Back in Business!

What strange and wonderful climate this great country has. It wasn't that long ago that back home was getting buried under the white stuff while out West was enjoying early, summer like temps. Now it is completely the opposite; We are having what is shaping up to be an awesome long weekend and you guys out West are getting buried with the white stuff. Hopefully this cold, wet weather you guys are having nails 'The Beast' and tames it down.
Glad you are finally getting some decent weather down there 12cents.... I chatted with my Dad in NS yesterday and he indicated that summer had arrived there as well.... We have had a great spring in Central Alberta and I'm not complaining about one weekend of nasty. We needed the moisture. And Garry got a bunch of snow up north but not us in Red Deer. Those Peace River people are mostly environmentalists and refused to accept Global Warming.... Us rednecks in Red Deer welcomed Global Warming and now stay 10 degrees warmer than they do all the time..... hahahahaha......
Have a great weekend everyone, no matter where you are or what your weather is like...

It is sort of funny. +30 temps in April that I've never experienced before and more snow in May on Friday/Saturday past than over the whole winter pretty well. As foretold, global warming would result in more severe weather events as it gets worse. Looks like they were right!

Not sure if we got it here as well as I tried to avoid looking outside for most of Friday but at the PR airport it was another 18 mm yesterday.

But +9 today and warmer from here on out so we'll see how things go in a few days.

For those of you with car friendly roads, a happy and safe long weekend to you!
Good morning Riley,

So, the calm after the storm. Everything appears to be just fine. The snow pretty well all melted as of Monday and we had two frost scares as well that didn't seem to materialize. The peas seem fine as does the wheat. Total water seems hard to gauge as not all the snow ended up in the rain gauge. I think it was close to 2 inches myself based on the standing water that I saw, Dad thinks a bit less but one guy I was talking to yesterday on the Shaftsbury Trail (E and SE of where I live, maybe 15 miles) said his rain gauge had 4 1/2 inches in it!

Either way, really welcome water and it it appears no damage to the crops so outside of the loss of a few growing days, maybe a week at most, we lucked out and things are looking really good. Showers again forecast for tomorrow which is probably OK as it will not result in any more flooding.

Maybe the camshaft is back on the table??!! Still three months and harvest to go though and house hunting now that my gf is working in Fairview that will be competing with $ allocations.........

So ya, missed the bullet on what could have been a wreck it seems!



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