Current C8 production back log

If there are 7500 status 3000 including converts, that's 1.5- 3 months work for x2 shifts. So for Jun, July, Aug, all 3000 status are done
According to the production table all 7500 status, and first in line, would be done in 2 months!
In theory , Canada can expect 750 status 3000 cars including converts before end of Sept 2020.
I hope I`m in there somewhere.
Status 3000 C8`s for Canada is only a guess, I failed math in high school.
June 10th numbers
3294 - 3373 = 80

Looks like it's estimated they can build 17,600 more cars using the 800/400 per week numbers. But if they continue to produce 222~ per week that drops substantially to approx 5200 cars.

Hope and pray they get a 2nd shift going or that the Covid 19 work environment changes. Otherwise a few 3000 order cars will move to 2021s...
The bump from 72 to 80 cars per shift is significant to me. There is no reason why the second shift can't also get at least close to that number. Remember GM is also prepared to run 2020's for an additional 3 weeks into the 3rd week of November if necessary.
I heard from @ABC that Bowling Green wasn't shutting down for a break! lol.

Here was a link that the FB user provided as confirmation of continued work at BGA. Again not sure of validity, just sharing.

I'm a nobody. I depend on others for info like everyone else. They will be off for the 4th, but I'm hoping they work 4 days that week. That article has no date so who knows.
I agree that the article is from an unknown source. I, like you hope it may be true, an extra 4 days of 80 cars each would help the cause. We shall see. Keep feeding the numbers to us. I love the tracking. helps pass the time. If my TPW holds at 07/13 then my VIN will fall around 5200-6100. We shall see.
l have way too many things going on in my life so much that my Corvette Broker wants to be my best friend and l think they really like me and enjoy the idea of hanging with a 1%er that is really non killer . l love his life and his kids and his love of life (Just like l do). l met a friend and you know that l know who is a rat or a traitor . He has always been up front an honest even before he really got to see who l was. Just sit back and wait and for the cars to come when we ride down the road in our C8s we will shine and it all be worth it my Bros
Looks like parts supplies are still an issue.
3450 - 3508 = 59
The first shift is obviously capable of 80 per day so it's set at that. I am prepared for a second shift starting at 70. So I'm showing my whole spread sheet.
June 12's numbers (To the right) are a little sub formula so I don't make a subtracting error.

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