SWEET! A Corvette in Costa Rica. That sounds awesome.

I think I find this time of year the hardest, well, not quite this time, but the time when you can really notice the days are getting longer, the snow is melting, you can actually feel some heat from the sun and you know spring is around the corner. That is when I find myself getting the most squirrelly and just want spring to be here so I can get back in the car.
I think most people who own a vette because they love vettes will appreciate it even if they have year round access. Winter is just a mod season for us where as the year round guys would have to stop driving on nice days just to mod.

As for the snow I love it. I wouldn't live in Saskatchewan if I didn't. The problem is usually the amount. I want like 10ft or more not 4 inches. The amount we have right now is just annoying, makes everything slick and dirty but can't go out and have any fun with winter toys. Plus I love pushing snow around in my yard ( Of course I wouldn't if I didn't have a Bobcat to help me :) ).

However. I still get excited for spring when the days get longer and the weather gets warmer. I just like the change and variance we have here. I just wish it wasn't so much day to day changes.

Im my opinion, having a car in temp storage does indeed have a positive effect on my appreciation of the car, and for the roads which we enjoy driving on. I have always looked forward to an early April sunny day to start the new season of driving. Just seems like that "new car feeling" all over again.
And, winter does seem shorter now too! My last drive to lightly warm the tires this year was a beauuuu.....tiiiffffuuuul run on our local little "tail of the dragon" in very late November. So, I for one do agree with Riley P's comment. Just wish they could get the street sweepers out sooner to clean up the winter road debris.
i think we appreciate it(our vets) a lot more! I got mine about 5 months ago and i havent had a chance to drive it yet! that was until yesterday, i put a day permit on it. We've had amazing weather in vancouver the past 4-5 days. Salt washed away from all the rain, and its been clear, sunny, and warm. Spent the whole day cruising yesterday and saw some other beauts on the road, no other vettes though. Now its washed, cleaned, and back under its blanket for a few more months!
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C4, you sure are right about the weather. I've been really tempted to get mine out too, but have managed to keep it under cover. But yesterday at the Griffin Pub this guy shows up with his Z06, and boy was I jealous

Sorry for the fuzzy image, phone camera, plus his foot was on the floor!!!
Couldn't wait any longer. Took mine out for a nice little blast today.
The roads weren't that bad. The car was only a little dusty.
Cleaned her up and tucked her back under the cover until next time.

Man I feel so revived now. Amazing what a drive in these Hot Rods will do for you.
Bring On The Spring, I'm F'n Ready !!!!!!!! :canada:
Do you guys think we appreciate our cars more than the people in the south because we only get to use them for half the year, or do you think we would appreciate them more and spend more on them because if we could drive them all year then we could justify extra expenses as they are not just a summer toy?

I would appreciate just as much even if it were used all year round.
Fired mine up Mark but didn't take her out......(no insurance) but it sure felt good sitting in it and playin'......:D
Another month or so and I'm hoping to have her out.

want to scratch the itch soo bad - keepin her covered til March thou :(

Steamer - if I was still on the island - I'd never put it away :D

hey folks - pass the word - C-Teks on sale at crappy tire for 49 bucks - great deal


Best price for sure. They were on a few months back and most got one then.
There may still be a couple without one tho.......
Time to jump in folks if you don't have one.

Thanks for the 411 Duff.

Love all four seasons here in the wet coast of B.C. Would just leave my post to this with the old and weary saying of "Absence make the Corvette heart grow stronger".

LOL, Steamer tells me all about your "liquid sunshine" out there.
Agreed on the absence -- Roll on March -- by then I'll have missed her a lot.

CCO it's been raining here quite hard for over a month now. We are on an acre very narrow and therefore very long. All surrounded by farmland , so it's very quiet here. Anyway at the furthest end of the acre there is a hollow that is now filled with water, it looks like a small lake. It least the wells here always stay full.
CCO it's been raining here quite hard for over a month now. We are on an acre very narrow and therefore very long. All surrounded by farmland , so it's very quiet here. Anyway at the furthest end of the acre there is a hollow that is now filled with water, it looks like a small lake. It least the wells here always stay full.

mmmm....dragstrip . :coolgleam: be a little tricky gittin' er whoa'd though eh !!! :eek:
CCO it's been raining here quite hard for over a month now. We are on an acre very narrow and therefore very long. All surrounded by farmland , so it's very quiet here. Anyway at the furthest end of the acre there is a hollow that is now filled with water, it looks like a small lake. It least the wells here always stay full.

Not sure I'd like the wetness -- bad enough here with the cold and snow (sometimes) ....... I'd find wet a little dreary for that long.
I hope it dries up a little for you soon and you get some 'regular' sunshine. Steamer tells me the flowers begin blooming again soon.
That I would enjoy.:D
Yep , we can get snowdrops come up in January and crocus a little later. But we can't plant seeds for our vegetable garden till middle May, early June cause the soil just isn't warm enough for germination till the soil is at least near 15 C. And right here we have slugs on steroids that will get all the new seedlings unless you put tons of slug bait in each new row and keep doing that through the season.
WHAT WE NEED :eek: is a winter beater Corvette!!! and a summer Corvette...

Buy a old stock 350HP for "winter beating" (won't rust if oiled)

and keep the 750-1000 hp for summer

Problem solved:agree:
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