A Sucker Punch From Your Neighbour/Friend?

Reading the various posts here leads me to believe that you guys are way smarter than I .... CDNZ said it well that we should not let this demon dickhead occupy too much of our thoughts ... however kinda hard given the current state of affairs ...

But here is my question ... watching CP24 tonight I saw our illustrious premier talking tough again ( like the rotten orange really cares ) ... but mabe he might in this situation .. so as of today the province's 25 % surcharge on electricity takes effect ... and good old Dougie says that if Putin's bag licker hits back he is considering cutting the power to these states all together ... that would obviously affect hospitals , long term care facilities , schools, law enforcement agencies , computers, home owners , ( some of whom require in home medical services eg. dialysis ) businesses, and even traffic lights etc etc...
Now Dougie flips the switch and electricity is cut .... would donnie dickwad ... consider that an act of war ? ... claiming national security is being compromised ... could that push him to send troops across that " imaginary line " ? hes looking for any excuse to do stupid things . He's already screwing Canada for reasons known only to him and his " boys "

Kinda makes me nervous ...

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Unfortunately there are a handful of the 'Blue states' that depend on Ontario's electricity. I'm pissed at the US too but it would be a shame to punish the people that aren't supporting Trump. JMO
Unfortunately there are a handful of the 'Blue states' that depend on Ontario's electricity. I'm pissed at the US too but it would be a shame to punish the people that aren't supporting Trump. JMO
Almost 40% of the U.S. did not vote! So they should also be included in the Trumpster fire! You are being too kind. There is a responsibility to vote and keep the likes of trump out of office. If those 40% are indifferent then we should be too. I pity those that voted for Kamala. They are the ones that will unfortunately suffer our retaliation, but it must be done. Don't blame Canada. Only one group to blame!
Almost 40% of the U.S. did not vote! So they should also be included in the Trumpster fire! You are being too kind. There is a responsibility to vote and keep the likes of trump out of office. If those 40% are indifferent then we should be too. I pity those that voted for Kamala. They are the ones that will unfortunately suffer our retaliation, but it must be done. Don't blame Canada. Only one group to blame!
Read it again. I didn't say anything that was any kinder than what you just finished saying. Maybe it wasn't clear but the "BLUE" states ARE the ones that voted for Kamala. And yes. the 40% should have voted but the 40% you quote doesn't take into account the aged people with Dementia, Alzheimer's, the mentally handicapped and unable to vote, crippled, non-functioning or otherwise incapacitated, so maybe it was only 20% that could have but didn't vote.

Regardless... I'm all for shutting off the electricity if Ontario can afford to go without that income. Hell.... If all of the people in Canada could afford it, we can shut off the oil and gas taps, the steel and aluminum, the dairy and eggs, the potash, lumber, plastics, vehicles, and whatever else we export to the US. Unfortunately we don't have the avenues to export most of that to anyone else, and with no jobs the rainy day money runs out quickly.

I have 5 freezers, 120 acres of cultivated rich soil, and 40 acres of cow pasture. I can survive quite nicely until I'm out of ammunition and overrun by the 'have nots', but the vast majority of our population can not survive, and with that, I will shut the hell up and not expand on what would happen to Canada after that point. :Sad5:
Reading the various posts here leads me to believe that you guys are way smarter than I .... CDNZ said it well that we should not let this demon dickhead occupy too much of our thoughts ... however kinda hard given the current state of affairs ...

But here is my question ... watching CP24 tonight I saw our illustrious premier talking tough again ( like the rotten orange really cares ) ... but mabe he might in this situation .. so as of today the province's 25 % surcharge on electricity takes effect ... and good old Dougie says that if Putin's bag licker hits back he is considering cutting the power to these states all together ... that would obviously affect hospitals , long term care facilities , schools, law enforcement agencies , computers, home owners , ( some of whom require in home medical services eg. dialysis ) businesses, and even traffic lights etc etc...
Now Dougie flips the switch and electricity is cut .... would donnie dickwad ... consider that an act of war ? ... claiming national security is being compromised ... could that push him to send troops across that " imaginary line " ? hes looking for any excuse to do stupid things . He's already screwing Canada for reasons known only to him and his " boys "

Kinda makes me nervous ...

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So it didn’t take long for Donald Dump to respond to the 25% tax on electricity. Today he doubled the tariffs on steel and aluminum to 50% . This is getting uglier every day. Hopefully the American citizens will start to protest louder as their cost of living increases.
Read it again. I didn't say anything that was any kinder than what you just finished saying. Maybe it wasn't clear but the "BLUE" states ARE the ones that voted for Kamala.
I read it right. I just meant we shouldn't feel sorry for anyone down there. The system they use is the system they use and they must either like it or change it. 177 million people knew tariffs would happen and they wanted it. You get scum like Fox news and the republicans yelling B.S. and nobody, including the Blue People are speaking out too loudly .... yet (hopefully)
So it didn’t take long for Donald Dump to respond to the 25% tax on electricity. Today he doubled the tariffs on steel and aluminum to 50% . This is getting uglier every day. Hopefully the American citizens will start to protest louder as their cost of living increases.
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Not sure what Ford expected. At some point if Trump isn't put to sleep forever and we keep trading retaliatory tariffs there will be an even more unreasonable escalation from Trump and an attempted takeover will follow.
Not sure what Ford expected. At some point if Trump isn't put to sleep forever and we keep trading retaliatory tariffs there will be an even more unreasonable escalation from Trump and an attempted takeover will follow.
Ya, but what else can we do? Not respond at all? He did expect it and I wouldn't put it past him to cut power to the States entirely.
Ya, but what else can we do? Not respond at all? He did expect it and I wouldn't put it past him to cut power to the States entirely.
Trump being so thin skinned and insecure takes all of the resistance and back talking personally. Trudeau calling him “ Donald “ and dumb the other day no doubt didn’t help matters much. It’s like trying to reason with a petulant child really. It’s unfortunately going to take further drops in the indexes and possibly a recession to make them backtrack I would guess. Not very comforting considering the damage that will happen in the meantime. These tariffs are like a snowball rolling down a hill, the keep getting larger and harder to stop until they hit the bottom. Congress doesn’t seem to have the ability to stop him currently because of his invoking of the “ National Security “ excuse. Be nice to know what his ultimate intention is but whatever it is it’s not going to be pretty. Very delicate situation to say the least.
Congress doesn’t seem to have the ability to stop him currently because of his invoking of the “ National Security “ excuse.
Nobody can stop him. Even the Supreme court gave him carte blanche to do whatever he wants in the "role" as President.
Ya, but what else can we do? Not respond at all? He did expect it and I wouldn't put it past him to cut power to the States entirely.
This morning Trump doubled the metals tariffs to 50% . So if Doug throws the switch the response is unpredictable but it would be swift and nasty we can expect. Hell of a situation. We’re probably, hopefully just possibly, looking at the same BS until the midterms.
Nobody can stop him. Even the Supreme court gave him carte blanche to do whatever he wants in the "role" as President.
Sure. Because he stacked the court with conservatives last time around although they haven’t agreed with everything he has been doing but overall there doesn’t seem to be too much pushback from them. Same thing has happened with the courts here and just take a look at who is now sitting in our Senate. Check out the percentage with Liberal affiliations. Stacked deck but typical antics of any politician or party in a position to do so. Shell games .
Hi Boss. I am sure your English is just fine. I took my time in composing the post because I do like to express my thoughts accurately. As to your comment about being polite when speaking of Trump, you have not sat with my wife and myself when we have to watch his antics on the nightly news, they are definitely not flattering nor suitable to be heard by children. Thank you for reading my post and taking the time to comment. Have a great evening. Elbows up and buy Canadian.
As I can read, your evening, watching the news about the orange clown, really resemble ours. My wife, who normaly dont pay much attention to whatever about politics is now taking position in a way that she sometimes makes the dog bark. Sad situation We are 1/10 of there population, we will never have a economical balance between our 2 countrys.
50% might as well be 100%. The U.S. can only produce 16% of the total aluminum requirements. They have little choice. Pay or not buy. We should raise our prices instead of letting him put on more tariffs!
Export tax to the US is needed.
Export tax to the US is needed.
Looks like Doug caught their attention.

Doug Ford suspends electricity tariffs, will meet with Trump administration​

In a joint statement, Lutnick and Ford said they have agreed to meet formally . So The Donald will now go back to 25% instead of 50% on metals tariffs. What a joke this whole convoluted mess is becoming .
So ... where the f*(&& does it end ? 1 000 000 % tariffs on everything ? What a joke all the way around
Ford is in alot of ways just like trumpet beating his chest and playing tough guy ... but even I'll admit that I would take Ford any day over Demon Dickhead ...

Just one quick glance at this lick dick or lutnik or what ever his name is and you can tell he is criminal to the core and has a crooked sophistication that only the billionaire bunch can understand

And Dougie is going to meet with him ?

God help us ;)

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