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What a game!

I agree Brian. All the teams this year have an opportunity... Hopefully the Oil come out hard. They have the ability and are coming in with a season winning record against the Ducks. 25% chance says @Pep... I'll take that any day with 8 teams left... So what are the Pred's chances Randy?
Oh... And here I thought you'd spent countless hours applying your estimating skills to a complicated spreadsheet.... LOL... I understand now....
Oh but I did. Math is hard ya know LOL. I am still working on my cypher'n and gozintas

Yeah... I totally understand where you're coming from.... Back in the day of the ancients when I learned math we used The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus and some of the other texts containing
tables. These tables allowed us to rewrite any fraction of the form 1 n {\displaystyle {\tfrac {1}{n}}}
as a sum of unit fractions. Those were the days... I still have to do my calculations that old way unless I have one of them new fangled calculataters....

Wanna use my new "iBacus" which is actually an anklet because one wrist is for the iWatch and the other is for a Fitbit
Reactions: Rruuff Day
I want one Spence...... except at my age I can't see as far as my ankles, let alone reach them.

No problem, I will add a pair of "iSee" to your package - you will be absolutely marvellous ... (do you get the idea that I am a creative designer for Apple?)

... and maybe an "iGrab" ?

... and before you let me "have it" ... I know you subscribe to "iHad'nuf" and I will cease from soliciting any more iProducts


  • iGrab.jpg
    4.4 KB · Views: 3
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Reactions: Rruuff Day
Ahhh yes.... I can relate... Brenda often raises her eyebrow at my sometimes off the beaten track humour... but..... Old dogs are slow to learn new tricks... Or that's my story anyway...

Yes... Go Oil

Nothing at all against your posting it Tinman ...

That Radio Station is serving no real purpose with no actual Alberta Battle in this year's playoffs.
Would have been awesome if there was ... however it's ...
Meaninglessness that only continues a sad legacy of the fact that there is truly one thing worse than a bad loser ...
and that's a bad winner!

Good on the Oilers Hockey Team last night ... enjoyable but there's still more winning to do eh
For the most part, the Oil got outplayed last night... Even though neither the shots on goal nor the score reflected it, the Ducks had better control of the game and the puck. I chewed my nails down to my funny bone every time the Ducks were in the Oilers end....That game could have gone the other way really quick. But a win is a win... (damn I'm deep)....Great efforts from the quieter players is exactly what is needed to round out any team ... Go Oilers Go....Crush those Quackers....

You can't just let it be what it is?.....humour.
A) I don't know or care what radio station you are referring too
B) I have zero issues laughing just as hard at memes of my team when they suffer a loss.
It's simply a pic I saw floating around the ol' interweb. So look at it, laugh, move on. Or don't. You'll live alot longer if you can do that. Go Oilers!

Fine ... no problem ... haha ... I'll live an extra day and follow the lead

Now let me hold those beers ... ya trust me?
... wonder why they will be returned filled to the rim ...

all in jest ... nothing personal ... go any remaining team ...

(it still goes down a lot better though when two Alberta Teams are playing one another)
(after all those lousy Oiler years ... it did make for a better team and definitely for one particular player)
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