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Cross Canada Check Up - North of Canada Included

Northern Alberta is -19, 6 inches of snow came this morning. So now CN decides to bring 4 rail cars to load with grain! Yippie!

I guess I'm not going to make any Boxing Day sales...............


No snow here unless you look very hard. We've had lots of rain so the salt is pretty well washed away. They are talking showers then going below freezing with sun and cloud until Thursday. It's awfully tempting to take the car for a little run just to say that we had it out on New Years Day. We'll see.
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Bill, way to screw up the count down calendar. :rofl:

Very cold in Haliburton today, minus 20 last night. No snow, very odd.

Happy New Year to all.
Great picture Graham. That is a beautiful looking roadster. You missed a spot just below the rear side marker though. :rofl:
It's been a great winter here as far as winters go. Not a lot of snow, but I like snow...ish. Temperatures have mostly been in the (negative) single digits except for a week in early December and a second cold snap this week. However, temps are up again today! However, there is a lot of winter left!
Nice here in Edmonton today (for Dec. 31st) +2 at 6:00p.m. but by Sunday morning their calling for -24!Good thing I get to go away for a few weeks. Thailand here I come!
It will help with the long wait for the Stingray.
Howling winds and snow in Haliburton this morning.

Dull is how I feel. :rofl:

Happy New Year Everyone.
January 7, 2015 and the deep freeze seems to be setting in. It is minus 23 with very strong winds making it feel, well downright cold. Just got back from walking the beasties, they did their business very quickly and headed right for the foot of the wood stove once inside. Smart dogs.

I understand that Western Canada is mired in a deep freeze as well. Stay warm folks. Who is in charge of the countdown calendar? :confused:
Your northern Alberta weather update.

Four days of -30 ALL day long just passed. It was a balmy -24 yesterday and about-18 with light snow falling right now and only a 8 km breeze.


Had my car out for a spin Thursday, not for a cruise but out of necessity! My Jeep broke down and I had no other wheels to get to the repair shop! What I can tell you is that it was the best thing that happened to me this winter. When I came home putting it back on the hoist was the last thing on my mind, but alas it started to rain again! TOO BAD!!!!
+8 and 60 km winds in northern Alberta. If it wasn't for the wind I can say I'd be breaking out my shorts from storage!!


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