Very, very warm here today as well. And it should be above 0 until Tuesday!!!! If I knew it would be staying like this until April, I would be excited, but I know the cold is coming back.
+7 @ noon here in Red Deer today, January 22, 2015! A taste of spring for sure and gets the blood going thinking of installing the new exhaust bought from Phobia_street!
OK,coming from the plains of Canada a low pressure will dip down and dump 3 feet of snow on New York city .In addition gusts up to 60 mph .After that the storm will head up the coast and dump 24 inches in my yard plus high winds .

I'll be plowing snow for a month ,thank you Canada :seeya:
Some weather man is lying. Our guy says the storm is coming up the east coast from the south. The new phrase for this years is the "WEATHER BOMB". Last year it was the "POLAR VORTEX". There is more drama in a weather report than a lot of the live theatre. Kind of funny really.:D
Yes Keith they get a little dramatic than people get complacent .I'm not to concerned but I heard a new term Snow tornado which I never knew existed .

My F250 has her plow on ,half a ton of sand .A skid steer with a snow bucket .Generator is all set and 20 bags of wood pellets in the living room .Snow dog has a clean cape and ready to ride shotgun .
Elf did you survive? NYC spared but it looks like at your expense.
Hell no :D Got 20 inches and it'll snow for another 8 hours .Winds did hit 50 mph out of the north southwest :swear: The good note we still have our store bought power from Canada .The wife has the heat up to 90 degrees in the house thanks to our Canadian made pellet stove and our Canadian pellets . Just wish this whole mess hadn't started in Canada .Another storm Friday and Monday guess where this all originates from ???

The snow is dry and the temps are low so it is easy to plow except for the 5 foot drifts .I'll start in about 4 in the morning and will have all my obligations done by 10 .Than I start pushing everything back with the skid steer (made in Canada )for the next predicted 20 inches .

I guess it's the same basic chit we all contend with in snow country :D Thanks for askin .
Well winter and its icy cold grip just does not seem to want to let go. In Haliburton, Ontario it is Minus 26 this morning. The amount of snow we have received so far is significantly less than last year.

I know the east coast of Canada, the US and North of Canada have had a brutal winter and I hope it soon starts to warm up.

We are running out of wood for the stove, the furniture may get us a few extra days of heat. Never liked the coffee table in any case. :rofl:

So what is happening where you are? Make us feel bad BC.
Well, it is sunny and 23 C here in Treasure Island Florida. Sorry you all are having really cold weather for so long. Hope it gets warmer in time for us to come home to Midland.
I'm an industrial commercial contractor and we are virtually shut down .All my employees are disabled or hard to place veterans and out of work is not good in their case .The good news is that I've gotten two calls this week on large buildings that have failed and my first interview this afternoon .That could put a few back to work .

On the other side there was a 75 car pile up on the interstate some blame it on a white-out others say an old guy stopped to pee beside the road .I would have felt really bad if someone had been killed .I zipped and fled :D
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