Corvette C8 Delivery Confirmations

Thanks to Joeybats and ABC I thought I'd check and Yipeee I've been moved up to July 27th!

OK OK I think all this joyous expression about soon-to-be C8 delivery dates...should be SEVERELY DEALT WITH and TOTALLY PROHIBITED on the Forum, out of respect for those of us who JUST MIGHT get a 2020 C8 but IF we do, it won't be for A LONG TIME (sigh). Where ARE the moderators???!

All that's to say "you're killing me fellas!" and I suspect it'll only get worse once you start posting about the actual delivery date, your first view of your new best friend, your first touch of the smoooooth interior leather, your first smell of that "new car interior", your first sit-down in the driver's side seat and experiencing its sensual wrap-around sensation, getting to intimately know all its wonderful features, your first thrilling drive, your second thrilling drive, your etc. etc. (and so on, you know), your first unfortunate speeding ticket, your second even more unfortunate speeding ticket, your etc. etc. (and so on, you know)...or in other words, all the good things that come with C8 new car ownership (double sigh). Perhaps you should consider using personal messaging on the Forum, rather than express these sentiments publicly! The HORROR! The HORROR!

(Note to self: move up my next scheduled visit to my psychiatrist and increase medication intake in the meantime...)

PREDICTED build date JULY 7-8 🔫
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Now, now. Don't cry. You are at 3000 status and you WILL get a 2020 vert. It might be just in time to store it for the winter, but you will get a 2020 C8! Guaranteed! (Covid permitting) 👍
I think the answer you get depends on who you get sometimes. I was told that they dont have any information on TPW's now and that my car is in production phase but it is not built yet. I was at 3100 a few days before shutdown with original TPW Mar 23rd. I think i'll just forget about it and it comes when it comes. I may just sell it anyway
I think the answer you get depends on who you get sometimes. I was told that they dont have any information on TPW's now and that my car is in production phase but it is not built yet. I was at 3100 a few days before shutdown with original TPW Mar 23rd. I think i'll just forget about it and it comes when it comes. I may just sell it anyway
That's because your car will be built this week or July 6th week at the latest. They didn't give ANYONE who had a March TPW a new one. Sorry, not quite true. SOME March 30 TPW's were given July 13 TPW's
Either way you are oh so close.
I said I wasn't gonna contact GM Chat again until after the 2nd shift started up but I couldn't wait. I'll still do it again in July...
Anyway a refresher, my vert had a pre-covid TPW of April 6th. Post covid it went to April 20th, July 20th, August 10th.
Today, this is Sheri's responce; "At this time your vehicle has been accepted to the plant and is just waiting to be built . There is no production date at this time , please contact us back in two week for any further updates"
I said I wasn't gonna contact GM Chat again until after the 2nd shift started up but I couldn't wait. I'll still do it again in July...
Anyway a refresher, my vert had a pre-covid TPW of April 6th. Post covid it went to April 20th, July 20th, August 10th.
Today, this is Sheri's responce; "At this time your vehicle has been accepted to the plant and is just waiting to be built . There is no production date at this time , please contact us back in two week for any further updates"
That's strange! hmmm
I'm hoping they're moving it up rather than back. Just drives me nuts all the back and fourth.
You were in the first week for verts right? Makes you wonder. I hope there are no issues. I believe the HTC startup was set for July 20th.
Sometimes vehicles lose TPW's and get new ones the next time they are issued. I've seen it happen a couple of times. They won't be able to get an answer as to why, and I don't know either. It's very mysterious, but there must be reasons and methods for all the madness.
I did, she just gave me her generic response. I did it through chat this time and they don't really know anything. When I contact Order Management, they are more knowledgeable and give you better responses to your questions. I'll contact Order Management next time once the second shift is up and running.
I suspect that all vert orders are in a holding pattern. They are trying to get as many coupes completed and with the second shift coming back July 6th, I am guessing they want to see how quick that ramp up is. If there are no glitches in week 1 and numbers hold reasonably well, then they will likely feel comfortable committing to a firm HTC build start. I know this seems unfair but I think line speed and conversion to $$$ matters. Again, the vert may have a higher sticker price but may in fact be lower margin then an optioned up coupe. All of these considerations are looked at in times of crisis and make no mistake, GM is in crisis mode as is everyone in the auto sector. IMHO
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