Diamon Fusion Ultra Glass Protection

You say it’s easy to do! Lol. Wife wondering if I could make a mess of it lol

If we try hard enough we can make a mess out of anything. I installed the 2 part product myself and it was easy breezy...lol. Good directions came with it. This is the ultra and supposedly three part but can't imagine it would be difficult if you follow the directions. Here's a youtube of the two part one that I used years ago. Couldn't find a youtube on the three part...I will email and ask the distributor if he has anything he can email me.

Could you also ask the distributor the shelf life? I may or may not change the windshield in my Vette as it got a good smack and chip last year. It still beads from some coating the previous owner put on (over 10 years ago!) so if I replace the windshield, it would be nice to have a coating on the new one as well, but if I don’t change the windshield, will the product be good next year? Or if I do the wife’s car this year, then mine next year, blah, blah blah....uncertain future decisions....
The distributor sent me these videos today. Obviously bored in self isolation as well as the rest of us. Anyway. Here's the updated application video for the ultra product and a couple vids of what I realized years ago and why I wanted to apply to my new windshield. Three more confirms and I will order for us.

Ultra driving in sleet

Mud and water

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