Favorite Wax/Polish?

Sold detailing products for years (for Harley-Davidson's) but it's all the same. Best quick detailer I've ever come across is Lucas Slick Mist. Best by far. Easy on and off, no streaks. Can use in sun, but I don't. Great on glass too.
Get mine at Car Quest, $2 cheaper than anywhere else. I buy it by the case (6). Have used 2 1/2 bottles on the C3 since June 15! Yeah I know, OCD.
I noticed a guy at a show and shine this summer using Lucas Slick Mist on his car. He claimed it to be the best detailer on the market. I bought some at Auto Village, and used it on my street rod (fiberglass body). I was impressed at how easy it was to use, and how good of a job it did removing tree sap from the finish. Since then I've used it on my C7 and once again very impressed with the results!
Sold detailing products for years (for Harley-Davidson's) but it's all the same. Best quick detailer I've ever come across is Lucas Slick Mist. Best by far. Easy on and off, no streaks. Can use in sun, but I don't. Great on glass too.
Get mine at Car Quest, $2 cheaper than anywhere else. I buy it by the case (6). Have used 2 1/2 bottles on the C3 since June 15! Yeah I know, OCD.
Thanks for the tip Roarry. I found the Slick Mist at Cdn T in Red Deer this morning. Tried a test spot before supper. I'm gonna like this product as well. :Hurray:

We would recommend for anyone in Canada to check out Collinite 845. Probably the most durable wax for our harsh Canadian winters :)
Harsh Canadian Winters? Under its blanky in its newly heated garage maybe!

The BEST products I have in my cabinet just have to be...

Blackfire Wet Diamond Polymer Spray
Blackfire Wet Diamond Waterless Wash
Blackfire Crystal Seal...and...

cQuartz Finest

Before our trip around Canada and the US I did a Crystal Coat and then wiped the car down with the Waterless Wash when need during the trips. The car ONLY saw two car washes where it was hit with water near the end of the trip. This shot was taken after about 4 hours driving up the coast...looks pretty clean doesn't it? I did not clean it or wipe it off before any of our trip shots...only first thing in the morning each day.

Golden Gate Bridge Z06.jpg

IMO the best one can do for their car short of professional application is Blackfire Crystal Seal as it is a ceramic coat and VERY easy to apply compared to the rest. It does not dry quickly, unlike cQuartz Finest, and it self levels which it does very well. It lasts months on your finish, whether paint or a paint protection cover like Expel, as I have. I actually believe Crystal Seal is the only spray on sealant such as this and one can just spray on, spread out, let dry for 10 minutes and cloth polish (not necessary). It is mistake 'goof proof' as my wife likes to say, unlike cQuartz Finest.

cQuartz Finest, on the other hand, is the best for a reason and requires a good day of application. It dries very quickly so if you have any lifts, such as would occur where your cloth stops and then moves back on panel ends, you need to pick them up within 30 minutes.

After applying any quality ceramic seal, it is very good to check it over by shutting all the lights off in your garage (if this is where you are doing it) and then checking the entire car over with a LED flashlight. This will show you any smudging or lifts left behind very easily.
You do make a very good point, however, I was simply going from the original post. There is so many different ceramic sealants in the market, that it can be quite difficult to choose an outstanding one.

You are extremely right with C.Quartz, for the beginner, be careful for flash spots as they can be very annoying to remove, if not seen on time. I have an e90 for winter vehicle, and has aforementioned ceramic coating, and makes washing it that much easier...

But for the garage queen's, there is no doubt that it's sealant was long applied prior to it's hibernation :)

Good input.. Xpel film is honestly the one of the leading films and for a reason.. Self-healing film properties that are unmatched. Beautiful color on the vette :)
Les.. What brand of waterless wash do you use.
I use DRIWash on my '75 vette..
It does a great job of removing dirt/dust without scratching but also removes waxes and anything on the paint.
It really 'cleans' the paint and does a wondeful job, but I find it only good for a stored car.
My '75 is lacquer black paint with no clear coat.. When I 'clean' the paint it just 'shines'..
I have no wax on the car at all.. I believe it is the lacquer paint that makes the difference.
My car was painted 25 years ago... and used to wax/polish it all the time.
About 18 years ago I started with the dri-wash 'cleaning' system and Corvette people who had known my car for years came up to me and asked what I had done different..!I

My 2003 Corvette is the factory basecoat/clearcoat painted surface. I still use wax.
I may try the dri-wash system someday..
I find it is either one or the other system..you either wax/polish or dri-wash/polish..


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