Favorite Wax/Polish?

I use Blackfire Conditioning Shampoo when I want to get a good wash in to get off any oxidants. I use it sparingly and end up finishing off with the Polymer Spray as the shampoo alone doesn't leave the smooth feel I am used to....hense the reason it is a conditioning shampoo I guess. The Blackfire Wet Diamond Waterless wash I use in a spray bottle for easy and quick cleaning. Typically, I will always have a spray bottle of Wet Diamong Polymer Spray and/or the Waterless Wash in the back of the car.
I do really like the Lucas Slick Mist. It's so easy to use and leaves awesome results. Not to mention that it's easy to purchase. I do however like the Adam's Spray detailer. Easy to use, smells great and great shine. On the downside, it's not the easiest to buy and with the exchange rate the way it is right doesn't make for the cheapest option.
black C3 makes me want to try something new. I've been through a few, and have a newfound fav! I will dedicate a post to it later. Until yesterday, I was a Rejex convert. Any other products I tried were either inferior (Turtle Wax Black Box, I.C.E.), to hard to apply (Zaino), too expensive (shall remain nameless), or didn't last long enoug (Maguires).

Since then, I've found what--in my humble opinion--offers the best off all worlds. Ladies and gentlemen, might I refer you to something called MENZERNA. This stuff is.........how the young kids say, "baller"!!!!!

  1. Was 20 bucks for the bottle
  2. Was super easy to apply
  3. Have heard it lasts longer than Rejex by a fair amount from a professional I trust (nameless for the sake of the post)
  4. Gave my paint a brilliant glow that really makes my black car look "wet"
Here it is--not sold in many places, but if you can find it--don't walk--to get it.

I just gotta figure out how to post pics on the new system here, but don't worry. I got a few to share. Just need to learn how to post them on the new system.

I do a 7 step process, and have done this many times, using different products and different combinations of products and my favorite combination for this process, which I am in the middle of doing to my C5 right now is:
Meguiar's Clay Bar
Autoglym High Def Cleanser
Meguiar's Ultimate Compound (for the swirls and scratches. Works way better than Swirl X or Scratch X)
Autoglym Super Resin Polish
Mother's Micro Polishing Glaze
Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection (sealer)
Autoglym High Definition Wax.

You don't necessarily need to do the glaze or sealer, but if you're very particular, you will notice a difference, not huge but a difference none the less.
I don't trust car washes so I always do it myself at home with just water and a brush. I have been using the Lucas Slick Mist for a few years now and like the ease and results it gives. As for chrome I like best Turtle wax chrome polish.....by far the best one out there. Trouble is can't find it here anymore so have to get it from the USA. Stuff like Mothers is pure watered down crap.
Mothers is pure watered down crap? Them's fighting words. :D I'm actually not sure what the last chrome polish was that I used....

As for the Clay bar, does anyone have a write up on using one? If not, I may have to do one this week as my car is badly in need of a clay bar....
Clay bar is great stuff but only takes about 30% of the contaminants out, so you need to use a cleanser to get most of the rest out. I don't particularly like Mothers products but it's the only Glaze I've used that makes a difference, so that is the only Mothers product I use. Everything else is either Autoglym or Maguiars. The 7 step process I use has been refined a bit over the years, and the combination I posted seems to provide the best results imo.
I have some other AutoGlym products that I've enjoyed thus far. Really like their carpet shampoo!

I like,the idea of a seven step process, but I'm a little jaded about it after using the Black Box stuff, which just seemed to be multiple stages of the exact same thing. I might add cleanser and something for the swirls next time.
Living on a farm, I use rendered down pig fat as my favorite paint treatment. Poured into molds and cooled until hard, you can apply it just like a stick wax. There's nothing like driving a nice car....and having the smell of bacon with you everywhere.....

Sorry....:rolleyes:... i couldn't resist that....

I'm a Meguiars Ultimate Liquid Wax guy.... and either Mothers California Showtime or Lucas Slick Mist as the quickie detailer....
I really like Meguiars NXT Tech wax.
That's all I use now.
I just got the car and put a quick coat on.
I haven't clay barred it yet but it probably won't be long before I do that too.


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Looking for input on new car paint protection. Had my car for almost a week. washed last night and waxed the front headlights, side view mirrors (carbon flash), windshield, rear window and alloy rims. Should I wax the entire new car, use Car Polish or do nothing now and wait until fall pre-storage? this is the product I was referred to use on my vette (wonder if GM has a similar product).
Attachment didn't work Jay. Not sure what others will recommend but mine went directly to my garage where I waxed the entire car and did the interior with leather protectant, the door, hatch and roof seals with protectant, etc. etc. But I am marginally OCD with my cars. lol.... Did I say marginally? Look at it this way..... it can't hurt!
No attachement. Tech wax 2.0 works amazing and makes it easier to get the bugs off too. Even works great over paint protection film. Do it every couple weeks or whenever u want. Use quick detailer inbetween that and you're covered.

Wax every two weeks? Holy crap.... I'm not even that OCD Tim. I use Meguiars Ultimate Liquid Wax and it beads great all the time with twice a summer application.
Wax every two weeks? Holy crap.... I'm not even that OCD Tim. I use Meguiars Ultimate Liquid Wax and it beads great all the time with twice a summer application.
Lol....the film it leaves behind that helps keep bugs from sticking is really depleted after a good wash. All the other benefits remain longer of course....mainly for bugs and ease of removal....of course I have other tricks for bugs so I don't have to wax that much hahaha. Depending how much you drive and wash...wax every week was also recommended to me by a detailer in the know.....WAY to much work for me hahaha.

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