Some clever people doing clever things to stay safe.
I case you’re traveling soon.
My apologies , the comment was intended to be general in nature.

lol.... no apologies necessary Al... Did not take it in any pointed or offensive way...I laughed..... Even if I had I would still have laughed.... :Cheers2: ....

Errrrr..... Correction.... I am totally offended and the only thing that would sooth me is sharing an uncorked bottle of Pappys.... Now who do I know with one of those..... :rofl:
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lol.... no apologies necessary Al... Did not take it in any pointed or offensive way...I laughed..... Even if I had I would still have laughed.... :Cheers2: ....

Errrrr..... Correction.... I am totally offended and the only thing that would sooth me is sharing an uncorked bottle of Pappys.... Now who do I know with one of those..... :rofl:
Working from home in isolation has put Pappy in some jeopardy.
So tonight we watched the movie Contagion on Netflix. Guess I missed it when it came out in 2011. Pretty scary stuff and it also started in China. Even heard the phrase social distancing on it. Thought that was a new term. Actually a good movie but a little to close for comfort on whats happening today. Big name actors in it also.
I believe they got a lot of the science right in that movie, which probably makes it scarier. Certainly scary to watch now, akin to watching an airplane disaster movie while on a plane.
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So tonight we watched the movie Contagion on Netflix. Guess I missed it when it came out in 2011. Pretty scary stuff and it also started in China. Even heard the phrase social distancing on it. Thought that was a new term. Actually a good movie but a little to close for comfort on whats happening today. Big name actors in it also.
Watch the Netflix series pandemic
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Leaving Canada on March 6 and returning yesterday was quite an eye opener regarding the progression of the Covid19 public fallout in only 12 days. My observations of the change:

Approximately 5 to 10% of people in airports wearing masks when I left (and predominantly Asians) compared to 60 to 70% wearing masks on my return;
In lieu of surgical mask shortage, the number of people wearing simple dust masks or scarves around their faces, and some resorting to just covering their faces with their bare hands;... errrr.... so much for not touching your face with your hands...
The number of people wearing masks but having them pulled down under their noses;
One person wearing a full Hazmat suit;
One gentleman wearing a sleep mask over his mouth;
The elbow bump being the new form of greeting;
The QE2 highway (arguably the second busiest Hwy in Canada), being more deserted than I have ever seen in my 40 years in Alberta; (not a good sign)

My other observation is the vast amount of mis-information circulating... especially on social media....And of course the people that take that as
Some of my favorites are drink lots of hot water. It will kill the virus..
Drinking water will flush the virus into your stomach where the acids will kill it..
Summer is coming and the heat will kill the virus...errr...didn't seem to be working in 35 degree Colombia...
The surge of fake drugs being advertised to cure the virus.
Drinking Colloidal silver to kill the virus... Caution... do not do this....
Eating lots of bacon as the nitrates and nitrites in bacon prevent the growth of Covid 19 bacteria..(I'm actually trying this one for breakfast this
The surge of scam phone calls asking for credit card donations to help the Center for Disease Control find a cure....

So far, wearing a rag soaked with toilet bowl cleaner over my face seems to be working for me... At the very least it may also curtail my potty-mouth....

Feel free to add your own observations, self remedies or comedic input to this thread... if nothing else as a release for the tensions we are experiencing....
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