Trump thinks/believes the USA is his company so he is looking for mergers and acquisitions, through any means. Don't know of any political "leader" that is going out hawking bibles, sneakers, coins, t-shirts, etc, etc. to get money out of the peoples pockets and in to theirs. He is already profiting from the election and pushing his agenda before assuming office. DT jr. is out there interfering in Greenland without being elected or even anointed for any position.
What I fear ( that is fear for our US neighbours) is in 4 yrs time he will either anoint himself for another 4 yrs or slip his family in to the job.
A good indication of how he operates is having Laura "elected" to run the RNC. First thing she does is fire just about fire everyone and put in her own "yes" personnel. Then she comes out saying ' O, I know that you would approve of us using some of the RNC funds to help my poor father fight these unconstitutional witchcraft proceedings from the DOJ". That is how DJT operates. He doesn't care about the cost of the lawyers because he is not paying out of his own pocket. He is more that willing to pursue others that he doesn't like as there is no cost to hum and his opponents do not have the unknowing American people backing their lawyers.
No mishap or occurrence has anything to do with him or his lackeys and all to do with his opponents, the Democrats. He and hsi lackeys are willing to push any and all falsehoods forward to blame his opponents for any and all misfortunes. Hurricanes, wildfires and anything else are manipulations of the Democrats. Just ask MTG!
Not that the DNC are saints, far from it, but the RNC reps seem to have a hold on spinelessness and brown noses. How many stood up after Jan 4th and said no more, this must end, How many had brown noses by the end of the month. They are all afraid of being primaried if DJT looks askance at them. So they co-toe to his every whim.
I would have had a bit more respect for JT if he would have stood up and called out DJT for what he is. A thieving. conniving liar and convicted criminal. DJT fought hard to get re-elected for himself so he wouldn't have to go to jail.
I would suggest reading about the rise of Nazism in Germany in the late 1920's. The similarities are striking similar to how DJT operates.
My rant for today