I do not access anything from GM internally that requires a password, encryption or being a GM employee. As a matter of fact I'm a very loyal GM customer who has two GM preferred codes per year, bought 3 C8s, 8 Suburbans and referred countless fellow employees friends and family to the dealership and others I communicate with. All of whom are more than happy to share information with me being very transparent.
Trust me...the only thing that I'm doing that has a questionable moral issue is posting said dealerships. But I feel it's harmless because we glean:
A - who's receiving allocations
B - where they seem to be going
C - when they appear in the VIN cycle which should collaborate when allocations are issued
This information helps us consumers make choices as to where to order, what our chances are, and whether dealers are in fact communicating allocations as they come. Like another user said...it's pretty lucrative holding a 200 person deep list at $5k per...