Diamon Fusion Ultra Glass Protection

That's it folks. They are all spoken for. I'll order tomorrow. If the members who want them mailed (which, under the current Covid circumstances will likely be most of you, would please PM me your name and delivery addresses. I will run the addresses through the Canada Post website and calculate postage costs and add it to the unit cost and advise. My preference would be payment through E-Transfer. Lemme know if that works. If anyone has any better ideas, let me know those too... For those who decide later on that they missed their chance, I'd be happy to facilitate again if there's another 20 of you out there.

Thanks again,
Can you put me on the list in case someone backs out? I'll take one for sure.
I really doubt anyone will back out. This is a $399.00 item if installed by a dealer. That being said, If there is enough interest for another 20 units, I will sweet talk my supplier into another case.By the way, this product has a 2 year shelf life if not used right away.
Good. My car is 2 years down the line...
Forgot to tell you you have to always keep it between 18.1 and 18.3 degrees, in a cool dry place, and take it out and shake it every 15 minutes.... that works out to about 96 times per day.... Good thing you have nothing else to do...
Gentlemen. Product has been received and PM's have gone out with final costs including mailing to each member who ordered. Seven members have E-Transferred me the money and I will be going to the post office tomorrow to send them out. For the remainder, if you get payment in today, I will mail yours as well. If not, it will likely be next week before I make another run to the city to post them. Thanks one and all.
So @Rruuff Day made my delivery today. Eric sure know how to “suit up”. Made me think of the body condom, to be totally safe! Thanks Eric!View attachment 38949
The look on Paul's face when I drove up was well worth the lack of oxygen I endured... Hey... what's a few dead brain cells among friends....

On another note, All the mail-outs went out today. I Xpress posted them all so it should only be a few days before they start showing up. Other than Newfoundland... Fred and Don can expect theirs shortly before Christmas... lol...

I installed mine on my Vette yesterday. Easy breezy albeit a bit time consuming as their was enough product in one box to do all six windows with enough left to do a headlight and a half...lol...i stretched it to both headlights...

Couple of tips... Make sure your windows are super clean before you start. I used a vinegar and water solution and a mildly abrasive scrub pad. My windshield is brand new so that was likely overkill. Then I rinsed totally with clean water, then dried totally before opening the product. Can't stress enough to follow the directions... after each step I was re-reading the directions on the box..Did this like 8 times...lol..... This is not like assembling a new BBQ guys as some of the steps are time restrictive. Surprisingly I didn't have any left over nuts and bolts when I was finished. Totally the opposite of the last BBQ I assembled....
Oh yeah... have a bunch of decent lint free micro-fiber cloths on hand. I think by the time I was done I used 8 of them...

All in all, it worked out great and I am a happy camper as prior experience tells me how much I like this product. For any that installed this product a few years back, this is a bit different package and process but still easy if you follow the directions religiously... I'm pretty anal and it took me about an hour for all 6 windows and the headlights...

Got the opportunity to meet DougR from Trochu this morning as well when he picked up his order. Had a short social distancing chat and a promise to get together when all this is over.

Have fun doing your glass guys as theirs not a lot else to do in the world right now...

Thanks again guys for honouring your purchases. Much appreciated and a testimonial that with a little effort, group buys can work.


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