A Sucker Punch From Your Neighbour/Friend?

We are and have been forever in a world where the majority of Countries and people thrive on violence and war. Look at the Arabs.... Burning flags, shooting into the air, stoning or killing wives when they burnt supper... Russia...Wanting to rule Europe and imprisoning or executing anyone who criticizes the government.... It's no surprise given Trumps actions that he would and is trying to fit right in with them. We have led a sheltered life in North America.
Up until now that is.
I would say God help us, but if there is a God up there I would also be afraid he/she might just look down, shake his/her head and clean the earth of everyone, and start over.
Yea ... this is true .... however these countries with these terrorist organizations that walk around with fully automatic weapons ( to compensate for their 1 inch dicks ) ... I have always considered these ... like ... 3rd world countries .... but to see and hear the actions and words of the " leader " of the free world .... to see the blatant contradiction of the constitution at every turn .... peeing all over Canada ( like who does that ? ) Bashing the EU ... burning bridges all over the world with countries that he feels he can get away with ... but funny you dont hear a negative word out of his foul mouth about Russia or North Korea ... hes no better than those dickless terrorists

And make no mistake Mr. Rruuff .... There IS a God and He's in tears right now ... and for what's to come ... ;)

120 Girl Agreeing Stock Photos - Free ...
Yea ... this is true .... however these countries with these terrorist organizations that walk around with fully automatic weapons ( to compensate for their 1 inch dicks ) ... I have always considered these ... like ... 3rd world countries .... but to see and hear the actions and words of the " leader " of the free world .... to see the blatant contradiction of the constitution at every turn .... pissing all over Canada ( like who does that ? ) Bashing the EU ... burning bridges all over the world with countries that he feels he can get away with ... but funny you dont hear a negative word out of his foul mouth about Russia or North Korea ... hes no better than those dickless terrorists

And make no mistake Mr. Rruuff .... There IS a God and He's in tears right now ... and for what's to come ... ;)

View attachment 130743
This is Canada. The PC (politically correct) capital of the world... "HE" could be a 'she'.... ???
lol . True, but if he/she works for the federal government at least there will be tampons in both bathrooms….. :Biggrin:
Funny story... I was on a Vette run to Camrose a few years back and we went to their Canadian Brewhouse for lunch. I went to the washroom and they were all unisex. I came out and advised as such and told the table that the only weird thing was the urinals. They were waste high and had both hot and cold running water.... The guys laughed but I think the girls thought I was disgusting... I love recognition... :Biggrin:
Here's another entry from Charlie Angus. This soon to be retired MP impresses me more and more every time.

This is a great read.


A Story of the Scheldt and the Netherlands

"We went to Afghanistan because you were attacked. We didn't ask for your thanks. Neither did 158 of us who died for you." - social media message from Canadian vets to Donald Trump
J.D. Vance says he is tired of Canada's "sob story" about being good allies of America.
The comment shows that Vance is not only a low-class twerp but that he's stupid. If there is one thing to know about Canada, we don't do "sob stories" when considering the price paid for democracy or freedom. It's not in our DNA.
We do what needs to be done. We do it without the flag-waving or the chest-thumping. And then we get on with our lives.
Let me tell you about the Scheldt.
You’ve probably have never heard of this battle, even though it was significant in winning the war against fascism. The Scheldt is a flat and water-logged estuary on the Belgian coast. In the fall of 1944, the entire Allied war was held up by the inability to get supplies up the line. The all-important port at Antwerp was closed because of the huge number of fascist soldiers holding the ground along the winding waterways of the Scheldt.
Without supplies from Antwerp, the war would drag on with an ever-staggering number of casualties. Clearing the Scheldt of Nazis was going to be a long and thankless job with no glory.
So, guess what? The Brits and Americans gave the job to Canada.
Canadians paid a heavy price every step of the way. It began with the crossing of the Leopold Canal. That's where we lost 24-year-old Albert Joseph Coté from North Bay, Ontario. The Algonquin Regiment of Northern Ontario were the lead squad. When they crossed the canal, they were immediately cut to pieces on the flat ground by Nazi machine guns.
Finally, the Algonquins were ordered to pull back, but Coté refused. He wouldn't leave his wounded comrades. He stayed to look after them. He never came home again. He is buried at the Canadian war cemetery at Holten, Netherlands.
The next crew to try and take the ground were the "Farmer Johns" of the Regina Rifles. They had been the first Canadians to hit the beaches of Normandy and had fought relentlessly since then. I have talked with elderly Algonquin vets who remember pulling out of the canal and wishing good luck to the prairie boys who were taking their place.
One of them was 21-year-old Patrick Anthony Johnstone, who had signed up in Calgary and shipped out to Scheldt. He died at the Leopold Canal. He was my wife's uncle. He lies 17 km from Brugge at Adagem war cemetery.
This is how it went the whole length of the Scheldt.
A series of brutal battles like "Black Friday" tore apart the Canadian Black Watch regiment. But the Canadians never faltered even as General Montgomery denied them badly needed air cover.
The Scheldt was cleared just as the Allied commanders knew it would. The price was 13,000 Canadian casualties.
It was a shitty job with no thanks. Canadians didn't expect any different.
From the Scheldt, the Canadians fought steadily towards the border of the Netherlands.
The Dutch people were starving in the bitter "Hunger Winter" of 1944-45. The Canadian casualties were enormous, but for every soldier, this fight became a personal mission. They knew there were many hungry people just behind the German guns.
The Canadians weren't just focused on getting ammunition into the battle lines; they were stockpiling food supplies for the breakout.
Over 7600 Canadians died, pushing the fascist jackboot off the Dutch people. As they entered the villages and towns, they were swarmed by overjoyed civilians. It was impossible to move their tanks because the streets were clogged with celebrating people.
The Canadians who survived the campaign never got over the beautiful welcome of the Dutch people. The Canadians weren't just liberators; they became immediate family and lifelong friends.
My mother had a boss who was one of the Dutch children liberated in the "sweetest spring" of April 1945. He used to tell the story of how his family were cowering in the basement through a night of heavy bombardment.
And then suddenly, there was silence.
After a time, they heard a sound they had never heard before.
It was the sound of Canadian bagpipers marching through the early morning mist - the sound that told them they were finally free.
The original generation who came through the "sweetest spring" are now gone, yet the deep bond between the Dutch and Canada remains strong.
Every spring in Ottawa, people celebrate the "tulip festival" as flowers are shipped to Canada, just as they have been every year since the liberation.
On Christmas Eve, Dutch children go to the Canadian war cemeteries at Holten and Groesbeek to light candles and attend to the graves. Albert Coté never did get to come home to Canada, but he lies in the embrace of our adopted family and loved ones.

Honoring fallen Canadian soldiers—Holten Cemetery, Netherlands, Christmas Eve
We also know who our friends are.
The United States were friends. They aren't anymore.
But the people of the Netherlands remain steadfast.
As does Canada. We need to remind ourselves of these stories as we watch fellow “allies” like Great Britain tiptoe away from us to please Trump.
If defending democracy and the international rule of law has become a shitty and thankless job then give the job to Canadians. We will stand the gaff.
We will always be true, north, strong and free.
"this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863.

I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb here but I'd be willing to bet it was an ancestor of Trumps that had Lincoln assassinated. Just a thought...
Here's another entry from Charlie Angus. This soon to be retired MP impresses me more and more every time.

This is a great read.


A Story of the Scheldt and the Netherlands

J.D. Vance says he is tired of Canada's "sob story" about being good allies of America.
The comment shows that Vance is not only a low-class twerp but that he's stupid. If there is one thing to know about Canada, we don't do "sob stories" when considering the price paid for democracy or freedom. It's not in our DNA.
We do what needs to be done. We do it without the flag-waving or the chest-thumping. And then we get on with our lives.
Let me tell you about the Scheldt.
You’ve probably have never heard of this battle, even though it was significant in winning the war against fascism. The Scheldt is a flat and water-logged estuary on the Belgian coast. In the fall of 1944, the entire Allied war was held up by the inability to get supplies up the line. The all-important port at Antwerp was closed because of the huge number of fascist soldiers holding the ground along the winding waterways of the Scheldt.
Without supplies from Antwerp, the war would drag on with an ever-staggering number of casualties. Clearing the Scheldt of Nazis was going to be a long and thankless job with no glory.
So, guess what? The Brits and Americans gave the job to Canada.
Canadians paid a heavy price every step of the way. It began with the crossing of the Leopold Canal. That's where we lost 24-year-old Albert Joseph Coté from North Bay, Ontario. The Algonquin Regiment of Northern Ontario were the lead squad. When they crossed the canal, they were immediately cut to pieces on the flat ground by Nazi machine guns.
Finally, the Algonquins were ordered to pull back, but Coté refused. He wouldn't leave his wounded comrades. He stayed to look after them. He never came home again. He is buried at the Canadian war cemetery at Holten, Netherlands.
The next crew to try and take the ground were the "Farmer Johns" of the Regina Rifles. They had been the first Canadians to hit the beaches of Normandy and had fought relentlessly since then. I have talked with elderly Algonquin vets who remember pulling out of the canal and wishing good luck to the prairie boys who were taking their place.
One of them was 21-year-old Patrick Anthony Johnstone, who had signed up in Calgary and shipped out to Scheldt. He died at the Leopold Canal. He was my wife's uncle. He lies 17 km from Brugge at Adagem war cemetery.
This is how it went the whole length of the Scheldt.
A series of brutal battles like "Black Friday" tore apart the Canadian Black Watch regiment. But the Canadians never faltered even as General Montgomery denied them badly needed air cover.
The Scheldt was cleared just as the Allied commanders knew it would. The price was 13,000 Canadian casualties.
It was a shitty job with no thanks. Canadians didn't expect any different.
From the Scheldt, the Canadians fought steadily towards the border of the Netherlands.
The Dutch people were starving in the bitter "Hunger Winter" of 1944-45. The Canadian casualties were enormous, but for every soldier, this fight became a personal mission. They knew there were many hungry people just behind the German guns.
The Canadians weren't just focused on getting ammunition into the battle lines; they were stockpiling food supplies for the breakout.
Over 7600 Canadians died, pushing the fascist jackboot off the Dutch people. As they entered the villages and towns, they were swarmed by overjoyed civilians. It was impossible to move their tanks because the streets were clogged with celebrating people.
The Canadians who survived the campaign never got over the beautiful welcome of the Dutch people. The Canadians weren't just liberators; they became immediate family and lifelong friends.
My mother had a boss who was one of the Dutch children liberated in the "sweetest spring" of April 1945. He used to tell the story of how his family were cowering in the basement through a night of heavy bombardment.
And then suddenly, there was silence.
After a time, they heard a sound they had never heard before.
It was the sound of Canadian bagpipers marching through the early morning mist - the sound that told them they were finally free.
The original generation who came through the "sweetest spring" are now gone, yet the deep bond between the Dutch and Canada remains strong.
Every spring in Ottawa, people celebrate the "tulip festival" as flowers are shipped to Canada, just as they have been every year since the liberation.
On Christmas Eve, Dutch children go to the Canadian war cemeteries at Holten and Groesbeek to light candles and attend to the graves. Albert Coté never did get to come home to Canada, but he lies in the embrace of our adopted family and loved ones.

Honoring fallen Canadian soldiers—Holten Cemetery, Netherlands, Christmas Eve
We also know who our friends are.
The United States were friends. They aren't anymore.
But the people of the Netherlands remain steadfast.
As does Canada. We need to remind ourselves of these stories as we watch fellow “allies” like Great Britain tiptoe away from us to please Trump.
If defending democracy and the international rule of law has become a shitty and thankless job then give the job to Canadians. We will stand the gaff.
We will always be true, north, strong and free.
Ya . He’s OK . Seems like a very no BS kinda guy. Speaks his mind and makes more sense than most of them. Even if he is NDP, which makes him even more impressive…..
"this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863.

I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb here but I'd be willing to bet it was an ancestor of Trumps that had Lincoln assassinated. Just a thought...
Wouldn’t be surprised, lol. One of his ancestors ran a cat house in the Yukon apparently. That’s where the family fortune started. So he owes us …..
This is Canada. The PC (politically correct) capital of the world... "HE" could be a 'she'.... ???
Well ..... I appreciate your insight ...... but ..... The MAN upstairs is Male .... but thats a whole other debate

they say .... religion and politics ..... I'm surprised we are getting away with so much political sounding off here ... ;)

10,719 Beautiful Woman Laughing ...
Well ..... I appreciate your insight ...... but ..... The MAN upstairs is Male .... but thats a whole other debate

they say .... religion and politics ..... I'm surprised we are getting away with so much political sounding off here ... ;)

View attachment 130751
Notice that it’s an off topic thread. Keeps from cluttering up the main theme of CCF . Provides a nice diversion from the usual. And everyone is being respectful and civil as well. Hard sometimes to hold one’s tongue when dealing with what’s happening all around us right now but kudos to all . :Cheers2:
Well ..... I appreciate your insight ...... but ..... The MAN upstairs is Male .... but thats a whole other debate
It is, but life by default is female. There are species without males, but there are no species without females. You know the old debate which came first the chicken or the egg. Anyway, a supreme being could quite likely be neither. Anyone watch the Stargate series? The Asgard were all clones.
We use the term "he" by default for anyone unknown. As we've seen lately with the Orange Ape forcing him/her that there is no term for someone who is neither him or her so we default to "him".

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