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Good for you Colin!

There was actually a C4 at a farm auction on Grande Prairie and I thought of you. I thought if it went for a song I'd buy it but it went for twice a song's price, probably still a deal (4K) but I never saw the car in person so can't say anything about its condition. They sold a C2 for 12K which I thought was pricey for a L82..............

Loading grain today!!!!! It was a warm day yesterday, +32 with a 40 km wind. Only suppose to reach a high of 11 but still 40 km winds. Hope teh warm weather works its' way east to the rest of you guys, especially in NL which I hear just got dumped on.



hey Garry -- Hard to say without seeing -- some go for high bucks but are in great shape. (C2 for 12k? did you mean C4?)

+32 good Lord I hope that comes our way. only been up to +20 around here lately and cooler recently. no snow is nice tho and actually none in the forecast lol.

Wow poor NFLD dumped on late in the season again. They're tough out there -- they'll get thru it and well wishes to them.

Don't overdo sluggin' grain Garry -- Yer no spring chicken any more mgf -- you must be all the way up to 40'ish.:Biggrin:

Enjoy the sun and warmth -- hope the growing season (and vette season) goes well for you. Has A. asked to drive it yet?

Haven't heard from the wifey yet but this is a typical spring snow storm. I am just far enough from the coast and high enough that we may get 'extra' dumped on our place. Right at the coast it could be more rain than snow. The best part is that the snow will be gone in a few days. All the same, I am quite happy I am away at work but don't tell my other half I said that
I finally cleaned out the garage and fired up the vette....felt nice to drive for 5 min then realized I was out of gas :)
LOL, that was a short lived drive Dan -- Hope you weren't stuck somewhere remote.

I did the opposite and put the '94 away with a full tank. Fired up just like it hadn't been stored but now I've got a full tank of stale gas. (October to end of March.)

Seems that putting them away with very little gas is ok..........would have much preferred that with fresh fillup in the spring.

Enjoy the ride Dan -- see you at the Coping event at Manny's if you can make it.

LOL, that was a short lived drive Dan -- Hope you weren't stuck somewhere remote.

I did the opposite and put the '94 away with a full tank. Fired up just like it hadn't been stored but now I've got a full tank of stale gas. (October to end of March.)

Seems that putting them away with very little gas is ok..........would have much preferred that with fresh fillup in the spring.

Enjoy the ride Dan -- see you at the Coping event at Manny's if you can make it.


Yeah, I made it JUST in time to the gas station. I have never stored a vehicle with more than 1/8th of a tank and never had an issue. That way I add a jerry can of fresh fuel before the start. Storing my cougar that way since 99 and no issues. Then I couldn't get my high beams off so had to go straight home.

I plan to make Manny's, full tank of gas, and called for pricing on glass packs today, so hopeful for the weather now.
Good evening Colin,

Grain hauling going well. Actually having fun as much as anyone can hauling grain. But much nicer hauling to the elevator than loading those producer cars as we've done for the past 5 years. Even Jackie took a load in to try it out as she met me when we were in producer car mode. We should finish tomorrow, maybe, as dad has some to go in too. but with two semi's and two tandems you can move it quickly depending on the lineup at the elevator.

I double checked the cars:

1980 Corvette, L82 auto, passenger door doesn't open, yep 12K. 1980 is a C2 isn't it? C3??

The other was a 1986 so that does make it a C4, right? And it sold for 3.5K............150k miles though..........

Weather back to normal, +7, 40 km winds, ditto for tomorrow. Beats sweating though!

No, A, hasn't asked to drive the Z06 yet, but he's driven the Sentra and my pickups 9 km from my acreage to the farm and did a pretty good job, signaled and everything.

Poor J lost her cellphone when we were loading wheat to have it cleaned. We're not sure how, she had it in the bin and took a picture of me shoveling and lost it. We thought in the grain and then into the auger and into the truck. Then one of the hired men suggested using the app for searching for lost Apple products! Just not that accurate here though and has given us a wide range of locations throughout the day. So we're calling the phone and trying to hear it ring but it is really hard in this wind! I hope it calms down tonight and after I help A with preparing for his upcoming math test we'll make a large search party and try again - only 18% battery left!!!!!



hey Garry -- Hard to say without seeing -- some go for high bucks but are in great shape. (C2 for 12k? did you mean C4?)

+32 good Lord I hope that comes our way. only been up to +20 around here lately and cooler recently. no snow is nice tho and actually none in the forecast lol.

Wow poor NFLD dumped on late in the season again. They're tough out there -- they'll get thru it and well wishes to them.

Don't overdo sluggin' grain Garry -- Yer no spring chicken any more mgf -- you must be all the way up to 40'ish.:Biggrin:

Enjoy the sun and warmth -- hope the growing season (and vette season) goes well for you. Has A. asked to drive it yet?

Hey Garry.... wow... it sure cooled down for you up there.... still warm here.... not as warm as yesterday but it got to 24 here today.... Came home tonight and the neighbour is all set up in the field to start seeding tomorrow..... That just seems really early....

Hope you find the phone...

Oh yeah..... 1963 to 1967 was the C2..... 12k for a C2 would be a good investment unless it was really ratched...
The wife is not a happy camper. it is looking like 40+cm of snow. The expected changeover to rain was a bit late occurring. Just a short distance to the South on the other side of the city it was less than 20cm. Now it is RDF for the remainder of the week according to the forecast
Yikes 12cents ... 40+cm of snow. The weatherman says NFLD can get late storms even into May but that dump you got would be hard to take.
We got a late dump 2 weeks ago and it was very depressing. Thankfully it didn't last long and melted quickly.
Hoping you get as lucky.
Hang in there --' vette ' weather is coming soon to NFLD.

The only two months that have no recorded snowfal on the island are July and August. I can remember being in the outfield (when I played fast pitch softball) and I couldn't see home plate during a sudden flurry of snow in early June. The best part is it melts really quickly at this time of year
Fred, I saw on this news this morning the storm you guys got yesterday. Hammered might be a good descriptive word.

Hopefully it will warm up and disappear in a hurry.
The phone has been found. Still not sure what happened. Used the iCloud phone finding app and it said it was in various places at the farm, in the field, in front of the house, inside the house!

Went for final search last night as phone was down to 10% battery. On a lark and in frustration we pushed the audio icon on the screen and heard a faint noise, but inside the house. This was odd as my gf was so sure that the phone had been lost while shoveling grain in the bin. Followed the noise to the other end of the house and bingo, inside a basket of yarn! This basket had been placed by a chair in the kitchen so now we're thinking that it fell out of her pocket while she was sitting beside it.

Still all relieved, no need to dump $$$ for a new phone!

It would have turned up in the end when the knitting continued but the fear was that a new phone would have been purchased in the meantime.........dodged a bullet here.

Highs of 12 today, wind at 30 and grain loading continues apace. Nice for payday to finally arrive for me.


Glad you found it Garry. Those things are expensive.
Yes, I'm really not aware of the cost since when my last flip phone finally failed after maybe 10 years of use I replaced it with another $75 flip phone. I had no idea that a new iPhone 6 was $1K!

Not really a big phone or social media guy so things like phone technology that really don't make an impact on me. Most of the people I'd care to take a call from I'm normally with, my gf, parents and my son isn't old enough to have a phone so I normally don't even have it with me outside of longer road trips and during seeding and harvest. The rest of the time it just sits on the charger in the kitchen.

But I have to admit I was impressed with the tracking app. While it was sort of only accurate within maybe 100 to 200 m - it was giving us locations all over the yard, field and even in the house (when we thought it was outside somewhere!) when you would refresh the page it did allow us to know one thing, that the phone was not in the back of the grain truck at my uncles place as we had been so sure it was. Knowing it was at the farm somewhere was actually a step forward.


Good to hear that you found the phone Garry, J is very happy about that.
The new Samsung IPhone 7 is the expensive one now and the 6S is down to a more reasonable $500 (did I say reasonable).....I just signed up with Rogers and have one (with insurance) for free had to sign up for 2 years. but love the phone.

I've not installed the tracking app yet but will soon. Sounds like it can be pretty handy.

Continued good luck with the grain and the weather.

Fred, I saw on this news this morning the storm you guys got yesterday. Hammered might be a good descriptive word.

Hopefully it will warm up and disappear in a hurry.

Yep, wife not talking to me today. Had a few choice words when I complained about how warm it is here :Biggrin:
RDF for the remainder of the week so this blast from ol' man winter won't last long
Keep pushing that nice warm weather Eastwards, please
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That is a ton of snow!!!! I would be glad that I missed it as well!
Glad to hear you got the car out Colin! Now for some miles of smiles!

Garry, glad you got the phone and everything is shaping up for an early Spring so you can make it to Ponoka!

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