Here' s my take on that ..... Dougs words with regards to this situation have been ( for lack of a better word that I cant think of right now ) comforting to some Onatrians and Canadians ... because he's pushed himself into the position of pseudo prime minister ... however IMHO trusting Ford is like trusting a recovering sex addict in a whorehouse ...

( hope that sparked a grin )
But seriously .... although Dougie has seen some success in the business world with his daddy's company Deco labels ... he is not ( by any stretch of the imagination ) anywhere close to being in the league of these insane billionaires . If you google all the people surrounding the demon ... they are ALL billionaires
Me thinks that they possibly could have had some free time on Thursday and decided they wanted some entertainment to flex their power and who better to provide that diversion to them at this given point in time than some cry baby from Canada .
Remember how Trump praised Zelli at the beginning of that infamous meeting saying what a pleasure it was to have him at the whitehouse ... and we all know how that turned out .. then he kicks him out ... what a class act he is eh?
I think the demon is just stoking the fire ... like he has any respect for some yahoo from Canada who is threatening him back ...
Ford said that the electricity tariffs would be in place until ALL US tariffs were off the table now he's back tracking because they extended him an "olive branch " ... No no Dougie ... they just bought and sold you
Trumps demon press secretary said that the tariffs on steel and alluminum are going to be applied " without exception "
I feel that with regards to this " meeting " Ford is little better than calf to slaughter
Just my opinion ... and with that and 2 bucks you can buy a Kit Kat at the local convenience store