Hoods opening without warning.

Ya... I'm not sure why some cars were ok to ship. Mine was built early in the shift on Aug. 3rd. It was on hold for a while to do a repair so maybe they did the Frunk upgrade as well?
I also noticed to pop the Frunk with the fob a have to push it twice but hold it the second push for a few seconds until it pops completely open. Also, I can close the Frunk completely with one firm push down. No double push anymore.
I'm not sure this will solve the popping Frunk issues though but I'm trying to be optimistic.
I’m scheduled to bring my C8 in to install some components. Got a call from the salesperson informing that they just had one come in where the hood opened. He said to drive carefully. Asked if they had a fix he said they didn’t know. I told him about the software fix. Hadn’t heard about it. Hope to talk with the mechanic to see what they suggest. I’ll let you know what they say after my car is serviced. Oh yeah, I ordered the high wing but was not one of the lucky ones to get it.
OTA will be here soon enough. Just checked and nothing this moment. I’ll check again in am. Doesn’t say “no fix available” anymore
iOS Image - 1962174139.jpg
OTA will be here soon enough. Just checked and nothing this moment. I’ll check again in am. Doesn’t say “no fix available” anymoreView attachment 43218
I assume this is a screenshot in the my chevy app. Where do you find the recall section? I've searched through the app and can't find anything about recalls?
I had some pocket presses when I was leaning into the car to get the PDR sd card. It's certainly possible to open the frunk that way. The thing that bothers me is the chime is quite noticeable at even relatively loud radio volume. Either some had it turned down or it just didn't happen. Mine was set slightly above medium from the factory and I can hear it clearly.
Thinking it's much like the C7. Had my trunk unlatched (first latch) yesterday and drove across my yard to my shop. Between the chime ringing every 5 feet and the 'TRUNK OPEN' notice on the instrument panel, it's pretty hard to ignore. "Gee... I wonder what that chime noise is while I drive" Guessing these are the same people that drive for miles with their signal light on, their door ajar, a flat tire warning, and then they run out of gas...JMO.... lol.....
I assume this is a screenshot in the my chevy app. Where do you find the recall section? I've searched through the app and can't find anything about recalls?
If you mean the picture above, yes but you can also get it from the gm recall by vin site GM Recall Information | GM Canada Recall Centre | Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Saturn, HUMMER and SAAB Recalls
The screen for updates is in the settings section on the homepage. I'd give you more info, but I just went out to look and when I started the car it offered me the update.
We'll see what the gm recall site says when the update completes.
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This guy is a dickhead (yeah...mods are allowed to say that).... but this idiot is good for a big laugh if nothing else.......

He's usually quite negative and seems to express an opinion towards one extreme or the other in his videos, which perhaps increases his viewership. But I thought at one point he was "hanging up his spurs" and getting out of the automotive review/complaint/advice business, so I'm surprised to see him dealing with the C8.
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