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When (if) I get around to it I'll just use some standoffs and longer screws. Meanwhile the front plate is in the FRUNt trunK
That's were mine is too! I will tell them that the frunk opens occasionally for plate visibility. In fact I should tape it to the underside of the frunk for just such and event.
I've also kept my front plate off but that's because I live dangerously...

Already received a $110 ticket but not bad for 6 months of driving. Plus I have passed numerous police but got one uptight gentleman...how dare he question my law breaking...LOL
Congrats on a gorgeous machine! It makes me even more anxious for mine, hopefully here in the next few weeks. Glad to hear your "fit and finish" is 100% and perhaps that bodes well for everyone if they've worked out the kinks. As for the rims, up to you of course but an option would be to powder coat them black if you want to save some dough and not worry about an extra set of rims hanging around. Black would contrast well with the yellow brake calipers. Enjoy!
I already have my aftermarket wheels sitting in the garage. Just gotta arrange going down to my tire guy to mount the new rubber and wheels on the C8.
@Murray20c8 - can you explain the rims + tires thing? Is it just a visual preference thing or is there something wrong with ordering the standard wheels+rims? Started building my 2021 with my dealer at the moment - just waiting the next stage when I can sign paperwork.
@Murray20c8 - can you explain the rims + tires thing? Is it just a visual preference thing or is there something wrong with ordering the standard wheels+rims? Started building my 2021 with my dealer at the moment - just waiting the next stage when I can sign paperwork.
Ya, he bought MMR wheels. Really nice looking alternative. I liked the carbon flash version of the stock rim myself.
I can't figure out how to activate the alarm. Book says it will blink, I get nothing...
I have my car lock passively when the key leaves the vicinity. The red light comes on solid for about 20 to 30 seconds and then it blinks.
I was at my cousins yesterday and I had the key in my pocket. We hadn't been around the car, but the windows were open. I leaned in to throw my mas kin the car and the alarm went off without me even touching anything at all. It's set up in system
Ya, he bought MMR wheels. Really nice looking alternative. I liked the carbon flash version of the stock rim myself.

gotcha! that makes sense. Wasn't sure if it was just a 'visual preference' thing or something worth noting for making the most of the car.

I've never been one to notice wheels/rims, hence why I asked. Felt like I was making a faux pas because I like the plain ol' stock ones on Rapid blue - the guy at the Chev who builds all the corvettes suggested different rims but if it doesn't do much more than 'visually' change the look of the car I'm cool keeping the $1295-$1875 to put towards PPF
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