Massive Corvette C8 Meetup

This would be a C8 only event, there's no way we're getting more than 25 C8 owners simply because I personally don't have that kind of reach. If there's multiple people that need more time for a future event, we can definitely push this to next weekend, say the 5th of September. Would that work for you Cam and Sparro?
This would be a C8 only event, there's no way we're getting more than 25 C8 owners simply because I personally don't have that kind of reach. If there's multiple people that need more time for a future event, we can definitely push this to next weekend, say the 5th of September. Would that work for you Cam and Sparro?
Won't work for me, I leave that Saturday for a trip to Spring Mountain Track. Will be out until Sept 25th will my Isolation Requirements upon return. But agree get the best attendance numbers you can.
This would be a C8 only event, there's no way we're getting more than 25 C8 owners simply because I personally don't have that kind of reach. If there's multiple people that need more time for a future event, we can definitely push this to next weekend, say the 5th of September. Would that work for you Cam and Sparro?
My problem right now is my Vert hasn't shipped. It's been sitting at BG for two weeks now. Hoping it ships any day, but until I get it no C8 events for me.
Definitely understand if some people can't show up, we'll definitely have quite a few C8's regardless and we'll make sure to post pics on here and post a video on our channel. The weather impacts the date the most, if both days are nice we'll pick the one that works best for most people in the group.
Definitely understand if some people can't show up, we'll definitely have quite a few C8's regardless and we'll make sure to post pics on here and post a video on our channel. The weather impacts the date the most, if both days are nice we'll pick the one that works best for most people in the group.
So just to be clear, nothing planned for this Sunday? right? Future dates coming.
Just to update, we're now firm on next Saturday. We're working with photographers for location as we speak. If anyone in this forum is interested, please DM me your phone number so we can add you to the whatsapp group where we'll further discuss details. It's going to be a nice sunny day packed with C8's!
Looking to host a small event on the weekend for all corvette C8 owners in the GTA area (Saturday or Sunday based on weather). As many of you know, I own a youtube channel with my brother called Daily Downshift. We want to get as many Corvette C8's together as possible to shoot a video showing off all the different colors and packages available. We're going to invite some professional photographers to take pictures of all the cars which will be shared with all owners that attend this event. Meet up will most likely be in either Toronto, Mississauga or Oakville. Roughly will be a 3-4 hour meet up but feel free to come and go as you please.

If interested or need more details, please respond to this thread or shoot us an email at [email protected]

Here's our YouTube channel - Daily Downshift
This looks like a great event and I wish you well... If you look at one of the current CCF threads you will see a great opportunity for you to create a Youtube video and "tongue-in-cheek" professional development opportunity for C8 drivers while at this event... Teaching them to wave to their fellow Corvette owners when they pass by you on the road to "carry on the tradition". Just saying...
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