My neighbour just soiled the street..............

Thanks everyone!

Sadly no phone call today. Not sure what happened as even my gf said that the Dr. was suppose to call this afternoon.

Ah what the heck. Who said I needed to sleep tonight anyway!

Hopefully some news to share tomorrow.
Garry, hope this goes well.

I called my specialist the first time 10 days ago for the results of my CT scan. Called again and still no response. The last time I saw him was indeed the last time. I want somebody who cares about me too.
Garry, hope this goes well.

I called my specialist the first time 10 days ago for the results of my CT scan. Called again and still no response. The last time I saw him was indeed the last time. I want somebody who cares about me too.

Yes, nothing can be more stressful than waiting. I have to assume that these Dr's know what is on the line, our lives possibly changing drastically so they don't delay unnecessarily, but as the patient it sure doesn't feel that way and to be honest with you 10 days with no update of any sort is stretching things a bit. As the patient we just want some information to be able to guide our lives. Shouldn't be asking too much now I'd think??

Hang in there!!
hehe.... In your case Garry that's a lot of counting... ;)

Well I'm only counting what I might get to add to the current level. I sure hope there will be no fuel delivery issues and I can get to the goal of 54 rwhp more........................on the plus side some signs of spring - +11 here next week. But we've got a lot of snow to melt though. Still I'd rent an enclosed trailer and make the drive before seeding if I could. If Davenport needs the car for a month then it could work out to fly down and drive it home after seeding. Pipe dream??
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Well I'm only counting what I might get to add to the current level. I sure hope there will be no fuel delivery issues and I can get to the goal of 54 rwhp more........................on the plus side some signs of spring - +11 here next week. But we've got a lot of snow to melt though. Still I'd rent an enclosed trailer and make teh drive before seeding if I could. If Davenport needs the car for a month then it could work out to fly down and drive it home after seeding. Pipe dream??

Not a pipe dream at all Garry. All you have to be able to do is get her in the trailer and have a good couple days for a drive. The snow will melt fast once it starts and if it's possible to clear a little away from wherever she is parked, it will melt off that much sooner. Fields will be wet for a bit this spring; especially if we get a rain or wet snow or two after the ground starts thawing. So nope.... lot's of time before seeding to get it delivered.
Sorry everyone. While in the past the Dr. has been prompt to call me, nothing today.

So you all have a great weekend, remember daylight savings, and we'll continue this on Monday - perhaps!


Ahhhhh yes....Daylight savings time... A wise Indian once said it is only the white man who thinks you can cut a foot off one end of a blanket; sew it on to the other end; and then think you have a longer blanket......

You have a great weekend as well Garry. Suppose to be a mild one.

I would call the doctors office as in the past they have not called me,

files misplaced or on the docs desk with 842 others, and so on

waiting sucks but docs and their offices are not perfect in many ways, does not hurt to call back
on the serious matters

Good afternoon Jeff,

You are correct. I've left a message but am still in a holding pattern thumb twiddling.

Maybe, just maybe, he doesn't call. Not as the cancer has spread and so calling is not urgent but that it hasn't spread so the call is not urgent. From his perspective anyway!

Fantastic weather here today, should be another +7 day apparently. What a treat to be able to wear a lighter jacket and pants in the morning and to stretch out my stride and drop my pace. I should really rile up my neighbours and break out a pair of shorts and go for a walk around 3..........!


Good morning Jeff.

Maybe I'll have to autodial and fill his message box up? I still think he is a good Dr. and things are just out of hand. I can only assume he has a slew of patients other than myself that he needs to deal with too. But I'd kind of like to just know in the end.

Walking starts with just a single step. Especially in weather like this after the winter, what a treat. So yes I did don my shorts, ball cap and mitts and out I went. 6:30 which was a bit later than I should have gone as it was getting cooler. But I even found a few 100 meters of pavement to slow run on - it just felt so good!

Lets hope I can update this in a couple of hours..................


I took another route. Still have not heard from the surgeon. Finally called my family doctor who was copied in on the results. He got back to me with news that the CT scan looked clear. I am done with the surgeon, I had a nagging suspicion that maybe this operation was not done with much thought, I continue to struggle with the outcome of it. Based on those issues my home care nurse arranged a visit with a specialist from Toronto. Her first words once she saw the wound was to ask if was an emergency operation. Yikes! It was not but the care that should have gone into it seemed to be an after thought. I also wonder now about what happened after the first operation and subsequent kidney failure. All faith in this guy has been lost, now need a replacement specialist. That should be fun. Should have known as he drives a Porsche.:Biggrin:

Garry good luck. It is simply gut wrenching having to waiting for news.
Wow does it ever sound like you got some sort of quack! Best of luck with finding someone better which from your description should not be an issue.

Well, I called. Dr. not in this early in the morning of course. But I was told that according to his schedule my file is not due to be reviewed until.......tomorrow!

I was stunned at this and ordinarily would have assumed that I just got things wrong but my gf was with me at the time and confirmed that the Dr. had said he was going to be calling me last Thursday afternoon to discuss the results. I think that this is the case as initially the request of the Dr. was that I stayed in Edmonton another night after the scan last Wednesday and he wanted to meet with me Thursday morning.

Maybe had I stayed the radiologist was going to give the scan a priority look-see to make this possible?? I don't know.

But at least I won't be stressing about this at all today!

On the plus side, in unrelated good news, I've been asked about doing a small contract job for an agro-company, the sort of work I generally did in the past and continued to do on a smaller scale after I retired. Maybe 1 1/2 days total time over the summer, 3 to 4K. So maybe pay for 60 to 80% of a camshaft upgrade??!! Maybe consider something else, fuel supply upgrade or get new heads?????????? I hate spending money before I actually have it (payment isn't usually until Christmas) but if the car does go to Davenport this spring I might have to consider some speculative spending!

Amazing weather, super road conditions, 9:22/km pace two days ago, 9:01 yesterday and 8:46 this morning! Starting to get sone speed out of my walks finally - oh does it feel fantastic to have survived another winter in Northern Alberta!

Happy day everyone!
Garry, congrats on the contract work, things have a way of working out. Ask Davenport if they can wait till Christmas to get paid, I don't see a problem.:Biggrin:

Congrats on your walks, I have been increasing my distance but my speed has dropped off significantly.

As always thoughts with you.:thumbs:
Wow does it ever sound like you got some sort of quack! Best of luck with finding someone better which from your description should not be an issue.

Well, I called. Dr. not in this early in the morning of course. But I was told that according to his schedule my file is not due to be reviewed until.......tomorrow!

I was stunned at this and ordinarily would have assumed that I just got things wrong but my gf was with me at the time and confirmed that the Dr. had said he was going to be calling me last Thursday afternoon to discuss the results. I think that this is the case as initially the request of the Dr. was that I stayed in Edmonton another night after the scan last Wednesday and he wanted to meet with me Thursday morning.

Maybe had I stayed the radiologist was going to give the scan a priority look-see to make this possible?? I don't know.

But at least I won't be stressing about this at all today!

On the plus side, in unrelated good news, I've been asked about doing a small contract job for an agro-company, the sort of work I generally did in the past and continued to do on a smaller scale after I retired. Maybe 1 1/2 days total time over the summer, 3 to 4K. So maybe pay for 60 to 80% of a camshaft upgrade??!! Maybe consider something else, fuel supply upgrade or get new heads?????????? I hate spending money before I actually have it (payment isn't usually until Christmas) but if the car does go to Davenport this spring I might have to consider some speculative spending!

Amazing weather, super road conditions, 9:22/km pace two days ago, 9:01 yesterday and 8:46 this morning! Starting to get sone speed out of my walks finally - oh does it feel fantastic to have survived another winter in Northern Alberta!

Happy day everyone!

Everything sounds positive so far Garry... Except of course the Doctor's slack attempt at professionalism and punctuality.... They remind me much of gas and power supply company management (no names)... they think that since they have a monopoly that they are some sort of superior beings that don't need to answer to anyone until they are good and ready..... lol...I could tell some doozy stories of projects before I retired from engineering.... hehe....

Keep up the positive thinking Garry... About health... and horsepower.... ;)
So, this is so typical of my life. The Dr. is not going to call until tomorrow. So I take my phone out of my pocket and put it back on the charger in the kitchen. I'm downstairs watching a movie and I had the sound pretty loud and I miss a call I discover when I go back upstairs.

My heart stops when I hear at the start of the message it is from the Dr. My fear that I've missed his call and he won't leave a message of consequence.

But, to my surprise, he does.

"The great news is that PET scan shows that the cancer is still confined to your arm. The scan of your arm looks pretty much as it did two months ago. I'd still like to talk with you to discuss things. Call me tomorrow in the afternoon.".

I am so glad that he left the message as often I hear Dr.'s don't like to do that.

I'm not sure what he wants to talk about outside of continuing the treatment program we have. When I saw him last week he did mention in passing the Isolated Limb Infusion treatment again so maybe they want to give that a try??

Still, what a wave of relief.

I must like you guys a lot and you must be good for me. After telling my gf and my mom you are the #3 to be told.

Thanks for all your support, you mean the world to me!

I am trying to get my gf to sew on a Rainbow Dash insignia on my Corvette jacket now..................if she can I'll get a picture of it.

Almost makes me wish I still drank, a drink would be good right about now.


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