Rruuff Day

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Power User
Aug 30, 2014

Hey members.... On the off chance (lol) of kicking a hornet's nest, I'm opening another political thread for various levels of government darts and kudos. I'm going to paste our illustrious CCF leader's parameters and warnings below from previous attempts at keeping this precariously natured thread to a dull roar. You are welcome to voice your opinions and discussions but be forewarned:

We will not condone uncivil verbal fist fighting between members or vicious rants over and above tolerable levels (which will be judged by us Mods), and racism will also earn you a ride back to reading about C8 recalls and broken transmissions. ;)

You are welcome to voice your political thoughts, whether kudos or barbs, and verifiable government information for our interest and discussion.
If you are not happy with me opening this thread, stay out of it, as I will ignore complaints about the presence of a political opinion thread in this, an OFF TOPIC section of the forum. Here's Nik's previous contribution.

"We always regret breaking our own rules but because Canada we'll let one moderated thread in to discuss POLITICS and specifically the upcoming election.

Things that will get you a reply ban on this thread:
1. Personal attacks and name calling.
2. Cute memes that make you scratch your head and say hang on that's a bit racist
3. Conspiracy theories and fabbed news, send those to my interdimensional PO Box please
4. Any sort of severe swearing, just keep it inside for your close relatives.
5. Trolling as usual would be great on another forum but not here

Disagreements and discourse is always welcome but as always keep it civil."

And with that, let's see how this goes.

OK I'll start

Not a jab at really anyone ( not yet )

Was just discussing this with the wife recently ...

Why is it that you always hear about " investigations " into political wrong doing ...

Case in point .... They were shouting it loud and proud on 680 news about how our fearless leader " Dougie " and some of his closest cronies were to be " investigated "
by non other than the RCMP over all the corruption surrounding the Greenbelt scandal . Ha he was on the air saying how he didnt know anything about it :rolleyes: and of course denied any wrong doing and on it goes ... but the funny thing is ... we never hear of any out comes of these " investigations " ... things that make you go " hmmm"

Tried posting this before ... but they took it down ... trying again .... as this seems like the appropriate setting

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View attachment 122674

Hey members.... On the off chance (lol) of kicking a hornet's nest, I'm opening another political thread for various levels of government darts and kudos. I'm going to paste our illustrious CCF leader's parameters and warnings below from previous attempts at keeping this precariously natured thread to a dull roar. You are welcome to voice your opinions and discussions but be forewarned:

We will not condone uncivil verbal fist fighting between members or vicious rants over and above tolerable levels (which will be judged by us Mods), and racism will also earn you a ride back to reading about C8 recalls and broken transmissions. ;)

You are welcome to voice your political thoughts, whether kudos or barbs, and verifiable government information for our interest and discussion.
If you are not happy with me opening this thread, stay out of it, as I will ignore complaints about the presence of a political opinion thread in this, an OFF TOPIC section of the forum. Here's Nik's previous contribution.

"We always regret breaking our own rules but because Canada we'll let one moderated thread in to discuss POLITICS and specifically the upcoming election.

Things that will get you a reply ban on this thread:
1. Personal attacks and name calling.
2. Cute memes that make you scratch your head and say hang on that's a bit racist
3. Conspiracy theories and fabbed news, send those to my interdimensional PO Box please
4. Any sort of severe swearing, just keep it inside for your close relatives.
5. Trolling as usual would be great on another forum but not here

Disagreements and discourse is always welcome but as always keep it civil."

And with that, let's see how this goes.


Oh oh.... I resemble that remark. Jeez we're not even in an election year, worse than the states. :)
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Frankly, the anti fossil fuel rhetoric in the video you attached is exactly what is wrong with this country. First, let's start with the fact that Canada is but a small contributor to CO2 emissions:

Canada's ability to generate wealth and maintain its spending on social programs is directly tied to the fossil fuel industry:
Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 10.03.21 PM.png

Also, the demonizing of the industry and general hysteria around CO2 -life on earth would be impossible without it and calling it pollution is nothing more than a political term- does nothing but set us on a course for a lower standard of living. The US greatly reduced their carbon footprint by switching from coal to natural gas. Canadian natural gas can be an interim step for many economies lower their emissions until they generate sufficient nuclear power, which is the only real scalable solution to decarbonization. Yet our current regime (and yes, sadly that includes the current Ontario government) is hell bent on a battery technology boondoggle that has no chance of success, while claiming there is no business case for nat gas exports. Many of the minerals necessary for full EV adoption at scale are in Russia and Byelorussia. For obvious reasons I'd say that is showstopper. As a wise man once said, "there are no solutions, only trade-offs", and we are trading off our standard of living for puritanical ideological utopianism that is unsupported by facts or plain math.

Oh and the climate change forest fires, many of the fires were set by arsonists:
View attachment 122674

Hey members.... On the off chance (lol) of kicking a hornet's nest, I'm opening another political thread for various levels of government darts and kudos. I'm going to paste our illustrious CCF leader's parameters and warnings below from previous attempts at keeping this precariously natured thread to a dull roar. You are welcome to voice your opinions and discussions but be forewarned:

We will not condone uncivil verbal fist fighting between members or vicious rants over and above tolerable levels (which will be judged by us Mods), and racism will also earn you a ride back to reading about C8 recalls and broken transmissions. ;)

You are welcome to voice your political thoughts, whether kudos or barbs, and verifiable government information for our interest and discussion.
If you are not happy with me opening this thread, stay out of it, as I will ignore complaints about the presence of a political opinion thread in this, an OFF TOPIC section of the forum. Here's Nik's previous contribution.

"We always regret breaking our own rules but because Canada we'll let one moderated thread in to discuss POLITICS and specifically the upcoming election.

Things that will get you a reply ban on this thread:
1. Personal attacks and name calling.
2. Cute memes that make you scratch your head and say hang on that's a bit racist
3. Conspiracy theories and fabbed news, send those to my interdimensional PO Box please
4. Any sort of severe swearing, just keep it inside for your close relatives.
5. Trolling as usual would be great on another forum but not here

Disagreements and discourse is always welcome but as always keep it civil."

And with that, let's see how this goes.

Kudos. Very articulate and to the point. Refreshing to see the opportunity to express one’s thoughts on the current state of affairs in this country without deviating from the original concept of the Community.
Oh oh.... I resemble that remark. Jeez we're not even in an election year, worse than the states. :)
Perhaps it would be better if we were in an election year. Maybe we would come to a consensus on whether we are collectively heading in the right direction. The vast majority say no but an overdue election would hopefully make it clearer .
Perhaps it would be better if we were in an election year. Maybe we would come to a consensus on whether we are collectively heading in the right direction. The vast majority say no but an overdue election would hopefully make it clearer .

Chances are slim to none before next year especially with the current anti Liberal trends. Much like the Tories in the UK who've enjoyed unfettered rule for close to 14 years I suspect we're in for a bit of rotation of the guard. Just wonder what the competition will bring.
Chances are slim to none before next year especially with the current anti Liberal trends. Much like the Tories in the UK who've enjoyed unfettered rule for close to 14 years I suspect we're in for a bit of rotation of the guard. Just wonder what the competition will bring.
With the “ coalition government “ that we have , and I think we should ask why is this possible, it’s not hard to foresee power grabs of this type happening again. To my mind that’s not Democracy. To your last point , it seems the electorate doesn’t care. It’s an “ anyone but “ scenario . Sad really.
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Drowning out the noise from down south is a huge issue. Placid acquiescence is a bit of a curse here. Electoral reform to some degree would be a step forward.
Love the “ passive acquiescence “ but it seems this is the mindset of unfortunately an even split of the electorate to the south. Which in and of itself is reason to be concerned considering what may result if they get their way. There are no perfect democratic processes anywhere that I’m aware of and it would seem that a clear cut two party system should make sense given what we are being subjected to at home but it seems no one has come up with a clear solution. Any suggestions ? lol.
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With the “ coalition government “ that we have , and I think we should ask why is this possible, it’s not hard to foresee power grabs of this type happening again. To my mind that’s not Democracy. To your last point , it seems the electorate doesn’t care. It’s an “ anyone but “ scenario . Sad really.
Well "coalition" governing" (I use that term loosely) seems somewhat better than what we see down south. Unfortunately it has gotten to the point that what ever the "other" side proposes is called out as, at best, useless.
Now we do see that here as well. The Libs can't do anything that appeases the Cons and vice versa. Hence, at least we have some form of governance with the coalition. Whether or not we agreed with what is done, at least something gets done
If politicians kept to governance rather than politicizing we would all be in a better position.
Saw a USA based discussion where one of the politicians was asked what his priority would be when he was elected. The answer, very honest on his part, was the first priority was to get re-elected when it came around again. Nothing there about governing. So the first thing he would do would be to get on th ehorn and solicit donations for the next election. And it didn't matter which party they were affiliated with.
So my opinion, unfortunately, of politicians is quite low
Well "coalition" governing" (I use that term loosely) seems somewhat better than what we see down south. Unfortunately it has gotten to the point that what ever the "other" side proposes is called out as, at best, useless.
Now we do see that here as well. The Libs can't do anything that appeases the Cons and vice versa. Hence, at least we have some form of governance with the coalition. Whether or not we agreed with what is done, at least something gets done
If politicians kept to governance rather than politicizing we would all be in a better position.
Saw a USA based discussion where one of the politicians was asked what his priority would be when he was elected. The answer, very honest on his part, was the first priority was to get re-elected when it came around again. Nothing there about governing. So the first thing he would do would be to get on th ehorn and solicit donations for the next election. And it didn't matter which party they were affiliated with.
So my opinion, unfortunately, of politicians is quite low

Coalition Government ... just speaking very generally

With how Trudeau has dropped the ball time and time again ... if an election were called would he win ? ... probably not

Trucker fiasco...granting hundreds of millions in contracts to his buddies companies , one of them headquartered in a cottage basement with 4 employees :p .. ( that have admitted they dont do the work they were contracted for ) Not to mention the WE charity disaster :p etc

And of course there are investigations into these and other issues that lead nowhere and we never hear about them again

When he does lose ... would he try to form another coalition ... hes unhinged enough to do that sure ... the NDP would be right on board with that as they know they will never win Canads highest seat

I believe that no one ever " wins " an election ... they are just the result of the current incumbent losing

JMO ... and with that and $3.50 ... you can buy a coffee at Starbucks

Beautiful day today ... gonna pull out the big red Vette ... I can see how this thread could get very depressing

Perhaps it would be better if we were in an election year. Maybe we would come to a consensus on whether we are collectively heading in the right direction. The vast majority say no but an overdue election would hopefully make it clearer .
We would have been in an election year if Jagmeet would of crawled out of Justin's pocket long enough to see the light.
We would have been in an election year if Jagmeet would of crawled out of Justin's pocket long enough to see the light.
Jagmeet is getting stuff done the way they want FFS! Do you really think he wants either party winning a majority?
Pulieve is just saying whatever you want to hear! He's also just saying the opposite of what Trudeau says.
No, he won't raise taxes, but he'll balance the budget! Right!
They're all a bunch of self centered power hungry egoists!
Chances are slim to none before next year especially with the current anti Liberal trends. Much like the Tories in the UK who've enjoyed unfettered rule for close to 14 years I suspect we're in for a bit of rotation of the guard. Just wonder what the competition will bring.
Agreed. We never really know what the competition will bring. For discussion sake, we may as well call the competition by it's proper name. The Conservative Party, as we all know that the NDP will never form our federal government. At least not in any of our lifetimes.
So that leaves us at the moment with Pierre Poilievre as our option for leader. Can he do better than Justin? Maybe. We take a chance with any leader and party but the writing is on the wall that Canada is overdue for a change.
Now it's a matter of when. If the Liberals get their way and extend the 2025 election date by one day, it will open up full pensions for all MP's that were elected at the 2019 election. The cost to taxpayers for this date change will be an additional $120 million. Justin is pushing for this and has used the Hindu religious festival as an excuse for the date extension. That festival begins October 21, 2025, and runs for 5 days. The election is scheduled for October 20, 2025, so it doesn't really interfere, and it's not like the festival won't still take place even if there is an election the day before it starts. It would make more sense to me to save the taxpayers that additional 120 million and have the election a few days earlier if they are really concerned. But has saving the taxpayers money ever really been considered by Justin? We all know the answer to that one.
Coalition Government ... just speaking very generally

With how Trudeau has dropped the ball time and time again ... if an election were called would he win ? ... probably not

Trucker fiasco...granting hundreds of millions in contracts to his buddies companies , one of them headquartered in a cottage basement with 4 employees :p .. ( that have admitted they dont do the work they were contracted for ) Not to mention the WE charity disaster :p etc

And of course there are investigations into these and other issues that lead nowhere and we never hear about them again

When he does lose ... would he try to form another coalition ... hes unhinged enough to do that sure ... the NDP would be right on board with that as they know they will never win Canads highest seat

I believe that no one ever " wins " an election ... they are just the result of the current incumbent losing

JMO ... and with that and $3.50 ... you can buy a coffee at Starbucks

Beautiful day today ... gonna pull out the big red Vette ... I can see how this thread could get very depressing

Well I don't particularly like JT, and Poli has already said he can control everything himself much better than anyone else doing their jobs, such as the BOC.
Seems like we are between a rock and a hard place.
I'm all for peaceful and meaningful demonstrations. However when your demonstration drags in to days and weeks and affects other people's right to make a living and a little peace and quiet at night that is a bit too much. Some think that their way of thinking is the only way. That can easily be seen to the south of us.

There will always be abuse of the system by someone who has figured out how to game it. And that will be with any government.
Personal opinion is that many of the bureaucrats are sitting on their rear ends thinking how great a job they have rather than actually Vetting (what a great word) contracts that are submitted.
There are also a great many who do work at what they are paid for. Unfortunately not enough of them.
So just because we think we are right does not mean we are. Isn't that what discussions and conversations are all about.
Agreed. We never really know what the competition will bring. For discussion sake, we may as well call the competition by it's proper name. The Conservative Party, as we all know that the NDP will never form our federal government. At least not in any of our lifetimes.
So that leaves us at the moment with Pierre Poilievre as our option for leader. Can he do better than Justin? Maybe. We take a chance with any leader and party but the writing is on the wall that Canada is overdue for a change.
Now it's a matter of when. If the Liberals get their way and extend the 2025 election date by one day, it will open up full pensions for all MP's that were elected at the 2019 election. The cost to taxpayers for this date change will be an additional $120 million. Justin is pushing for this and has used the Hindu religious festival as an excuse for the date extension. That festival begins October 21, 2025, and runs for 5 days. The election is scheduled for October 20, 2025, so it doesn't really interfere, and it's not like the festival won't still take place even if there is an election the day before it starts. It would make more sense to me to save the taxpayers that additional 120 million and have the election a few days earlier if they are really concerned. But has saving the taxpayers money ever really been considered by Justin? We all know the answer to that one.
The answer is that be it JT or PP (will he regret his initials?) are there to please themselves and keep their hands on power as long as possible. Change for change's sake is not a reason to throw out any particular government.
We went though that here in QC not all that long ago when the populace switched from the Libs (not JT) to the CAQ. Why? For a change. Whne the CAQ got in they actually admitted that the Libs had done a good job and the books balanced. Since then things have been going downhill in more ways than one.
So change for change's sake is not a very good reason to throw out the bathwater. If it's dirty then that is a good reason
Jagmeet is getting stuff done the way they want FFS! Do you really think he wants either party winning a majority?
Pulieve is just saying whatever you want to hear! He's also just saying the opposite of what Trudeau says.
No, he won't raise taxes, but he'll balance the budget! Right!
They're all a bunch of self centered power hungry egoists!
Totally agree but what are our options?
Jagmeet is getting stuff done the way they want FFS! Do you really think he wants either party winning a majority?
Pulieve is just saying whatever you want to hear! He's also just saying the opposite of what Trudeau says.
No, he won't raise taxes, but he'll balance the budget! Right!
They're all a bunch of self centered power hungry egoists!
last sentence 100% agree
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