Well I've been working through a number of potential personalized plates for a number of months now but today I made the plunge and ordered my plate "Z06 SC".
Although I like the wider appearance of the letter "O" better than the narrower number "0", I had to go with the actual factory designation of that middle character, that being the narrower "number", "zero"!
Interestingly on the Ontario provincial web site they allow you to practice selecting various plate options and then indicate their availability. Today both "Z06 SC" and "ZO6 SC" were both available, however as soon as I ordered my plate the other no longer was available. That tells me that the two are too similar and therefore the MTO automatically voids the availability of the second similar plate with the purchase of either.
My thought process was I should save some money when it's time to plate the car when it arrives as now I won't need the dealer to purchase new plates, only register the car to my personalized plate.
At least it is much cheaper than what I paid for my "VENOMOUS" plate as when I bought it, I paid $510.00. When the Ontario Government first moved to an 8 number/character persoanalized plate, (
personailized plates were formerly only 6 number/character) the first month of sale saw the increased plate price. If you dared to choose to wait 30 days, hopeful that your plate selection would still be available the price dropped to the current $310.00. I didn't think my choice would be available later so I ordered it the first morning the new personalized plates went on sale. I was on hold (telephone) for one full hour however when the agent answered I was able to secure my plate.
That was also the first time that CORVETTE or MUSTANG became available and I'm sure those 2 plates were also likely the first two plates sold. Ha ha.