Featured My order is placed

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Congrats! I just left my dealer and placed my WA order for 2022: 2LT, HTC, Rapid Blue, carbon fiber interior trim, front lift, sport exhaust, upgraded seats to GT2 - saw no need to get 3LT, MRC, new low rear spoiler and front splitter, red brake calipers, trident wheels, red brake calipers, side rockers. No Z51 - never use and be driving this car all year unless we get a freak snow storm or other condition - then, drive my SUV. Now, I just hurry up and wait - LOL. Don't think I forgot anything? I was on the 2021 list for a long time. Do not think you will have your car for April; besides, there will still be snow on the ground then!!
My car was in my drive way on May 6 (2 months ago). Already 6,000 km on it. Very nice to drive and I get a lot of thumb-up everywhere I go.
My car was in my drive way on May 6 (2 months ago). Already 6,000 km on it. Very nice to drive and I get a lot of thumb-up everywhere I go.
Great!! Snow in November, Dec., Jan., Feb. and Mar.? I use to live in QC. Pulling your leg. Glad to hear that you are driving the car every day - what its meant for. Enjoy!
@Bizbiz911 , which dealer are you dealing with in Quebec? I am on a waiting list and was told it would be a 18-24 month wait... thanks
@Bizbiz911 , which dealer are you dealing with in Quebec? I am on a waiting list and was told it would be a 18-24 month wait... thanks!
hello Bourbonp. I am with Thibault GM from Sherbrooke. Their list is also very long. Probably over 24 months. You may call them (819) 563-7878 and ask for Sylvain Pouliot. You can also send him an email at [email protected] Good luck!
Hello All,
My dealer has his allocation and I am number one on the list. My order is in the system since last Thursday and I should get GM order confirmation in the next 10 days.
The car should be build in March (my guess) and delivered in April, just in time to start the season.
Equipment: HTC, 3LT, Z51, E60, D84, FE4, HUA, J6F, N26, Q8T, SB7, SL1, SQU, STI, TU7, VQK, VYW, ZYC, BV4, AH2, GKZ, RWU,CAV
Contract signed at MSRP with no extra mark-up.
Can't wait to have this new car.
Congrats. My dealer tells me he has no idea yet on allocation? WTF? They charge MSRP as well - no upcharge like many In BC - $10 to $15K. Anyone know why here in BC the dealers do no know what their allocations are?
Congrats. My dealer tells me he has no idea yet on allocation? WTF? They charge MSRP as well - no upcharge like many In BC - $10 to $15K. Anyone know why here in BC the dealers do no know what their allocations are?
They might not have received any for the first round. In years past they would get a yearly and quarterly estimation but these days ... well, you know
They might not have received any for the first round. In years past they would get a yearly and quarterly estimation but these days ... well, you know
They have sold a lot of C8s?? I will not wait until 2023; if, no order, I will pay the $10k EXTRA FROM ONE OF THE OTHER DEALERS, IF POSSIBLE?
They have sold a lot of C8s?? I will not wait until 2023; if, no order, I will pay the $10k EXTRA FROM ONE OF THE OTHER DEALERS, IF POSSIBLE?
Your call. You can also buy one from an individual looking to upgrade theirs
GM is moving to Available Days Supply (ADP) for Corvette allocations. It does change the whole process but it is the same as most other lines from GM.
I don't understand the differences in the process very well but there is quite a bit of info about it on the forums.
This is how I understand it as described by another member. Thanks John from MCF


• When does GM use the ADS method? GM uses the ADS method the majority of the time.
• How does it work? GM allocates vehicles to the dealers with the lowest Available Days’ Supply (ADS). A dealer’s ADS is based on the dealer’s Total Availability and Daily Sales Rate for the allocation group.
• What is a dealer’s Total Availability? A dealer’s Total Availability is the quantity of vehicles of the specified allocation group that a dealer has available. This quantity is equal to the total number of vehicles in stock (on ground), in transit to your dealership, in system (orders that are being built), placed orders (orders that are ready to go to the production management system), and balance-to-go allocation (the dealer’s final allocation units that have NOT been submitted as preliminary orders or selected as placed orders for the current production period).
• What is a dealer’s Daily Sales Rate? A dealer’s Daily Sales Rate is the average number of units sold per day over a sales period of 1, 2, 3, or 12 months. GM determines which sales period to use for each allocation group. (GM uses 12 months only during the start-up and build-out periods for an allocation group.)
• What is a dealer’s ADS? A dealer’s ADS is equal to the dealer’s Total Availability divided by the dealer’s Daily Sales Rate. (For example, if a dealer’s Total Availability is 30 and its Daily Sales Rate is 2, then its ADS is 15.)
OMG. Very complex. Just got off the phone with a big dealer in Kelowna - sold over 35 or so C8 last year and expects total allocation for 2022 of 40 or so. Based on explanation above dealers notified on Thurs. of available allocation to order - so, on regular basis get new allocations. numbers
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