Yea ... this is true .... however these countries with these terrorist organizations that walk around with fully automatic weapons ( to compensate for their 1 inch dicks ) ... I have always considered these ... like ... 3rd world countries .... but to see and hear the actions and words of the " leader " of the free world .... to see the blatant contradiction of the constitution at every turn .... peeing all over Canada ( like who does that ? ) Bashing the EU ... burning bridges all over the world with countries that he feels he can get away with ... but funny you dont hear a negative word out of his foul mouth about Russia or North Korea ... hes no better than those dickless terroristsWe are and have been forever in a world where the majority of Countries and people thrive on violence and war. Look at the Arabs.... Burning flags, shooting into the air, stoning or killing wives when they burnt supper... Russia...Wanting to rule Europe and imprisoning or executing anyone who criticizes the government.... It's no surprise given Trumps actions that he would and is trying to fit right in with them. We have led a sheltered life in North America.
Up until now that is.
I would say God help us, but if there is a God up there I would also be afraid he/she might just look down, shake his/her head and clean the earth of everyone, and start over.
And make no mistake Mr. Rruuff .... There IS a God and He's in tears right now ... and for what's to come ...