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Winter Blues - Not this year

First winter in many that I'm not suffering throttle withdrawal! I've not had any issues getting around with winter tires. I do however get a lot of strange looks
What is the coldest temperature you have had it out in this year? No issues with all the freezing rain we have had?
Reactions: Black 03 Z06
I raced a 5.0 mustang in my Acura Tl sh-awd the other night, I had studded winters he had something unknow but he spanked me off the line during a snow storm. Tire's are everything so its doable but I couldn't stand seeing my vette covered in salt and crap, I also think absence makes the heart grow fonder. By the end of the summer some its appeal is gone its a fun daily driver, but getting it back on the roads in the spring is heaven all over again and go for drives just because. Driving the same thing everyday gets dull after a while (at least for me don't tell my wife haha).
Decided to sell my Ford Escape instead of my 2014 Stingray. I needed to make room for the 2022 HTC I took delivery of late October which is why I'm winter driving the C7. The C8 will have to wait until the roads have the salt and crap cleaned off of them before I'll take it out for the driving season.
Reactions: Canuck204
A dedicated summer and winter vette now we're talking. I picked this up for my nephew, going to paint it black to match mine. Currently in my shop and when I get asked why I tell them that's my winter vette lol.


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I raced a 5.0 mustang in my Acura Tl sh-awd the other night, I had studded winters he had something unknow but he spanked me off the line during a snow storm.
I also have an Acura Tl Sh and those cars have amazing grip, never used it in the Winter but with Pilot Super Sports it handles awesome in the Summer. Out of curiosity are you on Acurazine ??
We generally only get 5 to 10 cm of snow in Vancouver and thought about using the C7 during the winter seasons.... for abt 5mins....... but hats off to you Zedaholic for using it year round. At the end of the day its only a car! Now, I'm just looking forward to March 1st as its when the Vette will go back on the road.
Reactions: Zedaholic

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