook everything back up again. It has been successful in fully taking out the tumors, getting rid of the majority or holding it steady. Only in 10% of the cases does it appear to have done nothing so I sort of like those odds.

I'm not sure under what circumstances they will not do the procedure so I am hoping the meeting with the Dr. next week will be a formality and we can schedule a date for the actual operation as soon as possible. I'm prepared for begging, pleading, grovelling and outright bawling my eyes out to get this!

I don't know what the surgery entails other than they might require me to stay for 48 hours to monitor things before they kick me loose. Would I be so lucky as to have it this month even??

I need this to go my way - while it is believed that treatment #3 is probably what it is producing the results so far, it only works on tumors that are on the top of my skin. We know from the last two PET scans there are some in my elbow area that are buried deep so the lotion can't attack them. The ILI treatment however would!

So being busted out of the Tom Baker Clinic by a crew of Corvettes would certainly be highly looked upon if the weather was permitting. Even a drive around the block would be considered suitable therapy for this cancer patient!!!!!

Big week coming up for me then....................

I know the streets of Edmonton can be a little frustrating this time of year, positive thoughts for the up coming weeks, get healed ip so you can drive that beauty around
It will be interesting to see how much it can melt the next while. We've got a lot of snow banks here that are 6 or 8' high. There is going to be a lot of water and I'll bet a lot of potholes this spring.
Good luck Garry.:thumbs:
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