Come spring my Stingray plate will be VANGUARD - it is on my truck now and will be transferred. I kinda think the last definition option is appropriate - a rocket! 
- the foremost division or the front part of an army; advance guard; van.
- the forefront in any movement, field, activity, or the like.
- the leaders of any intellectual or political movement.
( initial capital letter ) Rocketry . a U.S. three-stage, satellite-launching rocket, the first two stages powered by liquid-propellant engines and the third by a solid-propellant engine.

- the foremost division or the front part of an army; advance guard; van.
- the forefront in any movement, field, activity, or the like.
- the leaders of any intellectual or political movement.
( initial capital letter ) Rocketry . a U.S. three-stage, satellite-launching rocket, the first two stages powered by liquid-propellant engines and the third by a solid-propellant engine.