i thought maybe i might stick some cots and perhaps a shower in there but helen had this girlie stuff about having a house, sheesh.....women !!! :rofl:

I used to love that show "Vegas" where the guy kept the '57 T-bird in the living room. I could really relate to that! :D
you should see our family/tv room here, longtube headers, mufflers, boxes of small parts, 3 intake manifolds, manuals etc. the sun porch has a sand blast cabinet among other things. even though this house is 2100 sq ft, not having a basement or an adequate size garage is tough to accomodate the automotive and mechanical hobbies. :D
Supervisors' Chairs

I see you have two chairs out so that Ray and I have a place to sit while supervising the project. ;) Josie seems to be making herself right at home. Get shingles on that roof and you can work in any kind of weather.
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Doug, if you don't mind me asking what's the pitch on that roof? Mine is 4-12 and I was thinking that I might make three or four new truses over my hoist to get more head room.

His looks like 4/12 with 2/12 vault
Cutting up engineered roof trusses is not good idea for making extra height,..... It can be done if you get them re-engineered but would be a bit of labour involved.....
His looks like 4/12 with 2/12 vault
Cutting up engineered roof trusses is not good idea for making extra height,..... It can be done if you get them re-engineered but would be a bit of labour involved.....

ding ding ding.......we have a winner !!! good eye jp. rob, if you have any engineer buddies, ask about it. those train drivers are smart boys. :D
Thanks Doug,JP. The trusses over the hoist were made by me when I built on the addition in 91. At that time I used the cmhc standard drawing that was approved by the building inspector. What I had planed was to build the 4/12, 2/12 sissor truss and slide them in beside the excisting ones and marry them together. I have a friend in the trade so I'll have a chat with him.
the roofers will be here wednesday and should be done by the end of the week. i am starting the outer insulation - inch and a half rigid foam - and strapping, flashings etc. i will sawzall out the plywood from the window openings, then my buddy and i will instal the doors and windows. will post pics of the progress. the dreaded "old guy arthritic joints" are hindering me somewhat. when i get too sore i go for a spin in the shark !!! :D
the roofers will be here wednesday and should be done by the end of the week. i am starting the outer insulation - inch and a half rigid foam - and strapping, flashings etc. i will sawzall out the plywood from the window openings, then my buddy and i will instal the doors and windows. will post pics of the progress. the dreaded "old guy arthritic joints" are hindering me somewhat. when i get too sore i go for a spin in the shark !!! :D

LOL about the "old guy joints" -- Par for the course at our age -- easy does it Doug and the joints will get better -- just takes a little more time now...and the shark will help with the pain. :D

Nice to see the shop closing in on finishing and functional. You must be very pleased ....

the shop floor is poured and i am insulating and strapping the outside walls. the uneven ground and all the trips up and down the ladders is taking it's toll on the poor ol' arthritic body though and is slowing me down. i guess i need to keep in mind that i'm 60 and not 40 anymore :rofl: bert has been smoothing things out with the backhoe however and that should help alot.

A beautiful sight indeed Doug -- Though you're only 60, you'll still have to pace yourself as you're quickly finding out.

Enjoy this while it lasts. It'll soon be over and you'll be looking for something else to create and work on.:D

Once again, thanks for sharing -- it's great so actually see the progression.

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