Current C8 production back log

When l went to Cullen on Oct 19th 2019 they said they had a lot of orders and said l would have to wait till Sept 2020 to get my ride.Their allocation was 89 Vettes before all the stiff hit the fan.At that time l was 126 on the list . l got a few calls when covid hit there where owners who started waffling about buying them and l turned them down because they were all 3LT loaded units that l did not want. l think now it was the rite move as all l wanted was a 1LT with 3 options. Now it seems that l may have made the right move because all want is Mag ride performance exhaust and that cool looking shadow grey (the dark grey). l already got a spoiler from an 2020 owner for a great deal who opted for the big giant spoiler for $200.Sol am set. So this winter l will get my 2021 Vette and l am 2nd on their list for a 2025 Zora. so the waiting game is a big part of my life people .
When l went to Cullen on Oct 19th 2019 they said they had a lot of orders and said l would have to wait till Sept 2020 to get my ride.Their allocation was 89 Vettes before all the stiff hit the fan.At that time l was 126 on the list . l got a few calls when covid hit there where owners who started waffling about buying them and l turned them down because they were all 3LT loaded units that l did not want. l think now it was the rite move as all l wanted was a 1LT with 3 options. Now it seems that l may have made the right move because all want is Mag ride performance exhaust and that cool looking shadow grey (the dark grey). l already got a spoiler from an 2020 owner for a great deal who opted for the big giant spoiler for $200.Sol am set. So this winter l will get my 2021 Vette and l am 2nd on their list for a 2025 Zora. so the waiting game is a big part of my life people .
Mark, If you can afford a $200 000 Zora why did you opt for a 1LT? My car is at 3300 status so should be built soon, it also is a 1LT but would have liked a 2LT for a couple more options (Rear view mirror, cooled seats, upgraded stereo, PVR ) but budget didn't allow the extra $10 000 as I have $10 000 in accessories coming ( wheels, cat delete, coatings, tint, side skirts)
When l went to Cullen on Oct 19th 2019 they said they had a lot of orders and said l would have to wait till Sept 2020 to get my ride.Their allocation was 89 Vettes before all the stiff hit the fan.At that time l was 126 on the list . l got a few calls when covid hit there where owners who started waffling about buying them and l turned them down because they were all 3LT loaded units that l did not want. l think now it was the rite move as all l wanted was a 1LT with 3 options. Now it seems that l may have made the right move because all want is Mag ride performance exhaust and that cool looking shadow grey (the dark grey). l already got a spoiler from an 2020 owner for a great deal who opted for the big giant spoiler for $200.Sol am set. So this winter l will get my 2021 Vette and l am 2nd on their list for a 2025 Zora. so the waiting game is a big part of my life people .

Are you in Niagara region or just buying from Cullen?
Mark, If you can afford a $200 000 Zora why did you opt for a 1LT? My car is at 3300 status so should be built soon, it also is a 1LT but would have liked a 2LT for a couple more options (Rear view mirror, cooled seats, upgraded stereo, PVR ) but budget didn't allow the extra $10 000 as I have $10 000 in accessories coming ( wheels, cat delete, coatings, tint, side skirts)
And lam sure l could sell it for a lot more than MSRP lf l do not like it to someone who wishes they made the same move as me. But for now l intend on driving the hell out of it. l have always learned from my mistakes like waffling on ordering my C8 too late .
which date you make your deposit ?
I put my “deposit” October of 2019 at WN. I hoped to get one this year, however I re-did my order and set for 2021 C8. My order was placed and order number provided.
I was told I was top 10 and I may get by end of this year or early next year... either way ... I waited long enough... I didn’t realize how hard it is to get one of these!!!!
I was on a list in early December 2019 for a 2020 but that was with a dealer who typically got a lot of trucks and not many Corvettes. Once I was told that realistically I'd be looking at a 2021, I then called around and found a dealer who'd purposely ordered around 100 2019 C7's, in order to increase their 2020 C8 allotment. They had 43 new C7's left for sale then (which has now gone down to zero). So I placed my deposit with that dealer on January 21/20 for a 2020 and got on a waiting list. I'll call that "dealer #2". I maintained my spot on the wait list of the first dealer and also got on a wait list with a third dealer, just in case.

I was told at the beginning by "dealer #2", they felt I'd likely get a 2020 but at that point, it was pre-COVID and they were expecting a good number of C8's. That dealer received 22 allotments initially, then another 4 and I still remained on the waiting list. Then some people cancelled and a few others decided to change to a Z06, so when the dealer got another 2 allotments (their very last ones) on March 13/20 I was promised one of them and put my order in on March 14/20 and luckily, dealer #2 created a "OrderWorkBench" that same day, so the order was sent to GM on March 14/20. I was told to expect the car around June and of course, that was just before the real COVID-crunch occurred which ultimately resulted in Bowling Green shutting down production. I was fortunate to get in just below GM's cut-off point since GM decided not to accept any further C8 orders later in March. I was fortunate to be at 3000 status, when GM later announced it would honour all 2020 orders that were at 3000 status or better. So now I'm sitting with a TPW of September 14/20 (expected delivery by the dealer in mid-October) but that was just over a month ago and today I asked my dealer for an update since several people on the Forum have had their TPW's were moved further ahead.

After GM accepted my order and I had an "order number" assigned, I cancelled my spots on the 2020 wait lists with the first and third dealers.

So the lesson I learned is to find not only a dealer who receives a good allotment of Corvettes, but also ensure you know where you are on the wait list and keep periodic tabs on what happens with that list, which is what many others on the Forum are telling people to do. Another suggestion is to get your order in asap when possible and also insure your dealer submits the order to GM right away after that. The only other advice I have is to belong to a local Corvette Club or if you don't have a Corvette yet (like me) then know someone who's in that Club that will put in a good word for you or refer you to the dealer, and choose a dealer who has affiliations with that Club, since that helped me quite a bit. If your dealer works closely with a Corvette Club, you'll have some sway because of all the business the dealer gets from Club members. It's a win-win scenario since that same dealer will see a lot of Corvettes and have qualified service personnel used to working on them too, so you're more likely to get good advice about Corvettes and good service on yours. So making sure the dealer places your order in to GM right away and the "Club angle" are new things which I've not seen anyone else mention on the Forum. Perhaps all this will help you out.

My concern now is for people waiting for a 2021. You'll have to contend with others who placed earlier deposits on a 2020 but got bounced, plus there's the shortened production time with 2021's not being made until (likely) January 2021. So I'm predicting a shortage not only of 2020's but also 2021's. We'll see. Good luck to everyone, getting your C8 and hopefully we'll not all face further COVID-inspired delays from now on and as the weeks turn into months...
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"Club Angle"?! You need to expand that statement...

My dealer agreed to take less than the usual (for my area) $5,000 deposit for a 2020 C8; I got away with $2,500 due to the local Corvette Club which my dealer had strong ties with, recommending me to that dealer. Then I was told they would consider that Club angle, when chasing GM for more C8 allotments and trying to better stick-handle one for me from GM. I think they viewed someone affiliated with a Corvette Club, as a more serious or dedicated Corvette enthusiast.

So that's the best and only answer you'll get from me "detective and let's make everything public...'Jack Raccoon!'". :)
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