Back in Business!

I woke up trying to think if there was something that we forgot to do while putting the pump back on and can't think of anything. To be sure I'm disappointed. Not just with having to get in a custom sprayer which I'm actually OK with as it will me the goal of moving things with seeding along, but more with having to take the pump off again. But we'll actually do a full hookup on the test stand this time and actually see if the fuel is coming out of the 6 lines or not. I hope not as if we eliminate the pump then what???

So of an amusing day anyway. Had to replace to front tire wheel hubcaps on one truck (where you check the wheel bearing oil level) before I could send it to deliver seed to my customers, through I had three tire value stems on the 1150 tractor that needed to be replaced (corroded from tire ballast) and it turned out to be two tire stems in need of replacement and one flat tire instead so I'll have to see about getting the tire shop guys out to deal with that. And a fuel return line on the same tractor that is leaking ever so slightly but I'm going to replace that this morning as well before it gets worse.

On the plus the first drill is pretty well ready to go and I'll move the 2nd one into position and give it it's going over and there are no expected problems here.

And mom and my gf did finish taking the soil samples yesterday and dad and my gf got them packaged up and ready to be sent to the lab today.

So we're still closer to seeding now than we were when the day started!!!!

And today is an Aidan day as well so that always makes me looks good today so that should allow for a Z06 drive even to school!

So as Mr. Churchill once said "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!"


"Mama said there'd be days like this.............days like this Mama said............ "

Chin up brother -- it'll come together and all will be good again. (hopefully b4 you go nuts:)).

We're all looking forward to that "sonic BOOM" ... keep pluggin' away.


PS...LOL "a cam" -- Garry Garry Garry -- isn't 744 at the wheels enough? Indeed some would say "too much already".:Biggrin:
I woke up trying to think if there was something that we forgot to do while putting the pump back on and can't think of anything. To be sure I'm disappointed. Not just with having to get in a custom sprayer which I'm actually OK with as it will me the goal of moving things with seeding along, but more with having to take the pump off again. But we'll actually do a full hookup on the test stand this time and actually see if the fuel is coming out of the 6 lines or not. I hope not as if we eliminate the pump then what???

So of an amusing day anyway. Had to replace to front tire wheel hubcaps on one truck (where you check the wheel bearing oil level) before I could send it to deliver seed to my customers, through I had three tire value stems on the 1150 tractor that needed to be replaced (corroded from tire ballast) and it turned out to be two tire stems in need of replacement and one flat tire instead so I'll have to see about getting the tire shop guys out to deal with that. And a fuel return line on the same tractor that is leaking ever so slightly but I'm going to replace that this morning as well before it gets worse.

On the plus the first drill is pretty well ready to go and I'll move the 2nd one into position and give it it's going over and there are no expected problems here.

And mom and my gf did finish taking the soil samples yesterday and dad and my gf got them packaged up and ready to be sent to the lab today.

So we're still closer to seeding now than we were when the day started!!!!

And today is an Aidan day as well so that always makes me looks good today so that should allow for a Z06 drive even to school!

So as Mr. Churchill once said "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!"

LOL indeed -- he had guts thank God ..

Concerning farmers and paraphrasing WC again:

"never is so much owed by so many to so few" (farmers) --

Keep those combines rollin' brother. We all love our bread and porridge .:canada:

Hey Colin,

My thinking is that having the spraying off my plate right now is a good thing. Had the sprayer had its' usual operation I'd have been done spraying by now and focused on getting ready for seeding. Hiring a custom sprayer now allowed me that situation and sure there is a cost but it is a price I'm more than happy to pay. I think, while Dad is not as happy about this, bringing in professional help to allow us to move forward is a sound business move. I know from years of my research trials how important spraying before seeding is to control the weeds before the crop emerges and so I have a clear head that this is the right move. Mom set it up within minutes of the discussion and so it is done. And I mean it is not as if we didn't make a serious effort to get it running, it just didn't go our way this time. I was getting agitated with the thought of spraying getting delayed and thus seeding being delayed and was not in a happy place. Now, honestly, I am.

I'm more curious about what the problem with the sprayer might be, still convinced that it is with the injection pump, and can't wait to find the answer.

Well, cam or no cam, the money could have been more enjoyable spent for sure! More tank books for me to read, a racing road peddle bike, heck even a drone for scouting fields! Lots of fun to be had for that $$$$$. But a happy crop without weed competition is important for me too.

Weather looks to really be getting in gear, +18 today, +32 for Monday/Tuesday!! I think I'll call the AC guy and have him check the two tractors so we can be seeding in comfort............for some reason they don't seem to stay charged that long but all I need is 10 to 14 days of cooling bliss.

Hope your getting your km's in my friend!

Never fear either, if/when the world blows apart I'll have some canola oil, flour and peas for ya!


Hey Colin,

My thinking is that having the spraying off my plate right now is a good thing. Had the sprayer had its' usual operation I'd have been done spraying by now and focused on getting ready for seeding. Hiring a custom sprayer now allowed me that situation and sure there is a cost but it is a price I'm more than happy to pay. I think, while Dad is not as happy about this, bringing in professional help to allow us to move forward is a sound business move. I know from years of my research trials how important spraying before seeding is to control the weeds before the crop emerges and so I have a clear head that this is the right move. Mom set it up within minutes of the discussion and so it is done. And I mean it is not as if we didn't make a serious effort to get it running, it just didn't go our way this time. I was getting agitated with the thought of spraying getting delayed and thus seeding being delayed and was not in a happy place. Now, honestly, I am.

I'm more curious about what the problem with the sprayer might be, still convinced that it is with the injection pump, and can't wait to find the answer.

Well, cam or no cam, the money could have been more enjoyable spent for sure! More tank books for me to read, a racing road peddle bike, heck even a drone for scouting fields! Lots of fun to be had for that $$$$$. But a happy crop without weed competition is important for me too.

Weather looks to really be getting in gear, +18 today, +32 for Monday/Tuesday!! I think I'll call the AC guy and have him check the two tractors so we can be seeding in comfort............for some reason they don't seem to stay charged that long but all I need is 10 to 14 days of cooling bliss.

Hope your getting your km's in my friend!

Never fear either, if/when the world blows apart I'll have some canola oil, flour and peas for ya!


DAng you've got some nice warm weather out there. I'm hoping it comes our way...['s still trying to be winter around here: frost the last 2 mornings and not much warmer thru the day!!!!:mad: -- the weatherman promises better weather soon -- I hope he's right. Yes getting some seat time in the vettes ...... Last week we met up with Juntin in New Hamburg for a coff and conflab - will probably meet up with Tony, Kathy and the boys in Mount Hope next week. Today went to Mom's with the top down on the '94 but a little 'brisk' around the ears...tho glad it didn't snow..:Smilie:

Yeah tnx for putting aside some chow in the event of Armageddon -- Northern Alta would look even better to many in that event.

Good luck with the mechanics you're having fun with, tho it sounds like a good move to rent a sprayer since it's so important.

So worked on the 2nd seed drill. Straight forward and no surprises so far so it should be ready to join the other one on the driveway. Get the pea seed tomorrow, the custom sprayer will hopefully start tomorrow if it isn't too windy and then Saturday morning we'll start seeding field peas.

Had a flat tire fixed on the 1150 tractor this morning. Betting pool on the cost: gf at $490, Me at $500, Mom at $625 and Brad at $750. Silly but it amuses me!

Windy right now but leaving in 10 minutes to get my son, still debating if I should take the Z06 or not..................I'm in a pretty good mood right now so I don't need the boost but it would still be nice to have some seat time in it.

80 cm of snow in April, I think I'd be considering skipping seeding this year if we had that! I'll be sending the heat east but be prepared for the wind to accompany it too!

I envy you Colin being able to go hang out with other Corvette owners. No doubt if/when the world does fall apart, having land is going to be critical!!!!!

Truth be known, I'm considering a move to Fairview to be able to have more time with my son. No gravel roads too. Other Corvette owners even. Heck they even have a car club there. And one of the houses I'm sort of interested in was just reposted with a 5% drop in asking price. Heading in the right direction but it has a long ways to go yet!!!!!


Here's a laugh........................

Checked the air in the tires on the tractor, 58' drill and cart two days ago. Folded the wings up, drove it forward 300', lowered the wings yesterday. Tonight my gf came to tell me after she put some new shank points in the tool box that I had a flat tire on the drill. I thought she meant the tractor and couldn't believe it. But it was a smaller drill tire instead. Something already for the morning to do now.

For those of you were were curious, Brad won the betting pool. The cost to replace the tube on the tractor tire was $740..................!

Spraying should start tomorrow morning, with luck seeding Sunday morning. Even had the tractor AC done so we can do it in cooler comfort. Can't wait for that bill next!


Out for exercise, 7:10 sprayer arrived at the field I was going by, "things are happening!"....................this is the 2nd field in the list too so he must have started early.

So get the tire fixed this morning, get seed and fertilizer, see what other odds and ends I can do and then wait until tomorrow morning to get rolling.

Took the Z06 to get my son yesterday. There was a discussion among some of the boys in his class (grade 5) about how much power the car is producing. So I was given an "interrogation" as they were getting ready to go home and a lot of raised eyebrows and sharp intakes of breath when I confirmed that Manny had run the engine up to about 850 hp.................pre-teen boys, you just gotta lov'em! It is sort of enjoyable that all the kids seem to share in the enjoyment of the car.
Colin. We're not talking about Christmas dinner turkey here.... "too much already".... Really! :eek:
Yep -- unless you've had that much power you just cannot imagine Eric. I've had 614 to the wheels and I'd say that's was too much. Really.

To each his own tho.

I just enjoy my friends and would prefer to keep 'em.:)

Out for exercise, 7:10 sprayer arrived at the field I was going by, "things are happening!"....................this is the 2nd field in the list too so he must have started early.

So get the tire fixed this morning, get seed and fertilizer, see what other odds and ends I can do and then wait until tomorrow morning to get rolling.

Took the Z06 to get my son yesterday. There was a discussion among some of the boys in his class (grade 5) about how much power the car is producing. So I was given an "interrogation" as they were getting ready to go home and a lot of raised eyebrows and sharp intakes of breath when I confirmed that Manny had run the engine up to about 850 hp.................pre-teen boys, you just gotta lov'em! It is sort of enjoyable that all the kids seem to share in the enjoyment of the car.
Absolutely amazing isn't it Garry -- what can be done with these engines now.
Yep 744 at the wheels equates to about 850 at the crank --- almost unbelievable isn't it. Yikes.

Go easy my friend -- From experience I can say that these super high powered cars command the utmost respect......tho I suspect that you already know that.

Cheers brother
Happy planting
Good evening Colin,

Oddly I find that having the power is more to me than using it all the time. I actually find it a rare moment that I exceed 4 K rpm. The power comes on in such a rush that I end up short shifting all the time. I mean I've run the car past 6.5 K and you really have to be on the ball to catch it in time so the rev limiter doesn't kick in. No doubt one of the best and most enjoyable driving experiences I've had in my life. But like I said not the sort of thing I need every day. Just knowing that for 99.9% of the cars I'll encounter, maybe even 99.99%, couldn't stay with me, is knowledge enough. The other 0.01%, well I'm sure if it was ever an issue for my ego Manny could resolve that for a moderate additional investment! But I haven't encountered such a car on the road just yet!

So drills all prepped. Seed and fertilizer home, custom spraying started at 6:30 am or so. Just have to fill the drills in the morning, calibrate the rates and off we go!!!!!!! I'm pretty excited to start truth be known but sort of still relaxed about it.


I get it Garry and in some ways I do miss my GS with all that power.......Not everyone understands that and even poo-poos such indulgence (yes I've heard it) ... but unless you've experienced such gobs of power you really have no clue what it's like and how intoxicating it is just knowing what's under your right foot.
LOl yeah Manny could extract more ponies I'm sure -- and has dyno'd upwards of 1000 hp in his shop, maybe more now.
Remember Arun's C6 -- the one that was stolen along with his truck and trailer? That sucker supposedly had 1k hp .. if you can imagine.
If I remember correctly it could turn about an 8 second quarter mile. Unbelievably quick.

You've got a rare one Garry for sure and I fully understand what you mean.

Sounds like this growing season is going to be a great one and best of luck to you and your family mgf.

Yep -- unless you've had that much power you just cannot imagine Eric. I've had 614 to the wheels and I'd say that's was too much. Really.

To each his own tho.

I just enjoy my friends and would prefer to keep 'em.:)

hehe.... of course you are right Colin. I was talking tough just for show....It is easy to get into trouble if you do not show power the respect it deserves. I have never had that much horsepower on the street and really don't think I need it. I did race an H Modified 62 Ford Falcon at Oyster Bed Bridge Raceway back in the early 70's. That 200 cu. in 6 cyl would run consistent 10's and my fear when the front wheels left the asphalt never subsided...but that was straight line driving...on a track.... That and owning a 900 Kawasaki which at the time in 1973 was the fastest production street bike made... now that deserved respect as well.... But that being said, the 411 rwhp of the current C7 feels every bit like it could get me or anyone else into trouble really easily so, talking tough aside, I can't even imagine 744....:eek::eek:
I hear ya Eric -- I went thru the crazy hp bug back when I got my GS in '11 and it sure was fun. I'm done with that now and quite happy with the comparatively sedate performance of my '06 and in some ways the '94.
Had I not done it I would not have forgiven myself and am very glad to have survived it ......

Incidently I went thru the bike craze back in the '80's and the '83 GS 1100E at the time was reported to be one of the fastest for the time. Apparently Peewee (Jay) Gleason once put it thru the quarter mile in 10.99 seconds. Dang fine bike at the time. Wish I had it today.

Suzuki GS1100E
Hummmmm. So I'm not the only one who has been bitten by the bike bug? But I know that I'm probably not smart enough to avoid that sort of speed temptation and on two wheel no less. One of the fellows at the local grain elevator is a bike nut and claims he has a bike that he has had up to 356 km/hr (wow!). I still derive enjoyment from brisk acceleration but try not to use too many gears for the enjoyment.

Another plus for a future move to Fairview, being 35 minutes closer to both Dawson Creek and Ft. St. John for autocrossing where the car can be exercised more. Still only in first gear though!

So sure, would another 50 hp make that much difference to me with a new cam? Probably not. Would a cooler sounding rumble make me do it? Oh ya!

Then again I have really toyed with the idea of getting a Smart car too so who knows what I'm thinking about when it comes to car power.

"To be seeding in but a few hours, perchance to dream!"


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I hear ;you on acceleration as opposed to high speed.
This vid has been on YouTube for many years and shows the top speed of the Suzuki Hyabusa (as well as the craziness of the rider).

Claimed top speed is 248 mph which equates to just shy of 400 kph!!!!!!!

Claimed hp is 500 and the bike weighs in at about 500 lbs. Quite the power to weight ratio.:)

INcidently that video makes my heart race. Talk about craziness of 2 wheels.

Happy seeding mgf at a much more sedate pace.
Hey Garry! I certainly can't weigh into the "too much hp is just enough" conversation.....maybe in another year or two if things go as planned. No where near 744 but if I could hit the 500 mark, I'd be happy. However, one thing I like is being able to mash the throttle to get going and I realize if I do increase the hp in my car, I can't just mash and go anymore but actually have to learn how to drive. :D
That tire change is an expensive one! I'm glad to hear the seeding is underway! Woo!
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