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Looks Like A Vette Kinda Weekend.

And it starts, where I, in central Canada, get to hear about you guys in the east taking your cars out... Let the Jealousy begin!...and the questions of why I still live in a freezer.
Depending on where I find a job, I just might knock on your door

Anyone who is out for a drive, could you snap a photo? It would be cool to see some of the first drives of the year!

Here you Go Riley.
This is after burning up a tank of gas this weekend.
Still looks pretty clean from a distance.
Even took it to the CFCE Bash last Night.

Just going to wash her now then back in hibernation for a while. They are calling for a couple of days of snow

Sure was a Blast while it lasted.

isn't anyone afraid of the salt on the road?? I won't take mine out since i don't the salt to age my car by a couple of years in a couple of months
The weather in southern Alberta was very nice today,we have lots of snow to melt before i take the Vette out,our side streets look like they may be wet till april with all the snow piled up around the edges.

Awesome! Thanks for the pic. I was just on the highway tonight thinking about how much I miss my car.

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