My neighbour just soiled the street..............

Message to pass along from our good friend this morning ...

Home oh sweet home. I hope to be able to post some news for you about the trip and operation, just hang in there and thanks so much to you all for the the tsunami of positive support!
Thanks Spence, Mike and anyone else who visited Garry. Good on you.:thumbs:

Thanks Spence for the update.

Garry stay positive. Thoughts as always with you. Get back :ohoh:

Good morning everyone,

Funny, I had taken my laptop with me to have so I could do some writing and of course guess what - no laptops allowed by the writing may be more misjointed than normal and the worst part is all these wonderful things I experienced and want to comment on I probably won't remember 1/2 of it now.

I have to have blood work, they say daily, and spent an hour waiting for it to be done. I feel like I have lost control over my life. If I have to have blood work every day for the next three months (yes that is what my discharge information is saying!) and it takes this much time I am in serious mental trouble.

OK, so the story. Checked everything in the Z06 and it seems good to go. I have to give these cars credit. 6 months of sitting in the garage, then check the fluids and tire pressure and off for a 8 plus hour drive.

The weather was great and the drive as far as Mayerthorpe was excellent. It was here that I was to turn off and make my way to Tomahawk to meet up with Jeff. Jeff doesn't have his car out yet but has his 2017 Camero 2SS to go slumming around in! So as usual I get lost on the way (no smart phone and I left my GPS in my sedan with mom who was picking me up in Calgary) but a quick call and Jeff's wife has me on the straight and narrow.

A class act Jeff. All the guys from the forum I met on this trip were but Jeff was the first one I met. Greeting me with a yellow Hotwheels C6 even!! We stopped at his house to see the lay of the land, took some pictures and then hit the road. I was really impressed with his car and how fast it accelerates, wow the C7's are getting screwed by not getting that 10 speed automatic, it must shift lightening fast!

Nice country and while I thought I'd never been here before we drive through Breton and I was indeed there back in 1990 once for a tour of the field crop rotation studies that were going on there.

Sadly Jeff and I both had some bad luck on the way. Loose asphalt thrown up by a vehicle ahead of Jeff damaged his windshield and I was following too close to Jeff and ended up with a chip in my brand new as of last fall windshield! While you know it will probably happen sooner or later you are always a bit deflated when it is within 600 km of new!

So on we drove, some annoying traffic that prevented us from more spirited driving including this one real a-hole that rode the bumper of Jeff in a SUV at 1xx ish km/hr for some stupid reason. What makes people do that I wonder? Taking some joy out of another wise great drive.

I have to take my hat off to Jeff. Who would undertake 6 hours of driving with a stranger you only knew through a forum?? Class act here Jeff.

So we stopped in Red Deer to add to the crew............including our first Corvette!

Onwards to Airdrie where we met up with a few more and then to Davenport.

Yeah lots of detail I could have added which I've just forgotten.

Davenport is pretty impressive. Huge building, massive bay, lots of space no crowding. Different from Manny's who had to stack cars and move them in and out each day.

Steve was very kind, put up with my stories and talking and then look me around the bay and introduced me to some of his workers. You end up being filled with a lot of confidence that this is the right place to be leaving your car.

Some photo-ops and hey when is someone going to post those pictures eh?

Then Spence took me to meet my mom at Tim Horton's and off to my basement suit.

Up at 4 am to get some walking in. Probably won't be doing much of that on Tuesday. In to the hospital at 5:45 and get registered.

Step 1 - Insert a catheter to the right side of my penis. Ouch anyone? So after complaining about my "flat veins" they end up with this thing pushed up my body, across my shoulders and down into my left arm. It is too short! Yeah I'm not kidding you here. So a massive scramble and try to find a longer one. Then my doctor comes down from the surgery OR and wants to know what is going on - delays, OR booked, staff waiting. Heck I even thing the patient was getting a bit anxious at this point.

So, pull out the 100 cm model and insert a 125 cm replacement. Geee I thought, can't you guys just go to a NAPA and get some braided line to use and also make it look pretty smart at the same time??

So the 125 cm one does the trick and off they whisk me to the surgery OR. There must have been 8 people waiting on me, sort of scary.

So I'm out of course and next I know I wake up and I'm in my room.

For those of you who have never been here - don't.

3 room mates. K, a farmer from Carstairs, stomach cancer. Then kitty corner a Russian lady with terminal cancer who fell out of bed one night and was always losing her IV. Then the lady across from me who had stomach surgery and an infection two days after and so was waiting for emergency surgery...................

I'm on my back, my left arm elevated on five pillows and an IV in my right arm.

I really don't want to go through what it was like the next four days. No sleep. Alarms going off on your roommates equipment. People wanting to take your vital signs or draw blood.

I couldn't hardly move in bed and I'm a right side sleeper. I couldn't bend my right arm more than 2 degrees or the plastic needle would start to be bend as well - doesn't feel that nice.

No shower for 4 days and a face cloth wipe doesn't do much I'm here to say.

Oh ya, I'm in a west facing room by the window. Guess how hot it got and I must have cataracts now too. I had to get them to hang up some garbage bags on the window to get some relief.

Mom came to see me every day but could only stay from 9 to 3 before she was going out of her mind. Spence came to see me on Thursday afternoon, bless him, they don't get more decent in life than this guy. Nice to meet - another yellow Hotwheels C6!! Getting a collection here!

Spence came back on Friday with Jordan and Mike. My cup runneth over. How is it that such amazing people could all be connected by the love of a car for Pete's sake?

People I'd kill to have for neighbours for example. Just wonderful examples of humanity and what they showed toward a guy they'd never met............I could fill the forum's pages with adjectives. Selfless, altruistic, kind, sensitive. I felt unworthy to be in their presence. Would I even think of or do the same for a stranger myself?? If I was in any doubt their example will serve to guide me.

The staff were AMAZING! How you survive an environment like that day in day out I can't say. I couldn't myself, I know that. I think that I amused them as they want the patients to walk and of course I'm all there for that! But I have to drag that stupid IV cart with me - hey it doesn't need the exercise! So up and down the hallway I'm going with this cart probably 5 minutes on the hour. Staff encouraging me and let me say it's been some time I've had a bevy of babes like that yelling me on!

Misunderstandings with the doctor and staff. I swear I heard "discharge on Thursday and able to go home on Saturday" at one point. Um, apparently not! When I found this out on Thursday I was devastated. I was honestly starting to break mentally at this point. I hadn't slept in 48 hours, hadn't moved my bowl in 48 hours and life was just not fun. I had to look deep to see a way out of this one. Then on Friday I thought I was getting the IV out - freedom! No, I had the IV line disconnected but the f'ing IV needle had to stay in until I was discharged in case they had to use it again. They made the mistake of taking my blood pressure at this point and they said they wouldn't write down this reading and would come back in an hour!!!!!

But I survived. The human desire to live I guess. IV line out Saturday morning followed by a shower - finally to feel clean! Note to others, that red antibacterial soap does NOT suds up. I ended up feeling sort of greasy clean. But hot water still on my body......................

Waiting for the doctor to discharge me. Weekdays he comes around at 6:30, weekends it turns out more like 8:30.

My bags were packed. Called mom and out the door and leaving Calgary at 9:56. Arrived in Fairview 7:22.

Now recovery.

Oh ya, the car! Some disappointment. A new thread to start somewhere else, maybe Corvette Performance? I'll have to wait a bit as I'm getting tired of typing. Lets just say that according to the dyno runs Davenport were so quickly able to do, they're not getting the numbers that Dasilva claimed. Disappointing yes but thankfully Spence was able to drop by Davenport on Wednesday and was able to learn this, I got the information from Steve, have digested it and we're moving forward and past this.

Thanks everyone!!!!!

Wishing all the best for your recovery!
You have a will to get things done that I find amazing...actually I believe we all find it amazing!!
I’m happy to hear you had some friends drop by and help you thru your time in the hospital.

Take care pal.

Garry, your post made me laugh, please don't take any offence because none is intended. It is just that your experience brought back some not so pleasant but now humorous memories of my hospital stay.

After I came out of surgery they moved me to ICU, I felt nothing I guess I was so drugged up there was nothing to feel. The nurse who looked after me was so kind but it is odd that I cannot remember anything about her. I was hooked up to all sorts of electronics, beeping and making mechanical noises, not just mine but everyone else who was hooked up as well. There was a lady in the next room who kept screaming in a foreign language all night, alarms going off lots of activity then nothing. I just caught a glimpse of them wheeling a covered up stretcher out of the room. I guess she did not survive. It was disturbing. I thought I best not start screaming or I too would be wheeled out.

The morning of my last operation the surgical ward was very busy. There were lots of people going in for operations. I was in the operating room for almost seven hours, everyone else had gone. My wife and sister were the only ones still in the waiting room. They brought in a comfort dog and it would not leave Wendy's side. Damn I could have used that dog at that point.

The next day they took me an eight bed ICU and because it was on "open concept" the electronic chattering got worse. The first night I was startled awake buy someone talking loudly, it went on and on and finally I lost it and screamed shut the F up. Well that created a stampede of medical staff along with a needle that knocked me out. Turns out it was not the patient but the electronics going into overdrive helping this guy. I felt bad but you have to steel yourself against the never ending sounds and activity of the place. It never sleeps.

Three days later they moved me to surgical ward. In the middle of the night there was some intense activity in the adjoining room. That was followed by what sounded like the sobs of a small child. Someone else did not survive the night. Damn I was getting paranoid!!

The electronics just about drove me over the edge.

The doctor had said they would release me the following day and we waited and waited for the doctor to arrive to sign the release. That trip down the hall and out the door was an incredible feeling of relief. There is no place like home.

I have had the procedure three times when they go through the arterial vein in the groin. All three times I had to be awake because during the procedure you have to be able to move to help them guide the instruments through your body and if they get stuck you have to move so they can continue. It was all on a screen above me and like a GPS through your heart and lungs to get to the problem area. Again it was mind over matter, very uncomfortable. Once that was done they clamp this thing to your leg do you don't bleed, sweet mother I thought I was going to lose it.

Well enough of my adventures, I wish you a speedy and successful recovery. That yellow beast awaits your return. Just don't tell the guy across the street about the numbers that Davenport found. He does not need to know!! LOL

Best to your Garry.

All those who joined in on the caravan well good for you. You will probably never know the difference you made. :thumbs: This is indeed a special place.
Phenomenal stories Garry and Murray! Sounds like the experience is absolutely terrible, but that the staff is really good! I wonder why the machines need to be so loud? Anyway, glad to hear you’re out Garry. Thanks for taking the time to type that all out and here’s hoping for a speedy recovery. Hopefully the thee months of daily blood tests go quickly! Maybe after the first month they’ll give you a take home kit as I bet you’ll be a pro by then and could do it yourself.

That hits too close to home! Like reading about a living mirror. But yeah, if you haven't gone through it you just don't realize how it can f'you up. I understand much more now the process of torture and how I'd be so easy to break..................

My needle was guided by a florescent dye that they would release every once in a while. Of course the set of screens is right above my chest to the temptation to look is strong sometimes. But I kept my eyes closed and became scared by what they were saying about trying to get it threaded when they were talking.

I'm hoping with new camshafts and perhaps an intake and a new updated tune that I'll be back where I started!! 744 real rwhp vs. 744 old rwhp. Still curious about how it could be 15 to 20 % out instead of just 15 to 20 rwhp. But that awaits a new thread and I new story for us all to share in enjoyin gI hope.


Lets just say that according to the dyno runs Davenport were so quickly able to do, they're not getting the numbers that Dasilva claimed.

I was curious how your numbers at Davenport would compare to what they were at Dasilva. Mine were nowhere near what was claimed by Manny either. They will be when Davenport finishes though! :Biggrin: Trust me, you're in good hands with Steve and his crew.

Wishing you a speedy recovery Garry! I had come up to the hospital on Saturday to pay you a visit, but was informed that you had just been discharged. Look forward to meeting you when you come back to pick up the car. :Woohoo:

Good evening Ryan,

Wow this gets more curious! How far out were your numbers? Like I said, 774 compared to 640 - 600. Like 15 to 20% less. You hate to disparage someone but.................

So where are you hoping to end up when Steve is done??

I too seem to get a great vibe from Steve and his crew.

I am so so sorry that I missed you on Saturday! It would have given me a further positive boost for the trip home!


Good evening Ryan,

Wow this gets more curious! How far out were your numbers? Like I said, 774 compared to 640 - 600. Like 15 to 20% less. You hate to disparage someone but.................

So where are you hoping to end up when Steve is done??

I too seem to get a great vibe from Steve and his crew.

I am so so sorry that I missed you on Saturday! It would have given me a further positive boost for the trip home!



Hey Garry,

Mine were out by around 15% as well. I'm just hoping for a build that will last longer than the 6000kms that the Dasilva one did! :Banghead: I could go on, but as mother always said........... If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!

At the end of the day it's just a number, but after going through everything with Davenport and getting some solid advice as to what parts to use and what parts to avoid (much of what was in my first build unfortunately), we are hoping for some VERY solid numbers.

I'll make sure I don't miss your return! :)


Good to hear you're home Garry. Yeah... the daily blood tests would really be a drag... But I'm sure they have their reasons... Nothing but recovery and good news from here on in my friend.
Regarding your Vette, 15 to 20 % is a pretty significant difference in power loss was from DaSilva to Davenport but the elevation differential would account for some of that. Air density is a wonderful thing but as we get higher in altitude, the declining density sucks horsepower more that we would think. The average is between 3% and 4% loss per 305 metres of altitude gain. Thus Toronto at about 970 metres lower than Calgary (1046 m) equates to between 9.5 % and 12.7 % power difference... or in your case, a Horsepower loss of from 71 to 94 ponies. Dynos can also have some variences as well. Especially in different designs. But that being said, 20% is stll quite a drastic variance. But Davenport comes highly recommended and I'm sure you will be smiling when you get your baby back.
Air density is a wonderful thing but as we get higher in altitude, the declining density sucks horsepower more that we would think. The average is between 3% and 4% loss per 305 metres of altitude gain.

You are correct Rruuff!

Calgary altitude is at 1046m and Breslau is at 312m = 734m differnce

734m / 305m = 2.4 x 3.5% of loss = 8.4% of loss in Calgary vs Breslau (give or take) - usually supercharged vehicles are slightly less due to the artificial atmospheric conditions created.

There are also differences between dynos for sure, but both Dasilva and Davenport shared the same Dynojet make and model so it should be close.

I would expect numbers to differ by between 60-70hp of a similar run done at the lower altitude. Just my $0.02 :thumbs:
Good morning and thanks both for your input. I feel a little less, put out, shall we say with this information. Yes, I agree that a number is just a number, BUT that number also made me confident that I could give a good thrashing to if say I encountered a stock Viper, Hellcat or Shelby. Not having that "number" does not make the car less enjoyable, just that I can't be feeling as cocky as I was before.

I would also have to fully agree that losing an engine after 6,000 km is a bad sign. I've run about 25,000 km on mine since the build and apparently Steve did say to Spence that mechanically the car is fine and that he has no issues with that - hope this is true!

The three runs that Davenport did were run at different times of the day, so of course air density, humidity and so forth will be an modifying issue. RWHP dropped as the day went on too so it supports what you are thinking.

But having said that if altitude difference alone would make for an easy 10% difference I am feeling much less, what would the suitable adjective be now....................murderous??!! I know I can be naive but I also always hope that people don't take advantage of that. My position has always been to give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove that they don't deserve my trust.

You dump a lot of $ to a company expecting honest and quality results and when it appears you did not get it you then feel or at least I feel so violated and exploited. Farming things I understand but car modding I have to defer to others as it is their area of expertise.

But no doubt feeling less crushed than I was at first.................


Good morning and thanks both for your input. I feel a little less, put out, shall we say with this information. Yes, I agree that a number is just a number, BUT that number also made me confident that I could give a good thrashing to if say I encountered a stock Viper, Hellcat or Shelby. Not having that "number" does not make the car less enjoyable, just that I can't be feeling as cocky as I was before.

I would also have to fully agree that losing an engine after 6,000 km is a bad sign. I've run about 25,000 km on mine since the build and apparently Steve did say to Spence that mechanically the car is fine and that he has no issues with that - hope this is true!

The three runs that Davenport did were run at different times of the day, so of course air density, humidity and so forth will be an modifying issue. RWHP dropped as the day went on too so it supports what you are thinking.

But having said that if altitude difference alone would make for an easy 10% difference I am feeling much less, what would the suitable adjective be now....................murderous??!! I know I can be naive but I also always hope that people don't take advantage of that. My position has always been to give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove that they don't deserve my trust.

You dump a lot of $ to a company expecting honest and quality results and when it appears you did not get it you then feel or at least I feel so violated and exploited. Farming things I understand but car modding I have to defer to others as it is their area of expertise.

But no doubt feeling less crushed than I was at first.................


Glad you're feeling less crushed Garry.... Must be the thinner air pressure.... lol... I have one more slip of good news for you. That stock Viper, Hellcat or Shelby suffers the same reduction from claimed horsepower that you do...Factory horsepower (and fuel mileage) is always quoted at sea level. So no worries.... Even the Calgary Hellcat is down to the 625 hp range....
Glad you're feeling less crushed Garry.... Must be the thinner air pressure.... lol... I have one more slip of good news for you. That stock Viper, Hellcat or Shelby suffers the same reduction from claimed horsepower that you do...Factory horsepower (and fuel mileage) is always quoted at sea level. So no worries.... Even the Calgary Hellcat is down to the 625 hp range....

Oddly I just had this epiphany occur to me while walking this morning - little slower on the uptake than most I guess - but of course so true! All cars will be subject to hp loss via altitude changes so the difference between cars in Breslau will also occur in Calgary by the same difference................

If Calgary to Breslau should result in a 10% rwhp difference then we are only looking at a 50 to 70 rwhp difference between the two locations due to equipment/tune/fraud issues. MUCH easier to live with this actually!


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