Well I am sure they have it in their contract for one. Secondly, I am not sure it is without stress to work in that environment if you have to work with others that may give you Covid. It must take a psychological toll on a person. I certainly would not want to have to do it. I am sure that all precautions are being taken that can be, but still the spectre of illness would be in the back of your head. I am thrilled with the progress they are making, perhaps the only criticism I would make would be the long delay to ramp up the second shift. I would have thought that could have been done sooner. But we do not know the state of the supply vendors and parts. Clearly if they are still having parts shortages, then this is the reason why. I find it odd that both short shift days occurred on a Friday. I am thinking that they are deliberately shutting down an hour early on Friday to do a deep workstation clean and sanitization. Just that parts supply issues would likely be more random. Also if all parts vendors are back up and running now, they had a capacity to supply for 180 cars per day. So it would be odd that they could not supply parts for 80/day. Oh well, we will wait and hope for the best.