Hoods opening without warning.

Guys, when it comes to cable ties, quality and size matters. I have used them for 30+ years in the offshore. Small ones (<6") can break quite easily but some of the really big ones we use (24") don't break as easy and are even hard to cut. The quality smaller ones have a metal tab in them to lock and these locking tabs don't break as easy; the tie will break first.

But TBH, spend 100 grand on a toy and you have to put cable ties on it to hold it together. And then it turns into a large discussion about cable ties, seriously???
That's what a year of waiting with rumours, uncertainty and fluid TPW's will do to you.
That's what a year of waiting with rumours, uncertainty and fluid TPW's will do to you.
Ya. Makes you want to "Tie one on"! ;)
Years ago GM philosophy was rush the new model into production and the sales pitch was "well its not so good yet but if you buy one now it will keep us in money and you can buy another one in 3 years after we work out the bugs". The competition has vehicles that work from day 1 and last 400,000 Kms. They are not corvettes but they are proof it can be done. For 100,000 bucks, you have a right to expect it to be damn near perfect. What is wrong with the simple safety catch that all front engine car hoods have???
Years ago GM philosophy was rush the new model into production and the sales pitch was "well its not so good yet but if you buy one now it will keep us in money and you can buy another one in 3 years after we work out the bugs". The competition has vehicles that work from day 1 and last 400,000 Kms. They are not corvettes but they are proof it can be done. For 100,000 bucks, you have a right to expect it to be damn near perfect. What is wrong with the simple safety catch that all front engine car hoods have???
The consumer is responsible. Why would GM do anything different. They are not being held to account by the only group that matters, the purchasers.

There are consumers here who would push their mother under a bus to see status 3400 or cut off their own arm to see that a VIN has been designated. GM knows this. GM says operator error and guys go buy chains to tie down their hoods or frunks or whatever they are called. There was even a discussion on whether zip ties should be used and a disagreement on the quality of said zip ties. GM corporate is chuckling with evil delight as the waiting lists for C8’s just get longer.

Don't get me wrong, GM will eventually fix the hood, but not because of us.
Typical response from GM for hood flying up "driver error." With all the time and money spent by GM bringing this C8 into production one would think this must have occurred at sometime? If not, GM should definitely be looking into this safety issue. To spend over $70,000 for a C8 the owner shouldn't have to come up with some method of tying it down.
His quote:

"Well....I just joined the club. Hadn't been in the frunk at all today and have driven on the highway. Nothing that could have pressed the inside button. Have PDR video of it happening. Going 43mph and it flew open. No paint damage but the hood is now about an inch lower than the fenders at the top near the windshield. Need to read the full thread and trying to determine where to take it. Will be filing a complaint with NHTSA.
At this point I am nervous to drive the car any more."
This is a problem for sure! Newest member to this club yesterday, not me.

A good Saskky farmer boy liken me has driven farter and a might quicker with just a peaky hole in the front window, on those -40 mornings when the defroster caint quite keep up. Hell that there C8 Corvetty had a plumb more than quarter of a windshield still could be a lookin’ through. Sheesh.
A good Saskky farmer boy liken me has driven farter and a might quicker with just a peaky hole in the front window, on those -40 mornings when the defroster caint quite keep up. Hell that there C8 Corvetty had a plumb more than quarter of a windshield still could be a lookin’ through. Sheesh.
A good Saskky farmer boy liken me has driven farter and a might quicker with just a peaky hole in the front window, on those -40 mornings when the defroster caint quite keep up. Hell that there C8 Corvetty had a plumb more than quarter of a windshield still could be a lookin’ through. Sheesh.

Yeah Al.... Saskky or not, you had your six pack to rely on ... :Biggrin:

  1. Airspeed Indicator (Pitot Static)
  2. Attitude Indicator (Gyro)
  3. Altimeter (Pitot Static)
  4. Vertical Speed Indicator (Pitot Static)
  5. Heading Indicator (Gyro)
  6. Turn Coordinator (Gyro)
When I was sitting in Andrews car you could JUST make out if the hood was open or not. Really a pity the camera just doesn't have the same POV.
I don't know what to say about this issue. I have now put on 1700 km's on my car. granted not a huge amount yet. But at no time have I felt that my hood was not securely latched. I have opened and closed the frunk repeatedly and I feel the two stage locking mechanism each time. I think the engineering is sound. IMHO. Again, not laying blame on the drivers but it could be many things. I remember years ago the reported issues with the Audi 5000 sedans. There were reports of automatic acceleration of the cars. A few cases had occurred.
turned out after much investigation, it was driver error. The Best Of TTAC: The Audi 5000 Intended Unintended Acceleration Debacle - The Truth About Cars
With over 6,000 C8's now produced, how many frunk incidents have happened? I think the numbers are quite low. I am hoping that the glitch, if there is one, can be addressed with software updates. Chevy Dude did a video on the frunk issue and I thought it was informative.
Yeah Al.... Saskky or not, you had your six pack to rely on ... :Biggrin:

  1. Airspeed Indicator (Pitot Static)
  2. Attitude Indicator (Gyro)
  3. Altimeter (Pitot Static)
  4. Vertical Speed Indicator (Pitot Static)
  5. Heading Indicator (Gyro)
  6. Turn Coordinator (Gyro)
Most people wish to fly on the old gauges at one time or another but are prevented by the high cost of the instruments necessary for this form of flight. The following is a more or less known and extremely simple method which may be used by all.

Place a live cat on the cockpit floor, because a cat always remains upright, he or she can be used in lieu of a needle and ball instrument. Merely watch to see which way he leans to determine if a wing is low and if so, which one. This will enable you to your aircraft level in route with complete accuracy and confidence.

A duck is used for final instrument approach and landing, because of the fact that any sensible old duck will refuse to fly under instrument conditions, it is only necessary to hurl your duck out of the cockpit window and follow her to the ground.

There are some limitations on the cat and duck method, but by rigidly adhering to the following check list a degree of success will be achieved which will not only startle you, but will astonish your passengers as well, and may have an occasional tower operator with an open mouth.

· Get a wide-awake cat, most cats do not want to stand up all the time, so it may be necessary to carry a fierce dog along to keep the cat at attention.

· Make sure your cat is clean, dirty cats will spend all the time washing. Trying to follow a washing cat usually results in a slow roll followed by an inverted spin. You will see that this is most unprofessional.

· Old cats are the best, young cats have nine lives, but an old used up cat with only one life left has just as much to loose and will be more dependable.

· Avoid stray cats. Try to get one with good character because you may want to spend time with her.

· Beware of cowardly ducks, if the duck discovers that you are using the cat to stay upright, she will refuse to leave the aeroplane without the cat. Ducks are no better on instruments than you are.

· Get a duck with good eyes. Near sighted ducks sometimes fail to recognise that they are on the old gauges and will go flogging into the nearest hill. Very near sighted ducks will not realise that they have been thrown out and will descend to the ground in a sitting position. This is a most difficult manoeuvre to follow in an airplane.

· Choose your duck carefully, it is easy to confuse ducks with geese. Many large birds look alike. While they are very competent instrument flyers, geese seldom want to go in the same direction that you do. If your duck seems to be taking a heading to Ireland or Sweden, you may be safe in assuming that someone has given you a goose.

Officially derailed.
I don't know what to say about this issue. I have now put on 1700 km's on my car. granted not a huge amount yet. But at no time have I felt that my hood was not securely latched. I have opened and closed the frunk repeatedly and I feel the two stage locking mechanism each time. I think the engineering is sound. IMHO. Again, not laying blame on the drivers but it could be many things. I remember years ago the reported issues with the Audi 5000 sedans. There were reports of automatic acceleration of the cars. A few cases had occurred.
turned out after much investigation, it was driver error. The Best Of TTAC: The Audi 5000 Intended Unintended Acceleration Debacle - The Truth About Cars
With over 6,000 C8's now produced, how many frunk incidents have happened? I think the numbers are quite low. I am hoping that the glitch, if there is one, can be addressed with software updates. Chevy Dude did a video on the frunk issue and I thought it was informative.
Here is the issue, we cannot solve problems by not knowing what to say, by feeling, ,by what you think or thought, by guess or by gosh. To solve a problem you have to know. GM knows they just don't want to act.
I don't know what to say about this issue. I have now put on 1700 km's on my car. granted not a huge amount yet. But at no time have I felt that my hood was not securely latched. I have opened and closed the frunk repeatedly and I feel the two stage locking mechanism each time. I think the engineering is sound. IMHO. Again, not laying blame on the drivers but it could be many things. I remember years ago the reported issues with the Audi 5000 sedans. There were reports of automatic acceleration of the cars. A few cases had occurred.
turned out after much investigation, it was driver error. The Best Of TTAC: The Audi 5000 Intended Unintended Acceleration Debacle - The Truth About Cars
With over 6,000 C8's now produced, how many frunk incidents have happened? I think the numbers are quite low. I am hoping that the glitch, if there is one, can be addressed with software updates. Chevy Dude did a video on the frunk issue and I thought it was informative.
At 10 right now. that's quite low, but there is compelling evidence.
One thing that stands out to me is the looseness of the hood on some cars. Yours was really hard to close. That tells me that the rubber stops are set high. I wonder if it's something that simple.
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