SN-III: "Old-School" is good as it relates to many things including hockey; unfortunately, we can no longer experience many things that in my opinion, were better in the good ole days. It would have been nice to have the technology of to-day back when I played: light weight hockey sticks (remember those heavy Sherwoods) with incredible flex, light weight sturdy skates and equipment that actually protected you.

Yes I can write a book on "old school" in the way it relates to my career and lifestyle. "You know when you are older when..."!
I still have my first "hat-trick" stick in the rafters of my garage that I dated and signed (lol). It makes me laugh trying to make this "2x4" show any flex.
It has survived being used as a newly-planted tree support. I also have my goalie stick that I used when I "volunteered" when we were playing the easier teams (I had many a shut-outs which says a lot toward how the other team was able to play - much more lol).
As far as keeping to the intent for this forum ... as much as I admire all those who keep working and enjoying with what I did with my '69 Nova, I do appreciate not having to keep as knowledgeable with my 2016 Corvette ... leaves me all the time in the world to just cruise with my crazy Corvette Owner grin, while purely enjoying the "old-school" postings made by others.
However, Hockey is something I still play in my dreams ... Cheers!
Ohhhh... sorry being a life long Leafs fan and not subscribing to the Canadian teams theory I am in fully in the ABH camp. Anyone but the Habs :). So tonight I cheer for the Rangers to put them out of my misery :p
I am not as pleased with the Leafs play as B03 as I thought there was some long stretches the Caps out played the Leafs in both of the last 2 games. But that is not unexpected with a young first time playoff team vs arguably the top team in the NHL this past regular season. And just to make the playoffs and keep very close to the Caps is a great learning experience for the team and the kids. Go Leafs!

PS: Go Red Sox :)
HABs are out: there is a God.
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Yes I can write a book on "old school" in the way it relates to my career and lifestyle. "You know when you are older when..."!
I still have my first "hat-trick" stick in the rafters of my garage that I dated and signed (lol). It makes me laugh trying to make this "2x4" show any flex.
It has survived being used as a newly-planted tree support. I also have my goalie stick that I used when I "volunteered" when we were playing the easier teams (I had many a shut-outs which says a lot toward how the other team was able to play - much more lol).
As far as keeping to the intent for this forum ... as much as I admire all those who keep working and enjoying with what I did with my '69 Nova, I do appreciate not having to keep as knowledgeable with my 2016 Corvette ... leaves me all the time in the world to just cruise with my crazy Corvette Owner grin, while purely enjoying the "old-school" postings made by others.
However, Hockey is something I still play in my dreams ... Cheers!
I am old school when it comes to corvettes: C3, C4, C5 and my last a 2016 C7 vert: out for a spin on Friday - beautiful sunny day - drove to Squamish and back - man does it like to go with a tiny touch of the accelerator - vroom!!!!
Well, I wish I had seen this thread yesterday before I was in to see my wife's uncle who is in the hospital with cancer issues. He was looking pretty gaunt and white, but he had his Toronto Maple Leafs jersey on! I should have taken a picture of it, but I wasn't thinking of the cool photo op at the time.

and since the Flames are out, I gotta stay loyal to my place. Go Oilers! No money bets this year. lol.
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I usually cheer for an underdog and/or new teams that have not won when my team is out. Thus... GO PREDS!!!!

Hmmmm.... Can you say 'Ottawa'... Yeah Yeah I know... they won the cup back in 1812..... But at least they're Canadians Pep... The only thing Canada is known for in Nashville is we are the home of Santa Claus.... we all live in Igloos.... we only eat pemmican made from Polar bear or baby Seals..... and we have snow all year around... (and the snow part is not far from the truth in Alberta so far this spring)....

Just kidding Randy.... But as long as we have a Canadian team in the running, I will be supporting them ...

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YOU could say Ottawa...but considering they are a major rival of my Leafs...... cold chance in hell tha.... wait... that is pretty much the weather the last week here... ok.... NO chance LOL.
It is obviously your personal choice and that is all good. I don't subscribe to the cheer for a team based in Canada first theory. Erik Karlsson, a great dman and a swede, is the captain of the Sens. Mike Fisher, a good Canadian boy, is the captain of the Preds so I'll cheer for him :)
... with a record set for number of overtimes in a playoff year already ...
Go "1 goal Games" :Hurray: ... This is the MOST Entertaining :Lurk5: :thumbs:
Go any team :canada:
(ya it's :Shifty: snowing this week again in Alberta .... yuk! :Mad5:)
And what I found interesting about that SNIII, is yes a record number of overtimes in the first round of the NHL playoffs ever... and yet not a single round out of 8 went a full 7 games. Weird dichotomy.
Yes Pep you have another interesting fact... no 7th games ... thank you to our Flames as a 7th game loss would "hurt" more (for me) than the 4 game sweep ... but enough about that one though :Mad5:
If Fisher was that good a Canadian boy, he wouldn't have chased his wife to Nashville.... hahahaha.... just kidding... he said getting traded was a surprise... Or was that Gretsky who said that.... :rolleyes:
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I will keep with the Canadian :canada: thing as long as I can, after that I am not sure but I am leaning towards the Preds. I am still irritated that the Habs traded away a young and upcoming Dman for a an older Dman that is on the downward side of his playing career
I agree... If by some slim chance the Oil or Ottawa aren't playing in the final, I will also jump to Nashville... Great city by the way. If you've never been, both it and Memphis are well worth visiting at least once...
Slim chance ROFL.... Oil Leaks have about a 25% chance by the math of the teams left... and in my opinion any of the 4 teams left could seriously win the west....
and Sens chances of making the final are between slim and F*ck all.... slim is on his horse riding out of town as we speak
Nashville is indeed a fantastic city to visit and enjoy. Lots to do and see and lots of fun to be had if one can survive that
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